So many new and old symptoms that I simply can't handle anymore! Ugh :(
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Hi all,
I have been having sore throat and most recently a dry non persistent cough that comes on intermittently., and it comes on usually in the evening and at night, and sometimes it wakes me up. which is a bit scary. Not to mention I've had ongoing shortness of breath issues which started very gradually a few years ago, I was 40 at that point. In addition to that, I have constant pain in my left arm as though I've pulled a muscle or have been lifiting weights incorrectly. Most recently, I have pretty much experienced panic attacks all day everyday for a month - so this includes the shakes and chest tightness. Then the sensation of a belt tightening around my diaphragm felt all day which prevents me from eating the smallest bit of food.
I have had check ups before the covid crisis including a chest scan/blood work and everything always comes back as normal.
What is the most significant and scary symptom which my doctors don't seem to be helpful with is that I get air hunger like my organs are being squashed and my heart is about to stop when I try to sleep on either side, so I'm left with sleeping on my back to the point that due to not being able to change position, I've perpetual pain and aches all over. I really don't get any sleep any more.
I'm so fed up, and there have been days where I just wish I wasn't alive. I know it's depressing but I don't know how to live with this any more. Most days I'm going to my room away from my partner and step-kids to cry my eyes out.
I'm only 42 and this isn't the lie I envisaged. I know that these symptoms may mostly be peri menopause, but a part o me thinks could be dying of something sinister, or I have contracted COVID-19.
I'm at my wits end. I can't cope and feel as though I'm living in the twilight zone. Anybody in the same boat,? I don't want to be alone in this and I just feel so empty and invisible and fed up.
4 likes, 12 replies
malina55946 loonarider
hey! i could have very well written that. i am 40 in 3 weeks and for a year already i feel like my world got smaller and smaller. my left upper part of the body is in constant pain and some days the pain is unbearable. my breasts are bigger and swollen, painful and i have muscle, ligaments, tendons and joint pain in my hands, fingers. me left shoulder ache like hell for a year. did all the tests possible and no one can say what s causing this. my hormone tests are in normal range, but fluctuates in values every three months. i am always tired, i cannot sleep on my sides because of my shoulder pain and of my breasts, i go to pee every half hour, my hair and skin are dry, i feel 20 years older and i lost interests in things. i ve noticed i am better if i walk and keep myself active, but i lost my will to do things i previously enjoy. today my gp prescribed for me progesterone, i ll start taking it and see what happens. my uterus linning is a bit too thick and goes into the muscle ( if i understood correctly his description ). according to my blood results, i am not peri.
loonarider malina55946
It's not great is it. Glad to know that I'm not alone though! My GP also has just presrcibed me low dose progesterone so we will see how that works out.
I wonder how many more years of this. Like some days I feel like I can manage it, but then a new or old symptom shows up. It.s never ending at this point.
Hope it get's easier for us x
Lkl2019 malina55946
progesterone has helped me alot. no cure but every bit helps. good luck
c14889 loonarider
I'm 42 and it sounds like we are so much alike. Mine started at 39. It's been a really tough 2.4 years (I'm counting down). When you said you feel like you're in the twilight zone ...Yep! You nailed it! I literally think sometimes I'm losing my mind...DOES THAT MAKE SENSE???? I just feel off on decent days and really bad on bad days. It felt like the flu last it's more being in my head, anxiety, depression, lack of interest, pouring sweat, I smell like a teenage boy, acne at times, weepiness, ringing in my ears, horrible forgetfulness, sometimes itching, hot flashes, leg cramps, restless legs, lack of energy. I also have had the physical symptoms of just feeling like I'm DYING! I actually told my doctor...I'm dying. I know I'm dying of something. I'm on a ton of supplements that seem to help and I'm happy to share if you want...I can PROMISE you that you're not alone! I pray for all of us that we stay strong. We'll make it hopefully stronger and wiser!
loonarider c14889
Such a late reply. Thank you so much for you response! So comforting knowing I'm not the only one experiencing this madness!
