Slimming World

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Hi, just wondered how many people are trying, or have tried, slimming world? I can't afford to join but am picking up tips from the internet and avoiding bread (my own choice as it has always stopped me losing weight). I am a little unsure about syns, well a lot actually, and healthy extras. I did have a book from a few years ago but cant find it now.

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42 Replies

  • Posted

    Sandy I follow slimming world but I have never been to a class I buy the magazines off my friend who is a member  she gets them cheaper than in the shops. I get the mags for motivations as reading other peoples success stories really gives me more motivation plus I like to try the recipes. I don't have any treats during the week then I might have a treat at weekend but nit over do it. When did you start the tablets?? X
    • Posted

      Hi Rachel, thanks for replying. Someone has kindly offered to send me a book as she has two, so hopefully I will get some more of an idea about what are syns and what is free etc. I have done pretty well so far just looking at the website and have lost about 5lb in 9 days, so now that has motivated me quite a bit I want to find out as much as I can. It would be nice to have a treat now and again and I am sure that would keep me going but this is the longest I have stuck to healthy eating in a long time. I am bed bound a lot with RA and suffer depression largely due to my physical illness so have put a lot of weight on lately. Initially I lost about 2 stone when I first did SW and it stayed off for a few years, but now that and a lot more has gone on, so I need to lose at least 3 stone. I feel it would definitely help with the illness, being bed bound is really not nice! Tablets? X
  • Posted

    Hi Sandy, check with your GP as a lot health authorities are giving

    Patients who are over weight free 10 week vouchers to attend either

    Slimming Work, Weight Watchers or Rosemary Conleys slimming


    I know Slimming World syn allowance is between 10 - 15 syns a day.

    They now do three plans. Red in which meat, fish and most veg are

    Syn free but you have to count rice, pasta and potatoes. Green rice,

    pasta and potatoes are free but you have to syn meat and fish.

    Amber where rice, pasta, potatoes, meat and fish are free.

    I hope this is of some help to you and wish you all the very best.

    • Posted

      Oh wow that's really interesting! Thanks Lenora! I hadn't even heard about amber days! Although I guess I have been kind of inadvertently been doing amber days.  I will ask my doctor about the vouchers too. - that would be great, my daughter could do with them too. I am certain bread affects her in the same way it does me, she has put a lot of weight on! Thanks again for advice x
    • Posted

      I do extra easy slimming works it's great x 
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      I think I may try that. I am getting some tips from a facebook site x
  • Posted

    You are very welcome and I wish you all the very best on your weight

    loss journey.

  • Posted

    Hi, I bought he whole pack from ebay for just a few pounds, i am going to give it a try in the new year. Good luck and please post any tips you havebiggrin
    • Posted

      Sorry just realised you meant the starter pack? Cant believe I never thought about looking there, I am on ebay all the time! I have gone off track a little, after losing ten pounds, but I know one thing for sure - if I eat bread I do not lose! If I avoid bread and have no sugar it drops off! So basically, I need to avoid bread, but I don't! I was, thats why I lost ten lb but I end up buying butties from aldi whilst shopping as I have usually missed breakfast and lunch by then cos I just cant be bothered. I know its a motivational problem I have and I know I can do it easily if I can just get into the right frame of mind! Goid luck to you too x


