Slowing down for self-care in peri

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I’m about 4 years into peri, have had Crohn’s disease for 22 years, and have had bladder issues for about two years.  Everything I’ve been told by doctors for all three points to eating healthy foods, getting help for anxiety, and keeping up with my medical checkups.  I have struggled with all of it for so long, thinking I could just do as I wanted and things would fall into place.  But nothing is getting better by my doing that, of course.  I’ve begun to realize that my menopausal journey is trying to tell me that I must slow down.  Sugary and caffeinated foods upset my body now.  Rushing about just makes me anxious.  Not getting enough sleep makes it harder to get through the day.  Finding good doctors who really listen is of utmost importance.

I’m starting a self-care journal for keeping track of my health, diet and exercise as well as doctor visits and results.  The biggest issue for me is having a sense of control in a phase of life where so much is unpredictable.  So many people have told me to do the best I can possibly do with self-care now.  I see as I continue to struggle that good advice and counsel only help if I follow them.  

If anyone else journals or follows a specific self-care plan, I would love to hear from you.  I am serious about this because I have let a lot of things fall apart in my life and I know I can’t afford to give up on my health.  It has come down to understanding that I’m not young anymore and can’t get away with just doing whatever I want because it’s taking a serious toll on my mind and body.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Wishing you all the best during this process and please keep us all posted on how you are doing. Im fighting an anxious/apathy phase at the moment and trying to be kind to myself. I too cannot rush anymore, its hard to come to terms with sometimes. Sending positive thoughts your way.
    • Posted

      Thanks Lydia, that is exactly my issue, too, trying to find ways to feel better despite the apathy and anxiety.  The apathy really scares me sometimes.  We do have to be kind and gentle to ourselves as much as we can.  I see it as a sort of balancing act, the one side of the scale being all the good things we do for ourselves and the other side being the things we have to deal with like work and family and peri.  I feel there’s not enough balance and I want to fill up that good side of the scale each day with the things that are truly good for me.  I hope you continue to be kind to yourself, too.  🌸

  • Posted

    Liz, I have to deal with diverticulsis and been having close up flares and the antibiotics are horrible. Have you ever had to take antibotics  with Crohn's ? Do you have a ileostomy?  I think Meno is causing my divertiuculsis to be even worse! I am really DEPRESSED about the diverticulosis can't eat anything that doesn't scare the heck out of you working about a flare! The flares hit out of the clear blue! Meno on top of all the other stuff it's hard to get through a day!   :-(

    • Posted

      Hi Crosado, I am sorry that you are struggling with flares.  My Crohn’s is a mild case managed with medication, but it’s much harder to manage with peri.  I definitely have more issues with it and must cut out sweets and caffeine.  They make it much worse.  It is really worse with my irregular periods.  I’ve been lucky over the years not to have to eliminate a lot of foods but that is changing now.  It takes a lot more attention than before and I flare more easily, especially if I get too tired and eat too much sugar.  You are right, the combination of digestive disease and peri is a daily battle.  🌸

    • Posted

      I almost forgot - yes, I’ve had to take antibiotics with Crohn’s.  There are a couple of those that I tolerate okay, but others just tear my digestive system up.  

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