So I saw a new Gynae today about my hormones
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i gave him my symptom list: headaches, migraines, exhaustion, sleep problems, nausea, increased indigestion,wanting to be alone, irritated with the whole world, crying at the drop of a hat, dizziness, ringing in my ears, pelvic pain, itchy dry skin, memory problems, body aches, joint pains, uncomfortable vulva, weight gain, hot flushes and night sweats.......He looked at me and said only hot flushes, memory problems and headaches are due to menopause (out of my list)..... What the...! Seriously? Are they all soooooo out of touch with what we are really going through....!!?? (Just need to have a rant)😝😔😬😖😫
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Sochima822 Guest
Never and I mean NEVER go to a male doctor with your hormone issues. They follow the textbook of whatever the medical industry is telling them at that time. I go to an all female clinic that the minute I said I was crying at hello, she said let's put you on low dose birth control pills and see how you do?
Other female doctors I've spoken to are not out of touch and they can relate to the symptoms since they have other women come in with the same complaints. I suggest you find yourself a female clinic or doctor but always ask if they're familiar with women entering menopause before booking an appointment.
Guest Sochima822
liz67338 Guest
Couldn't agree more with Sochimas advice..the 2 male doctors at my surgery had me in complete despair with their advice in past - one saying lack of ostergen wouldn't cause some of the awful sypmtoms and the other once saying I'm being neurotic! After feeling like I had to fight for it finally got referred to a female gynae last year after numerous health tests to work out what was wrongand thinking I was dying as according to Dr's what I was going through couldnt be hormone related.
Guest liz67338
yes they love playing the 'neurotic' card, don't they!😡 I must say, though, I've been to some awful female doctors too....I think it's just doctors in general not looking at the big picture.
Sochima822 Guest
The best way to approach doctors on this subject is and also to make them feel you are not some idiot off the street who doesn't know anything is to say: I've read on a couple of medical websites on hormones and some say low dose birth control and HRT helps diminish some of the symptoms that I'm experiencing now that I'm in perimenopause and entering menopause. THEN say: What have you read? Then say; I'd like to try some of the recommendations I've read. Believe me they won't take you for stupid and you'll leave feeling better you came in informed.
oops: .... now that I'm entering perimenopause and headed towards menopause. THEN.....
Nita1960 Guest
just read your "rant" I believe you. Panic attacks, palpitations, crying, feel so lonely. I'm 56 went 12 months without period then had one normal, now stopped again? No energy, can't sleep. Feel unhappy and don't know why. Could fall out with myself!! Gp says HRT or antidepressants. Don't want HRT because of risks. Nobody seems to want to understand, especially the professionals. Do you have history of pmt? I do and it has been said if this is the case then the menopause will be bad!!! Great
Guest Nita1960
Yes I had bad pmt and some post-natal depression too.....I have also read that connection with a worse menopause 😩
Nita1960 Guest
My Gp put me on Clonidine, it does help with palpitations and flushes somewhat, have you tried this, it might help you. Hope you start to get some real help. Do you have family, friend support? This is what I miss, I retired at 55 because of a bitch of a manager, lost that work support and have only my Mum who is 80 and Husband, no family. If you have close friends reach out for someone to talk to, don't bottle it in, be well.
gailannie Guest
Physicians are taught very little about menopause in school. It's about as simple as: Give her Premarin if she doesn't have a uterus, give her Prempro if she does have a uterus. That's pretty much it. So no surprise if they don't understand all the mulittude of things that are effected by these hormones. Sorry Kiddo! It hurts to not be taken seriously, and made to feel like a hypochondriac.
Guest gailannie
Yes I think that's what really hurts that they look at you like you're a lunatic or a hypochondriac. They need to get off their pedestals and read a forum like this to get in touch with the real world!
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Trishann Guest
Sorry but I have so many symptoms with pains and anxiety and they say that anxiety is not related to hormones but I disagree because when I hear other women and people's symptoms and it's all related!! Drs are clueless yes!! I've been told to just take antidepressants because it's depression! But it's more to that! Frustrated and since I've been dealing with this for so long and I know my body it's definitely all related to perimenopause! I had to do my own research! Hope this all comes to an end really soon! 😩😩😩
Guest Trishann