Smelling smoke/ gas and its not there
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For the past 3 days i have been smelling smoke/gas smell that is not in my home. No one else smells it. I am scared out of my mind. A friend of mine said she knew a woman going through menopause that had it at times. She told me not to worry. but this new symptom has me going crazy with the rest. I cannot take this anymore. Has anyone had this happen to them. I am having a really bad day. God help me
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Guest hopeforever
Yes! I have times when I smell cigarettes. I have also smelled natural gas at times too. So odd.
heather29740 hopeforever
This is not new to me, but strangely I don't seem to have much sense of taste either everything seems quite bland to me. I am four years post menopausal but it's the first time someone has said about smelling gas.
Some days you wonder when the men are going to suffer the same as us. Mind you when his team got beat last night and he was miserable I had a wee glint in my eye.... try feeling awful daily.
I love him to bits but if I hear one more time I wish I could help and then his heads right back to the telly.
Hope you feel better soon.
AJacynM hopeforever
Don't panic darling, I've heard of others having this kind of thing too.
I realise it may seem an odd symptom to you but it does happen.
It is hell this menopause malarkey but one day we'll all be through it, hang in there.
Sending you a big hug today.
Keljo48 hopeforever
I didn't smell smoke or gas in my house, but a faint smell of hot electrica/burnt plastic smell that no one else could smell.. But it worried me to death. I couldn't tell where it was coming from.
My husband said to call the fire department because they have special equipment to help detect if there is a problem. I didn't do this, instead I called our A/C peeps because I thought the smell might be coming from the vent. Of course they didn't smell it either. But they did adjust some equipment and that smell is no longer there only to replace with another faint unpleasant odor. I just put a room freshener sprayer so I don't drive myself batty with my new super keen sense of smell.
Thank you ladies for your reply. It does put me at ease. I hate googling symptoms because the worse illnesses imagine come up and sends me over the edge thinking that i have some illness. This whole thing has me going crazy. Everyday it seems like something new. Thanks again Hugs
juanita93228 hopeforever
Don't Google, it will have you dying of something every time🙄
susan39015 hopeforever
HI,yes its awful. Not only do i have moments like that my sense of smell is off the charts strong its killing me. One of many symptoms. Do you also feel like you have a lot of post nasal drip? And pressure in your head/face like your nose and eyes?
hopeforever susan39015
Susan every symptom that you mentioned. I hate the smell of gas smoke the most. It makes me sick to my stomach and drives me crazy knowing that others cannot smell it. Had it for the past 3 days, hoping that it will soon go away. Hugs
Livvvy hopeforever
Hello if you do a search on this forum, I put a similar question on a few months ago and got some helpful responses. I have just learned to live with it - now I know I'm not going mad. I still record it in my phone as it comes on for a few days every month.
juanita93228 hopeforever
I have smelled cigarettes and ammonia. You're not crazy.
tmpearce hopeforever
I have episodes of smelling cigarettes. It will last for a few days then go away for several months and come back again. I had scan of head and sinuses and all normal. Many women here have mentioned smelling smoke or cigarette smoke through this menopause journey. One time I was sure I smelled gas and was convinced we had a natural gas leak in our home. The gas company came and checked and there was no trace....thank heavens. Just another menopause issue to live with...uggg.
samantha98102 hopeforever
Hi there yes i get this i smell like a sulpher smell or the smellmof something burning quite often. Just another crappy thing to have to tolerate
sunny37321 hopeforever
hello, I have also been smelling smoke for almost a month now, it's driving me crazy. and I am only 21, every time I google it it says tumor, stroke, epilepsy. IT makes me very anxious.
hopeforever sunny37321
It can be your hormones honey. But for reassurance go see your dr. Do not google