So I’m not crazy?

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This is the first time i have read stories that sound like mine. Every couple of months im in the ED because i literally think i am dying. i have chest pain, brain telling me for sure its a heart attack and then my BP spikes from anxiety so then im really sure. ED....hearts fine. My joints ache and pop. Once i get in my head with health related anxiety I cant get out. All tests come back normal and I feel good until the hormones change again. Its so frustrating!

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Your not alone have had every symptom under the sun, everyday I think I'm slowly dying,had blood tests scans all normal hooray for menopause NOT!!!!! hang in there luv and god bless xx

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    If your crazy then I am too. 😃 I remember when I never worried about my health. Headache? Took acetamenophen. Side pain, just thought it was a one off. Now years later after horrible peri and now in post menopause hell. I have debilitating health anxiety.

    I get leg pain and I swear my brain sends messages to the rest of my body. "Hey the leg hurts, how about you armpit? How about you stomach? We don't want to let the back to feel left out. While we're at it let throw in a weird headache and lets bump that leg pain up a notch to joint pain so she can't walk...don't forget the ankles. Hey lets add a yeast infection/ intermittent bv to the mix. The grand finally lets get the heart involved. Some skipping and racing and anxiety"

    Yeah that is my brain on menopause. Then I worry is this a precursor to a heart attack or cancer. I can't sleep but I don't want to get out of bed.

    I need make a t-shirt that says This is the face of menopause and below has every emotion emoji. Scared, angry, crying, depressed, confused, dazed and hurt etc.

    I don't feel I would be here today if it wasn't for the wonderful women on this site.


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    I am also crazy. started 7 years ago with all this mess. At first was in and out of ER 4 times thinking heart attack. Now I can usually calm myself. Not always though. My counselor said find your supports and ramp them up when it starts getting bad. Exercise. meditation, sleep, friends, massage, breath work, are a few of mine. This blog also helps a lot. Makes me feel more normal and less crazy. Good luck.

  • Posted

    My health anxiety is absolutely debilitating. Every symptom, no matter how inconsequential, can lead to hours of googling, multiple appointments, and terrifying frustration. As Keljo says, it is menopause brain for sure.

    For me, I also have a trauma history and deal with PTSD. My therapist and I are working on separating what is perimenopause health anxiety and what is trauma related catastrophizing. (sp?) Those of us with trauma histories are "wired" to be anxious and, for me, this might be a new way the PTSD shows up.

    I would absolutely buy one of those T-shirts!

    Love to all of you!

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