So many symptoms
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So , I am a week and a half overdue on my period . Ive had lots of aches like its going to come on , but still nothing . Since last weekend I have felt rough with general body aches and pains , stomach issues including nausea and indigestion . Ive also had dizziness and feeling like Im going to pass out at times along with a persistent headache / migraine that will not shift whatever medication I take . Is this all normal , to have all this and not be dying of some sort of brain or stomach cancer ? I know this might sound extreme , but I feel so ill . Recent blood tests were clear . I am 51
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nancys21 jane63977
Hi Jane. I'm almost 2 years with no period at 50. Mine were all over the place leading up to menopause. I've never felt so bad in my life. Feel like I'm dying almost every day. Anxiety is horrible. Life has changed so much. This has been normal for me for years. All tests came back okay. That seems to be the case for so many of us here. It's reassuring that we aren't alone, even though it feels like the end of the world for sure. Hope you feel better and assured that nothing sinister is happening. Hugs!
pam90720 nancys21
hi ladies!! ditto to what both of you said!! im two years post meno.. blood work fine. of course, ive had no mri's... cat scans etc... but i wouldnt even know where to start 😦
i feel everyday like i have a hang over 😦
lisa95354 jane63977
yes Jane, if that is possible. I flat out told my doctor that like 12+ years ago, I told him I felt like I was dying and he sat down and stared right into my eyes and said you really feel like you’re dying. They can’t be the first time a woman going through perimenopause said that to him. I didn’t even know it was perimenopause I was going through until I found this forum. as as I said before, if men went through this there would’ve been a cure 50 years ago. or at least something in place to take care of all these symptoms. according to mayo clinic statistics the average age for a woman to start menopause is 51, that was the case with me too. maybe this will be your lucky year and you’ll be on your way. I know it is nerve-racking but remember that you’re not alone. Do you take supplements for it, and have you cut out caffeine, alcohol and sugars, refined carbohydrates, that helps greatly 😃