slow healing wounds?

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Since my symptoms started I noticed a drastic change in the healing process of my body. Generally I never had problems with healing. A wound in the mouth will take hours to get better, a scratch on the skin 1-2 days.

Now it takes forever. I had a dental work and it took me a week for the inflammation to subside.

The wounds, cuts I get on my skin are bright red for days. Then they get a bit darker and the color stays there.

Do you noticed any changes with mono? 


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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Christine,

    Sorry to hear that you are having troubles with wounds healing, it wasn't something thankfully that bothered me during the virus but I did get a lot of bruises and joint pain at times which seemed to linger. Maybe worth asking the doc for even a blood test as they can tell about your coagulent(?) healing or something from that I think (remember I'm no medical person just from some hazy knowledge in the back of my head).

    Hoping things get better Christine, still believing you will get there and hang in there.


    • Posted

      Hi Craig, thank you for replying. I had that test and the result was 23s while the normal range starts at 22. I guess mine clots too fast?

      Thank you for your kind words. All the best to you

    • Posted

      Oh I don't know anything about those kind of blood test results I'm afraid Christine, I would have thought maybe that was a good thing the quicker it clots?? I hope so anyway.

      All the best to you too smile


  • Posted

    Before I had mono, a simple cold would last me less than a week. Last month I caught one and it took me nearly 2 weeks to recover. There have been instances when I've had scrapes, bruises, etc on any part of my body and they would be there for weeks. 

    I've had bloodwork done in the last few months and drs say that my immune system is ok. So maybe it's just because I'm getting old and the older you get, the longer it takes for the body to heal... But I definitely can see a difference between now and then.

    • Posted

      Hi Dan,

      I had the same kind of experience when going through the virus, took me longer to get over colds and things like that - I think it can be common for any age group, I was 25 when I had the virus and had those kind of things happen but then my recovery time and general health returned to normal once I'd got over the horrible period of the virus - hoping and believing and agreeing with all prayers for your and everyone on the site's full recovery.

      Remember you are going to get there - hang in there and don't give up - but sometimes not giving up means rest too, it's okay to rest that's not giving up! Sometimes it's what your body needs best.


  • Posted

    Very strange symptom, I wonder if the body is too busy fighting a virus that it can't repair as fast as normal? I've just noticed I seem to be getting this too!

    I picked a couple spots on my leg, they scabbed over seemingly normal, but they seem to be taking forever to heal up. Also picked them both last night and they seemed to bleed longer than usual.

    Maybe it's just my anxiety imagining it. 

    (Changed my username in case you're wondering).

    • Posted

      Hey there It Ain't Mono,

      I hope these spots and scabs heal up soon, so frustrating these things for sure - yes it seems to make sense that if your body is under the weather fighting a virus then it can affect everything and maybe just your immune system is a little under the weather - things will return to normal though as things improve, hang in there I believe things will improve and thinking of you, whether it is mono or another virus, absolutely I believe God will bless and heal you and bring you through the other side - hang in there.


  • Posted

    Hi, just thought I’d let you know that you’re not alone in this. I’ve also noticed that a few scrapes are taking forever to heal, and there’s this little laceration on the inside of my nostril that just won’t heal. It has come and gone over the years but only lasted a day or two. But now its back again and it’s been bleeding on and off for over a week, might have to get it cauterised!

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