So confused if this is menopause
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Hi I have been through hell past 3 months .. I haven't had a period for a year. Spotted in October very little.. December starts with feeling of lump in throat told reflux.. then the nausea, hot flashes, spacey brain fog feeling, headaches, blurry vision, not sleeping ...started seeing doctors. Because the nausea increased ( now I believe was my anxiety over having cancer) did it but. Because of it I have lost over 20 pounds in 2. 1/2 months.. so needless to say they thought I had cancer .. I have had a cat scan of pretty much my whole body, endoscopy, blood work.. all they found was reflux and a hiatal hernia... I went to mg gyne first and was told she thinks it's gastro problems because menopause causes you to gain weight not lose weight .. so 5000.00 dollars later here I am with a prescription for Prozac and an appt with the gyne next week.. I am so discussed I took a leave from work and am trying to pull myself out of the funk I'm in.. I'm scared to take the Prozac (low dose) so I think I'm gonna wait till I see the gyne to see what she says.. I had my fsh blood test and it was 113 😳Says postmenopausal.. what do you all think!!! I'm a mess
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gailannie amber29446
Not sure this will be much help, but I'll try. First, your FSH is very obvious. You are in menopause. Your brain is pushing off plenty of Follicule Stimulating Hormone, because it is feeling the lack of estrogen and trying to get your ovaries to work.
Now are these other issue related? What doctors will admit is that menopause will create hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal atrophy and dryness.....but beyond this, forget it. However what all women know, is that menopause changes us in every way possible. Our sex steriods effect every organ, including our brains. It effects our skin, hair, nails, sleep, anxiety, and even our personalities. So if you ask whether some of these new problems can be related, my answer would be "of course" But the only thing doctors will treat are hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal atrophy and dryness. That's it.
amber29446 gailannie
Thank you for a reply.. I have been thinking this the whole time and have done my own research online and have found other people with the constant nausea ,lightheaded Spacey, loss of appetite. (Weight loss) that has been dismissed as a menopausal symptom.. I am just confused as to what to try the Paxil route or the possible hrt route that my gyne may offer me next week?? I hate taking medicines but I can't live like this any longer. My life is at a stand still.. I don't go anywhere any more cause I do t want to make plans in case I feel terrible that day... I have made myself crazy!! Literally!! I am forcing myself to eat at this point which is helping actually with the nausea so this week I haven't lost any more weight ( never thought I would be happy I didn't lose weight in my life!!!!) so if the fsh is 113 and the range says I'm postmenopause everything I have read has said symptoms should ease on postmenopause.. however I have extreme terrible symptoms still!! Is this normal
gailannie amber29446
Yes it is normal. There are some women who go through a short period of odd symtoms, others that it last for years on end. And then there was me, I never really felt anything when I stopped my periods.
But it seems that what we don't understand, is that there is a level of estrogen that will stimulate the uterus and create periods, below that level you may not be having periods, but ARE STILL PRODUCING ESTROGEN. Just not enough to create periods. Some woman have strong ovaries that will produce enough for several years, so symtoms are kept to a minimum. But as we contnue to age, our levels continue to decline.
There is a huge differences between woman who's natural production is at zero the minute they end periods, and those women who have a blood level of 50pg/ml for several years in menopause (meaning they also are not longer having periods).
It sounds like you were a lot like I was, with dwindling period cycles and a slow progression down. I never had a hot flash. And most of the other symptoms were things that I didn't connect the dots to menopause.
julie7525 amber29446
Hi Amber, im 15 mths since last period and been through all you describe, stomach problem for last 2 yrs, excess gas, constant burping, acid reflux, heartburn, palpitations, dizziness,hot glasges, night sweats,painful joints, panic attacks, high anxiety, health anxiety due to all the testing and waiting for results. Now on antidepressants for anxiety, hrt patch, betablockers for panic attacks. It all escalated at new year to panic disorder and nocturnal panic attacks. 9 weeks on meds and ive improved no end but still a way to go and have ok and bad days still. CBT with a therapist helps challenge the negative thinking to break the anxiety loop.taking magnesium, Vit D, B complex. Who would have thought that menopause could be so debilitating? My sympathy to all those struggling, but at least we're not alone & we're here to support each other and reassure each other that it will pass and there are things available that can help us get through it the best we can.
