Sleep problems
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I don't know what to do i take 10mgs of paxil and 1mg of ativan at bedtime but i am still restless agitated not sleeping well crying keeping my boyfriend up.
What can i do please give me some advise to where i can get a betters night sleep i drink sleepy time tea before bed i take a long warm bath then a shower i even have another bath in the middle of the night then when i do go to sleep its morning
Please adive would help just feel like crying and getting angry at this whole menopause stuff
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d19606 susan21149
i got so upest and couldnt stop thinking about things all the time just things constantly popping up in my head to keep me awake it was driving me mad
i just stoped worrying about stuff
I do keep waking up still after iv droped off but i just stop tryi g to fall back to sleep and worrying and just dont know why i just had a better sleep this week.
maybe my hormones are changing again and im not having a sleep prob this week so bad as the last few weeks i duno, like just today iv started with a diff symptom its something different all the time. last week i kept waking ip and i was all clammy and wet round my chest and tummy on top of legs had to get changed then id be peeing every five mins.
im drinking herbal teas for sleep and im doing more i. day to make me more tierd, then im puting my ipad down and not taking it to bed with me which i was doing.
iv been told not to take sleeping pills as a nurse told. my fatherinlaw who had a stroke that he shouldnt as its real bad for yoy to take them.
so im not.
i think since iv stoped worrying about tryi g to go sleep its helped me
susan21149 d19606
EMT929 d19606
EMT929 susan21149
For my insomnia, I take Trazodone 100mg. One tablet. I'm generally asleep within an hour. Sometimes more. I have awoken after just 2-3 hours, but after I visit the bathroom and lie back down, I'm back to sleep pretty quickly. Ask ur doc about putting u one that instead of the other two medications. I haven't always been an insomniac. This is just recent-within the last 4-5 years.
susan21149 EMT929
i use to be on trazodone but it raised my heart rate my heart was always racing when i took that
EMT929 susan21149
Io had tried, I think, every single non-prescription sleep aid out there. Then, I finally told my doctor I was not sleeping at night. He had asked me what wS going on and told me I looked "wiped out". I was neat tears watching everyone have a good nights' sleep when I just couldn't get there, no matter how hard I cried about it. I found out that even when I'm not sleeping for like 3 days (by that, I mean, I took a 2 hour light nap n that was all the sleep I got for days at a time. My doc saw there was something wrong. He had wondered if I was avid in my meds. He did do blood work and realized I wasn't. So, again, near tears, I told him I wasn't sleeping and I was irritatable and short with everyone. He said he understood and, that's when he prescribed the Trazodone. It's 100mg and it WORKS! Yep. I was afraid it would stop working after a few days like everything else did, but I've been taking it for about 3 months now. Sometimes, it takes like an hour to make me feel tired, but I DO, finally, sleep! For at least 8 (eight) hours. Usually 9, tho.
EMT929 susan21149
Sounds like ur doc is using u and his other patients for Guinea pigs. Idk u or ur doc. I just think that docs need to prescribe mind-altering meds like Paxil MUCH less than they do. They can EASILY have an adverse effect.
When ur prescribed anything, look it up. Look up the side effects, cuz neither ur doc, nor ur pharmacist will tell u them. Ok? Do urself that favor.
I, myself, wasn't aware of things like that till I went to college and got my degree (just in time for me to not be able to use it. Can't sit or stand for any length of time because of the AS, Ankylosing Spondylitis.) I learned a lot of stuff and have been extremely interested in medical things ever since because I CAN understand it now.)
Make up wit ur hubby. We need them. I know mine keeps me sane. Lol. Their love and patience helps us thru. As for ur anxiety, I've had anxiety attacks before and I KNOW they're no fun. Some of the scariest pasty of my entire life. I've learned how to talk myself down, tho. U hafts talk to urself (even if it's out loud). Tell urself, " it's ok. It's not all of what ur thinking. Everything is going to be more ok than you think." Things like that. I know about the heart palpitations and the sweat in and hyperventilating, too. I've been there. I learned to talk myself through them the same way my sister used to talk me out of my fear when our dad was driving us across a bridge. Same thing. Ur comforting urself. Ok. Speak calmly to YOU. Ok? Take good care. Call ur Doctor, and see if he'll put u on the Trazodone. Ok? It works like a charm. And, I'll just bet that ur anxiety will calm down as soon as u out urself on a schedule of sleep. Take ur pill about the same time every night. Figure not to be doing anything but lying down. U shud be asleep within an hour. For me, the tv on and down where I can hear that it's on, but can't hear what they're saying. Like 'white noise'. It may help u. To me, anything's better than silence. Idk why, but that's the way it is for me. Good luck and lemme know when happens.
It's a pleasure to meet u.
susan21149 EMT929
susan21149 EMT929
susan21149 EMT929
Thank you for your advise
jackied68 susan21149
susan21149 jackied68
I drink sleepy time tea and take a couple of warm baths to help my body to relax it helped last night
I was on HRT messed up my diabetes and blood pressure and thyroid i have to be careful about HRTs because of my diabetes, my high blood pressure and my low thyroid.
Yes HRTs is fine but the warning with strokes and heart attacks i have to be more carful because of the diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea i am already at risk of strokes, or heart attaks because of this and adding HRT would put me at a higher risk than i already am
On the up side of HRTs it help people sleep and relax with some people
At least i do not smoke
jackied68 susan21149
susan21149 jackied68
It messes up everything when your on HRTs