Small victory
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As like many of the ladies on this forum, I developed intense anxiety and panic attacks after my first migraine aura aka introduction into perimenopause. Previously, I had a MRI and CT of the brain.. Today, I had an MRA scan. I am not sure why I was nervous having done a similar scan a few short months ago, but I was. There was anxiety leading up to the scan and I almost pressed the "get me out of here" rescue button, but I didn't. I know it may sound absolutely ridiculous to some people, but I will take this small victory.
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pam90720 staci88515
staci! i am so proud and so happy for you!!!!
i totally understand small but BiG victories!!
baby steps friend!!! hugs friend!!!!!❤❤
sunaina1983 pam90720
Baby steps..hihihi..sooo sweet ..loved it 👏👏
staci88515 pam90720
Thanks friend!
sunaina1983 staci88515
woow dear..Well Done......nice ur able to do it ..👏👏
Me too these days pushing and forcing myself to do things which my anxiety tell nooo ur not able to doo and after doing small things i feel good that finally i did it.
one lady in this group give me motivation..that if ur not able to do walk feeling off balance and little bit ..try at least and when u will do u will feel good.
One more good lines i remember friend here wrote once..i will not allow my symtoms to control my life...
This group is Blessing to me..i learn soo many things from all ..How to handle symtoms to motivate myself each day
I feel lucky to be connected with all ladies here ..who always listen me give me power to handle scary syntoms of peri.
Thank u all
staci88515 sunaina1983
Thanks friend! This forum is wonderful.
tracy43395 staci88515
Well done. My anxiety and migraines have left me housebound. I only attend medical appointments and never go anywhere alone. Been like this for 4 years now.
staci88515 tracy43395
I really feel for you. On the days when I have a migraine, I am housebound as well. As for the non-migraine days, I am fearful of having another one.
lina19 staci88515
well done! i too get a feeling of victory over things that i might have done without even thinking twice, like taking a flight!! i have flown atleast a 100 times, even 14 hour non stop flights. but recently taking a 2 hour flight was such a challenge. but..i DID it and it felt like i conquered something! 😃 i keep challenging myself on things that wd otherwise make me uncomfortable to do. In the "anxiety" world, it is called "desensitization". u can google it. friends, if its a small block, please do push urself a little. u will be surprised that u can! good luck.
and sunaina wrote....coming on this forum is like gaining back my strength. the ladies here are soooo understanding and patient. thanks to all. love u all. i pray that all of us feel normal one day soon.... that too forever. the world is so wd be shame to be locked up in this menopause stage fr long! i wish there was a mantra to eliminate it fr good! 😃
staci88515 lina19
I once read, "There is no way around anxiety...only through it." I try to think of that when I am feeling particularly anxious.
Gypsy014 staci88515
It is so crazy how alike all of us womans situations are.. Good for you making it thru. I had my MRI for my horrible migraines and vertigo and dizziness not to long ago and I held that panic emergency button so tight without squeezing it, can't tell you how many times I almost got myself out of there, I thought I was going to die in there and to be honest I don't think I could ever have another one done, the buzzing around my head from those magnetic machines had sweat pouring out of my armpits and hands I was so nervous and all the while having the worst palpatations it was awful.. But at the end I knew I needed answers and wasn't going to do that test again..
staci88515 Gypsy014
Yes! I was covered in sweat and the tech was a nice looking guy. Hahaha!!! Oh, and the earplugs and headphones only amplify my pounding heart. When the scan was over and I sat up, I was all dizzy. I feel bad in a way because I know that people deal with a lot more and endure invasive procedures. I feel like a wimp.
claire38123 staci88515
well done to anyone who rides the tide of menopause,i congratulate myself every day when i manage to do a full shift at work without that feeling of running from anxiety and being in a safe place ,hot sweats palpitations, dry mouth,dizziness and feeling totally crap wants us all to run and hide but anything we achieve at this time of life is amazing and we should be so proud, bloody hormones have a lot to answer for making us all feel like we are loosing the plot and cant cope with things we have done for years without a second look so big hugs to you all xx
staci88515 claire38123
Thank you friend! Do you notice that you feel better when not at work? I feel like my worst symptoms occur during the work day, which is odd because I am so busy at work, I barely have time to think.
pinkcatfairy staci88515
Well done Staci!, like you, as you know, I have those awful auras and I felt exactly the same, practically sheer terror when going for the scan! I really had to push myself to have one xx
staci88515 pinkcatfairy
Yes...sheer terror is right! Last we spoke, you were doing better. I hope that is still the case!! Thanks for the support!!!
pinkcatfairy staci88515
Yes touch wood!