Sleepless nights
Posted , 9 users are following.
I am having real trouble sleeping partly painful hip but mostly so stressed about op on 17th wish I could get over this anxiety !!!! Any tips please advanced hippies xxx
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Posted , 9 users are following.
I am having real trouble sleeping partly painful hip but mostly so stressed about op on 17th wish I could get over this anxiety !!!! Any tips please advanced hippies xxx
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miele55255ch vanessa88276
I can feel your pain!
One thing I tried was sleeping with a pillow between my legs. It seemed to take the pressure off my bad hip and lower back.
I was scared too but it wasn't as bad as I had expected. Had epidural with sedation for my anesthesia. Didn't see, hear, smell or remember anything from the time I left the pre-op room until I was in recovery.
My doc kept me pain free for a month with Celebrex and Percocet. You just have to learn to slow down and do what your doc tells you to do and not to overdue it.
Good luck to you!
vanessa88276 miele55255ch
shirley17649 vanessa88276
Sorry you can't sleep. Me too but it is not because of my hip.Just family stuff.
I use Panadol Night Pain which is very useful post op too.
The anxiety about your op is natural - it is the unknown.
Try to be as calm as possible. It is not a life threatening op but fairly routine and the surgeon and his/her team do it every day of the week.
Rest assured, you are in safe hands and you WILL come through this a stronger and better person.
vanessa88276 shirley17649
ginger54698 vanessa88276
vanessa88276 ginger54698
Rocketman_SG6UK vanessa88276
It's easier than you think - the pre-op nerves are the worst bit, especially if like most of us you have not had a major operation or hospital stay before.
You are in the best place - here, there is so much love and support on this forum.
If you want to be knocked out for the operation (seems popular), look in the "Related Information" on anaesthetic choices. Personally, I had the total opposite, I had a spinal with no sedation, I was pain free but awake for the whole thing.
The Hip Joint Replacements section tells you most of what is going to happen.
Best wishes
ScubaRob vanessa88276
I am about 2 weeks post-op; had my left hip replaced.
Sleep can be tough, especially as your date gets closer. I was nervous as well, but really, you've done all the hard work already. You likely have some blood work to be done the day before, but that is about it.
Try to relax; you're about to be put into the hands of a very practiced and wonderful group of people.
I expressed my nerves to the nurse that called 2 days prior, and she said to me, "That's perfectly okay. We understand it's a traumatic experience for you, but this is what we do every day, so try to relax."
That's the best advice I can offer. Let the worrying be done by the people whose job it is every day. They excel at it, and it will be over before you know it =)
vanessa88276 ScubaRob
Roxycturtle vanessa88276
MY fear was HORRENDOUS! I was having daily panic attacks. I am 3 days post op and it was NO WHERE near as bad as expected. I promise you. The nurses pre-op were so kind sweet and amazing. Once they gave me my spinal (felt less w that than I have most blood work) I as out. Don't remember a thing after that. Woke up in and out in recovery to everyone telling me it was done! I couldn't believe it!!! I was elated!
Now I am dealing w swelling and trying to go #2. Lol. That horrible alien in your hip is gone.
You will sail through this. Breathe. Offer it up and realize you are in great hands that will carry you through this. All will be as it should be soon. No more limp and pain when walking or sleeping etc.
Hugs and love to you lady. You got this.
vanessa88276 Roxycturtle
Savy_J vanessa88276
vanessa88276 Savy_J
renee01952 vanessa88276
Nothing we say will help you here - just read Roxy's post and oh boy, she was handful !!!
and look at her now ...
Sooooo, it helped me to just accept that I am scared and that it is OKAY to be scared -
big warm hug and come back anytime ...
tony30891 vanessa88276