  • Posted

    I can empathize. With you as I gained a lot of weight during a long term illness and found it was more difficult to lose as I got older. As a nutritionist and serial dieter most of my life, some contradiction eh?  The best advice I can give you is try to keep motivated, once weight loss starts it usually comes off quickly at first ,the difficulty is keeping up the enthusiasm as it becomes a steady one pound a week. The main things to observe however is do not cut down further when this happens ats it is counter productive you must  eat the red amount of calories each day for your age and size. Cutting outbreak works well for mos people and in some cases may be all that is needed. Watch you eat enough good lean protein, at least 80 grams a day is rec. don't skip meals, even more small meals may work for those that get hungry.  Make yourself do some exercise, even if it's just housework or going for  walks, you can find that as you get used to this and lose weight you can increase the intensity too. The diet you are trying to work , works well for a lot of people and. I'd it for a time but I have always found that changing the diet now and then us the best long term policy, it seems to shock the body out of  its indifference to a diet , which seems to occur eventually and it avoids the boredom that you may feel on some diets. I like ones that tell me what to eat each day, as with advance shopping it avoids having the wrong things in the house  and when you know what you will be having for dinner  it saves you making a wrong decision based on how you feel during that mid afternoon energy slump. Your current diet allows great variety and for carb lovers it's good as they are not banned clement. For short term use the carb and fa free diets are very effective but quite strict so I would say. Stay on for only two weeks at a time. I can lose ten pounds on the Scarsdale diet which over the years has been the best for me, but that is strictly two weeks on and two weeks off. At the end of the day , to maintain your healthy weightless you have to build into your life style the good eating habits that come with most slimming diets , if you don't then obviously it will creep back on. A friend of mine kept her weight off indefinitely by more or less dieting during the week and letting herself go a bit at the weekends. If you can do without alcohol, that works wonders for weight loss. Without booze I can eat more liberally I find! Well good luck in finding what us right for you.
    • Posted

      Hi, thanks for message and advice. I will look up scarsdale diet and you are riht about changing things. Your body gets too used to the way you are eating and can stop losing. I do nt drink alcohol very often at all anyway and when I do its usually only one glass, but I literally go for months eithout any at all.

      i am off track at the moment and just want to enjoy christmas without thinking about it but I will definitely be getting back onto it right after.

      i always make spelling mistakes on this silly ipad and I hate it, as I pride myself on my spelling and get annoyed at errors, particularly in typewritten letters, they look so unprofessional! Lol

      a yway have a great christmas! X


    • Posted

      Enjoy your Christmas but don't use it as an excuse to gain weight. You don't need to worry about cals from alcohol clearly and the turkey dinner is basically fine , just watch quantity of roast spuds and any other high cal accompaniments.have plenty veg  and watch the nibbles between meals as really they are your only pitfall.  If like me you don't want anything in the evening after the big Christmas lunch, don't force yourself, listen to your body. I have lost  a stone and a half in the three weeks leading up to Christmas so it has made me more determined that whilst I am not dieting over Christmas, I am not going to throw away all my effort on rubbish like crisps snacks and chocolates. Back down to diet again between Christmas and new year and then back on track 1st jan. I'm 60 in September and plan to be back in my 14 clothes(I'm 20 right now) for my big party! Happy Christmas too
    • Posted

      One and ahalf stone in 3 weeks?!?! Blimey! That is amazing! Well I know i will have to take it easy with the spuds but I do so much veg that I will barely fit them on the plate anyway. Breakfast is my favourite on christmas day though. I do the works but is mainly protein and toms and beans, but I love to have a glass of fizz with christmas breakfast just to make it special. I have to admit I love mince pies so I am not going to deny myself and I will have to have a piece of christmas cake at some point, probably not on the day as U also love christmas pudding! Lol but it is only for one day and I wont be able to have huge portions anyway as my stomach and appetite have shrunk. My son actually cooked our tea tonight and it smells so lovely but I havent even been able to eat it yet (21.15) as I am still full from a sandwich - late lunch and that is all I have eaten today, literally nothing else, just drinks, tea and water and one diet coke. I am not bothered about chocolate these days and very rarely buy drisps, cant actually remember the last time I had any. So, once the christmas cake and pudding have gone, it will be all healthy eating again. Al my main meals are healthy, all made from scratch, just chicken or lean mince with a load of veg, spice and  usually rice - chicken curry (which is what my son has cooked tonight), spag bol, chilli, stir fry's, casseroles, keema, chicken pasta, tuna pasta. No fat used just a little olive spread to start it off. I love salads too and home made vegetable soups, especially mushroom so i know i can eat very healthily when I put my mind to it x
    • Posted

      Sorry that should have said I love christmas pudding! Lol i have no idea whether U do! Ha ha x


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