So much anxiety
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So sorry if i am posting to much but my Anxiety is off the charts. I really got told I have a series of health problems being pre diabetic, Sleep Apena and the list goes on. every time I turn around its a different doctor a different medication and more test I just had an EGD done today and that took a toll on me I am preparing in Aug to have surgery. my main goal is to get rid of the C-pap machine I HATE that thing with a passion. I get nervous at Drs and end up a crying mess cause my anxiety gets the better of me. I really hate it I'm really working on bettering myself so both in a mental and Physically Does anyone else get anxiety really bad when it comes to going to a doctor if so how do you handle it
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devin1222 Harrypotterfan3
Hey there,
I definitely get anxiety about the doctor's. I grew up in a household where we only went to the doctor's if we needed something like shots for school, sick, etc.. I've always hated going to the doctor's and even if I felt horrible, I would just push through it and wait for it to go away. Just recently, I've been feeling a lot of physical symptoms of anxiety and it freaks me out. I've been getting a tight chest and lately have been having tension headaches. It takes a lot for me to go see a doctor and I have constant thoughts and worries leading up to the appointment. What helps for me was to bring someone along. I'm 21 and I brought my mom with me lol. It kind of felt ridiculous bringing her but it helped calm me down so much knowing that I wasn't there alone. I was able to talk normally and talk about all my symptoms. It was also nice having her there because she was able to bring up some stuff that I forgot to mention since she's witnessed what I've been going through these last few months.
I'm so sorry to hear about all the things you have to deal with. I hope your surgery in august goes well and that you have a speedy recovery from it! I get super super nervous at the doctor's as well. I've always had to have my blood pressure rechecked at the end of appointments because it would always be a little high when I first got there because of how anxious I'd be. Anywho, you're definitely not alone with being nervous about the doctor's. The doctor's are also my last option even though they should be the first thing to do. I'm trying to get better with it and have to convince myself that they are there to help me, not hurt me lol. Hope for the best for you and I hope you know that you are not alone in this!
Harrypotterfan3 devin1222
Hi Devin
thanks for the reply I to take my mom and I'm 30! Lol my mom's a nurse so she understands more what they are saying when they use as I call them" Dr terms"
same with the blood pressure I have to have it rechecked and they ask if I have blood Pressure and I always have to say no i'm just anxious which sends me into a mess of tears
bernipes Harrypotterfan3
Hey, first of all, it is normal and acceptable for you to feel frustrated because you are feeling anxious, but try not to emphasize the moments of weakness. Instead, look at all the effort you have been putting in and the progress you have already made. Personally, I get quite nervous about doctors sometimes. Last time I read and misinterpreted the results of my urine analysis before my doctor saw it and I spent a week torturing myself about it. Finally on the day of the appointment there was nothing wrong with me. I know it is hard to go through all this, but stay confident!