amber29446 julie7525
Thank you for your reply julie
I cannot believe that this is menopause!! All I ever heard was hot flashes, mood swings and gain weight!!! I wish that's all I got!! I have become someone I don't know!! I'm so glad I found this forum.. I know this will help get us through this 😕 Thanks you so much and I hope u have more relief of your symptoms soon
kya85 amber29446
I too had extreme nausea and digestive and bowel issues along with anxiety and the usual meno symptoms. Hormones have an impact at cellular level including the GI tract. I too was convinced I had something wrong mind you at one point Drs suspected Crohns which didn't help! It turned out to be meno, I didn't see it coming because of a hysterectomy when I was 29. I didn't eat much for about a month due to this it was like I couldn't swallow I lost 2 stone during this time due to meno. We are all different and react differently like when they tell us morning sickness goes after the first trimester pant does it I had it for 7 months 24/7. So go with your own instinct hope you get some relief.
amber29446 kya85
kya85 amber29446
I couldn;t haveHRT due to other health issues, and I probably wouldn't have gone that route as it is really delaying the inevitable(only my opinion), plus symptoms usually come when you stop HRT anyway. The nausea slowly got better but it lasted around 6-7months I just nibbled what I could and sucked alot of ice chips. I guess really the turning point for me was after my 7th visit to hospital and by then they were saying it was my thyroid still out of ranges ( diagnosed hypo-T when 31) and wanting to me to stop meds again that I decided to pay privately to see and endo. He basciaclly told me it was all cobblers (his words LOL) that I could have had PI-IBS and/or meno. I decided to see a therapist to sort out anxiety and panic attacks, once I accepted it was meno I slowly improved. I'm not saying its been easy somedays has been a struggle. But now the anxiety etc is gone, my stomach plays up now and again but nothing like before. The only thing I have now is nightsweats which keep waking me up which in turn cause fatigue and headaches, but at least the insomnia has passed. I did try soya, sage and lavender oil capsules can't say if they took the edge off symptoms or not but now I only take multi and b vits and a magnesium supplement. I also go out walking everyday now that I am over my agrophobia and have taken up Tai Chi (this was more for relaxation due to sudden loss of my husband). I hope you find something that works, just remember hang in there it will get better but could take a while, good luck x
Guest amber29446
Hi Amber, I hear you loud and clear. My hell started in April diagnosed with chronic gastritis and partial hiatal hernia, then in August with a constant sore throat and lump in my throat, and waves of not feeling well. ENT thought silent reflux. I dropped many things out of my diet (meat, dairy, gluten, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, etc..). I lost 30 pounds very quickly. I kept getting sicker and sicker, like a shaky, dying, old 100 year old lady. I've had a constant pain in my upper left back, lots of trouble breathing. Had every test imaginable, just like you, and was convinced (and still not sure) that's it's cancer. I'm 52, still get my period although it's hasn't been normal in awhile. I hired a private concierge doc who found out I had a bad gall bladder so I had that out, but it didn't solve my symptoms. A naturopath found I had low ferritin, which I'm sure since I wasn't eating anything! So I've added back to my diet all that I've cut out and am taking iron and other supplements. Some of the symptoms disappeared like the eye flashes, internal shakiness. Now on top of all that I've got a frozen shoulder AND just had another mammogram and ultrasound and am filled with painful cysts, one is about 3 inches wide, who needs breast implants when you've got giant cysts? I'm in total hell. I've been tracking my symptoms and starting to see a trend in when I feel kind of normal.
My private doc said there is nothing wrong with me and referred me to a psychologist and also prescribed Lexapro (which I haven't taken). Isn't it great when doctors say it's all in your head? My new GYN (old GYN said there is no sense testing hormones because it won't show anything) put me on oral progesterone but I only took if for 7 days and was convinced I was having side effects so went off. I'm now considering going to a specialist who deals with bio-identicals.
