So confused...

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I am officially back to work today after a solid month off. I will be working 40 plus hours a week as I have no choice. But I am not better at all, symptoms come and go. My back has been killing me the last few days, i have sharp breast pain in both that comes and goes, no appetite still and when i do eat i get this weird feeling of like heaviness in my throat or chest...i also feel like i have a sore throat happening. Ive also been experiencing some sharp abdomen pain, and pelvic pain that comes and goes. I am really struggling here and I feel depressed. I take my anxiety medicine everyday and see my counselor weekly, she says to just use this group for support as no one in my life understands how i feel or what im going through. I just feel sad with life lately, and like I am never going to get better ever....

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    You will get better Ashlie, but you wont get better asking about every single symptom you have. You are wanting to get better overnight but our bodies dont work that way. Ive been ill with mono for 6 months now. Theres people on here that have had symptoms for a year and even 2 years and some even longer. You need physical and mental healing. Start by following the suggestions of others here. Take multi vitamin, stay really hydrated with water, try to eat clean, try out vitamin b12 shots if you can afford to spend around 20 -25 bucks per week. The b12 has helped me with my fatigue, mood, and depression. Also vitamin D helps with brain fog and depression as well. You will heal and get better but only if you believe you will. Try your best to keep stress low ok. Im 6 months in and ive definitely been depressed. Im a 33 year old man, husband, and father of 2 young girls. Theres times where my depression took control of my life to where i would cry in my truck on my lunch break because i just couldnt understand how i got this and why im not healing fast enough. We have all been there. Im making progress in month 6. You will heal i promise you. Just give your body time and take care of it. If you need anything feel free to PM me. If theres something i can help with i will.

    • Posted

      I'm also 6 months in and 33 y.o. I'm a wife and a mom, My baby girl is 16 months old, but I don't need to get back to work asap (thank God). I can only imagine how hard it is to have to go to work and provide for your family going through this. Hang in there!

    • Posted

      Awe i couldnt imagine! This illness is terrifying. i couldnt handle work it was to much for me. Thank you so much I hope you feel better soon❤

  • Posted

    you will get better, but not right away. hang in there, rest as much as you can, especially since you're back to work. most of my symptoms improved, but it took 6 months and i'm still struggling at times. just try to accept the fact that it's gonna take a year to see major improvements – it helped me to stop obsessing over every symptom and to move on.

    • Posted

      yeah same for me. I was a wreck when i was searching every symptom it was destroying my life i almost lost my job. Which would suck for me cause i need to provide for my family. i just keep pushing through and its still really hard...

  • Posted

    yes it causes terrible depression ! messes with your mind in a bad bad way! make sure you REST REST REST thats the only way to get well.

    im in month 22 and NEVER thought it would take this long i was superfit never got sick ... . however i kept reading from others that the 2nd year is easier . so figured 2 years which has been right .

    its an AWFUL virus that can make the strongest of men weep and cry for help ....but theres no cure eat well and vitamins will help you not get a cold or flu on top of this.

    • Posted

      i was a grown man shedding tears in my truck on my lunch break i was breaking down mentally. That lasted a month before i got help with my depression. It was rough...

    • Posted

      oh yeah ive had about a 100 breakdowns ! my ex husband had to come and stay with me a few nights a week as i couldnt be alone and i love living alone . this went on for about 8 months .

      i was so so tired but couldnt sleep .... id go to church and hold onto the wall to get to the candles ... begging and crying for God to help me. i was so ill faint dizzy .

      my ebv friend would just sit in his truck outside his house just to get out of his house . people end up in psych wards too . its a b***h illness .

  • Posted

    Thank you to all of you. I truly appreciate it so much. I am just super depressed and feel like i have no one right now or no one who understands me anyways. Im also stressed about my blood work because i have super elevated platelets and i dont know why...

    • Posted

      Elavated platelets depending on how elavated isnt that big of a deal. Could be your bodies response to stress, a common cold, sinus infection and you could be low on iron. Have that rechecked in a month or so. If on meds could be the meds elavating it.

    • Posted

      i was sure i had shingles.. neuropathy .. you name it !

      This virus can affect you in very strange ways i had a massive burn mark appear on my leg .. sleepwalking ... back pain ... massive massive weight gain rashes trembling hands vomiting and barely ate ?? could not eat .

      i would say keep up on your bloodwork as yes the virus can cause other problems .

      its affected my thyroid and now my liver .. hoping things straighten out once im fully better but id rather know so i can address it .

    • Posted

      your story is similar to mine in terms of symptoms. Ive had neuro symptoms that really suck. I hate this damn virus

  • Posted

    The platelets are not super elevated. But they're elevated i figured it might be my bodies response to this as well. I feel so bad for all of you. This virus is literally awful and I cant believe all the bad things it does to everyone. So much more than the typical symptoms they tell you.

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