3 months later and still in trying to ride this sh** storm. Please about the supplements you take? I'd appreciate you giving me a list!
Hope you're well xxx
jaynie08827 loonarider
u all have described me to a tee. its been hell and i am drained. i at times have to force myself up. days that are sorta good are still bad and yes the bad days are pure hell!!! im woken up with some sort of electic shock feeling in my head heart racing lack of air feeling. i go through all that for about an hour sometimes all night. it has gotten so bad that my spouce moved out .yep. i begged to educate them on what coukd help but because they werent getting thier needs met. left. oh did i mention the anxiety??? geez on top of i have a tooth that needs to be pulled out and my face and ear are throbbing. does this end?? i would love to be normal again. hell just to enjoy a couple glases of wine without the reprocussion. so u are not
loonarider jaynie08827
Sorry for the late reply.
So sorry that your spouse left. I guess for some men it's just too much o handle, and it sucks. I have a partner who so far is understanding, but I'm seeing him wane, and part of me is life, well, I understand that and if he left, boy, I'd probably leave me. I'm a mess.
Maybe us menopausal women jsut need to be alone and not in any relationship, sad to say. Maybe we'll cope better? because it doesn't help feeling unattractive, and a huge burden to your partner - causes more anxiety. At least for me 😦
sharon03238 loonarider
you sound like i was last year and sime if this! have you got acid reflux? i get the muscle pain too, its awful hunny and i know where your coming from, ive had a red throat for 2 yrs now and i have painful sinusis, dry mouth,throat, eyes and nose x
loonarider sharon03238
Sorry for the late reply, but wow, I am SOOOOOO not alone in this, and part of me now think's that I'm not dying now, but it's definitely a slow death! LOL. Wow... Anyway, still in the same boat 3 months later, have had some good days, and boy do I make sure I enjoy it because I know the next day may be the complete opposite 😦
Hope you're well! xxx
christina81747 loonarider
yes i have had alotnof pain in left side especially shoulder my breasts hurt under arms hurt but its close to my period this month was horrible im on day 6 and my anxiett is horrible especially in morning i feel this weird vibration in body and all these worry thoughts come in loke whats wrong with me am i losing it doni have a mental disease i could keep going and my body feels like its trying to eacape itself its hirrible then when i have to do anything wether its cleaning etc i feel rushed and agitates then that increases anxiety! so ladies i have to say i am 50 now and been foing thru this for about 6 yesrs now but it was worst before i no that is not good news but i think aftet tome your body will adjust it is going to take time though i will tell you i am not always like this maybe this month is worst cause of rhe virus situation but 7 days ago i was fine go figure! wishing u the best and hear if u need ans ear to listen!!!!
loonarider christina81747
Hi Christina!
Sorry for months late reply!
That is one of the best ways of descirbing how I feel, as though the body is trying to escape itself. Bang on there! I get those weird inner vibrations too (and not the meditation kind). It's so so strange and throws me off, I'm like to myself, what next is going to happen...from one symptom to the next, I'm surprised I haven't gone insane yet.
Thanks for your support, I am here too, and no, the virus situation does not help at all, it only exacerbates things. Ugh.
I hope you're well ! xxx
Lkl2019 loonarider
I.ll be 42 tomorrow and instead of looking forward to my bday with my children, I.m praying I can find enough energy to make the day at least semi special with them. Last year I spent my bday in the bed crying. had horrible symptoms since my 40th bday. I imagine I.m still in the eye of the storm and will be for another few years. I.m trying to mentally prepare myself for it in hopes that helps me to get thru. Hoping that the craziness does end one day yet knowing it likely won't be anytime soon. I can't believe women have to go thru this! Altho I.m 100 sure I.m going thru peri, and was more scared in the beginning, I still wonder if it's not something more or that I.m gonna live with forever. Hardest thing ever been thru. HUGS.