Sleepless night

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Hi ladies,

Last night was awful! I was trying to lie down for the night and had the worst bout with a panic attack. I was lying there trying to drift off but I kept getting the chills and I was shaking and jerking with involuntary movements. I couldn't make my body stop. This of course set off my anxiety. I tried to pray, talk myself down to being calm. I tried to do deep breathing. It was like my body had a mind of it's own. I was afraid I was going to have a heart attack. It was scary. I finally drifted off to sleep but kept waking up periodically because I was afraid I'd have another attack. Anyone else ever get these shaking trembling jerky feelings with racing heart? So scary! 😳

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8 Replies

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    Many women find that insomina is one of the worst symptoms of menopause, the one that often makes them take the step to take HRT. I have never had any problems sleeping throughout peri because I am on amitriptylene for another condition. That condition has been gone for a few years but my dr told me to stay on ami when I started having meno symptoms - she said it helps with sleeping. My body was already adapted to ami, so it made sense. And it certainly did help.. I was having hot flushes every few hours in the day but I slept through the night despite multiple night sweats (which I know I had because they woke my hubby up). Who knows what else was happening to me in the night that I slept through. I am pleased I took my drs advice otherwise I thing I would be on HRT otherwise (the only other issue I had was vaginal atrophy, for which I use estrogen cream. Now the hot flushes seem to have stopped, I am gradually weening myself off the ami.

  • Posted

    Hellooo mam

    me too having shaking sensations in my lower part of body when i try to sleep...legs becomr restless and tired ....some times head vibrations too ....many nights i am not able to sleep and full day i feel tired ..

    sometimes racing heart symtom too

    i think its because of harmones fluctuations..

    Donot worry dear ur not alone


    • Posted

      Yes, it is so scary because you try to stop your body from shaking and it makes it worse. 🙄 Thanks for your support and understanding.

    • Posted

      Yes mam its very scary feeling

      thanks to this forum where we all get support of each other to over come peri.

      i wish this phase will over soon for all of us.

  • Posted

    yes! I've had one serious attack like this. I started to notice myself shaking, my heart started to beat faster almost instantly, my left arm went completely. I was so scared I woke my husband up telling him I was dying (hes a paramedic). I tried to get out of bed but my legs were shaking so much they couldn't hold me up, so I fell to my knees crying in fear. He calmed me down, kept checking my pulse, breathed with me for a long time & then just held me all night. I really thought this was lights out, however I have never had another panic attack like that, thankfully. I think its just our hormones & my imagination running riot with my body. I hope you don't have any more attacks, maybe speak to your gp if they continue.

    • Posted

      Thank you. I hope not either. Thank God your husband is in the medical field. That is a blessing.

  • Posted

    yes i had that few months back .was extremely scary feeling . head jerking when trying to fall asleep it happen few times then went away own its own .like you i was scared to drift of incase i had a another attack. hopefully settles for you to. At one time i couldnt rest my head on my pillow thats how bad the back of head was hurting. well thats not so bad now but have other issues which is making my life misreble to live. x TC

  • Posted

    hi there iv had this symptom on and off for 3 months now and its very scary iv even had the ambulance out on one occasion and apart from my bp being through the roof my heart was fine and i wasnt having a heart attack iam now going on meds for bp as since starting the menopause my bp has got stupidly high but all the rest of these horrid symptoms have been put down to peri menopausal anxiety due to lack of hormones iv only just gone back work after 8 wks off as i felt so crap with constant panic attacks waking me up in the middle of the night,i now go back to bed and watch tv and try to calm my breathing down easier said than done at 3am when everyone is fast asleep and you feel so alone but its getting easier i just tell myself iv been ere before and its not turned out to be something serious so just chill out and breath slowly my gp suggested antidepressants just to calm me down but i didnt want to go down that road so iam now having CBT sessions but iam not even sure thats any help only had 1 so far but all i got told was i need rest and to spend some me time and stop doing for others as iam burned out but i have 5 sessions booked so i will keep going for a while so good luck in your quest of a good nights sleep but rest assured its only panic and hormones and hopefully it will pass soon ,big hugs to you your not alone in this crap they call the menopause xx

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