I've had heart check, brain-neck-spine-thoracid-carotid-breast MRI's, chest xrays, CT scans, vaginal ultasounds (full of cysts there too!), numerous bloodwork, shoulder MRI and xrays, ERCP. Have seen cardio, endo, gyno, ortho, seeing rheuma
and new gastro in a few weeks. It's just exhausting.
It's definitely perimenohell!!!! And I sure hope it gets better on the other side. Scary when you say you haven't had your period in a year. God, just shoot me now.
Trishann amber29446
I'm 43yo and was told I was post menopausal! My labs showed I was in the range, my doctor says nothing to do its part of the transition. My symptoms are similar, periods are off drastically. Haven't had one in 4mths and getting the cramps ! Oh and the anxiety is really bad. I refuse to take anything but wish there were natural solutions which I have yet to find.
pinkcatfairy amber29446
Dear amber
I have a hiatas hernia and in peri with all the added reflux etc I started feeling nauseous and lost my appetite and I went on to have gastitis which can happen in peri, it took some time to clear. I lost quite abit of weight and I too thought this doesn't happen in menopause, I thought you gained weight! My healtha anxiety went through the roof, I asked for an endoscopy and it showed the gastitis. I suppose us having a hiatas hernia makes us more prone to these things with all the increased acid reflux! I went on ppi (acid reducers for a while) which eventually cleared things up. I had to ease up on caffeine, fatty foods and alcohol which all makes things worse! X
Nita1960 amber29446
I Amber
you are not alone in this.
Im 56 and about 18 months ago Ibhad severe nausea and went from. Sixe 16 to 10/12 in about 3 months. I worked for Gp and all he kept saying is you have lost a lot of weight is it intentional and all staff saying have you lost more weight. I was his other but not once did he link it to menopause or send me for blood tests. I didn't either. I had lost my Husband about 12 months prior to that and reduced my hours. The nausea cleared after 4-5 months. Now I'm left with anxiety and insomnia. Your symptoms are symptoms we all or most of us have. I believe some ladies have a lot worse. You are normal amber. Try not to worry, although I have phobias, some days worse than others. Yesterday I was convinced a lorry wasn't going to stop at junction and cried out nearly causing my husband to emergency break. It was in my head. I hate being in the car!!!! I hope you feel better soon and reassured that you are not alone. It's 5am and I'm up with my little dachshunds watching shopping channel "sad eh" ha ha. But it's so peaceful, listening to the birds and having unconditional love from a pet, they keep me going. One of your replies says Gp's will only treat the known menopause symptoms. She is right. Mine gave me antidepressants of which I haven't started after 2 weeks, even after I told her I'd come of them 3 years ago after 30 years of taking them for pmt. ????? Like you, we all want to be normal and we are it's a change in our bodies but it's a blood horrible change for some of us. Take care Amber, be well.
Thank you all so much for the replies.. I don't feel so alone right now .. I just can't understand why the doctors don't get a red flag that this is what can happen in menopause?? I mean every doctor ii have seen questioned that I have not had a period in a year at the age of 44 .. but never put my symptoms to menopause?????i have even had prolactin test to see if I had a tumor on my pituitary gland that stopped my periods.. this is so unfair that our bodies turn on us like this 😞 I really believed I was losing my mind when every test came back negative it just added to my health anxiety.. I had no answers other than the doctors questioning my stress .. I kept saying I have been under a lot more stressful periods in my life than right now.. so I put it down to I am NUts!!! But no thanks to you all and my own research!!! I am in menopause!! So thank you all!!! I am going to hold off on taking the Prozac I was prescribed until I go and talk to the gyne next week ( the one that said my symptoms aren't menopause) I will keep everyone posted. Thank you
Nita1960 amber29446
I find it astounding that a Doctor/doctors did not test you for menopause as first port if call instead of putting you through all that anxiety and stress. How disgusting. More so poor you. It's common knowledge that women between the ages of 40+ up to 50+, I was 54, can start menopause at any time. If I were you I'd change my doctor. I hope you get on ok. Good luck. Take care. Anita