So much gas and bloating

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Hello Ladies!

There are so many crazy symptoms associated with menopause but the one that really bothers me is the digestive issues. I have had so much gas and bloating. I'm so sick of all this! No matter what I eat I get gas or heartburn. If I don't eat for a long time I get gas or bloating. I wake up hungry sometimes, I go to bed hungry. It's a never-ending crazy ride. I just want everything to be the way it was. Thankfully I had a colonoscopy two weeks ago and everything was fine. But it seems like that procedure offset my stomach because it seems like the gas and bloating has been worse since the procedure. Have any of you experienced a lot of gassiness after this procedure?

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5 Replies

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    sharcerv52408 I can totally relate. I am going through it this very moment. For the past week and a half i felt as if my stomach was going to fall to the floor. the heavy feeling, the pain, the constipation. The terrible pain under my right rib/breast. I took prune juice last night that gave me some relief this morning but sadly it is back tonight. What the hell is this ? My body is not my body anymore. I have no control of how i am going to feel daily. I have a week before my period and i no symptoms intensifies before it starts. So I guess at this point i can blame that. Know that you are not alone. Praying for you and all the ladies.

    • Posted

      Thank you, Hopeforever. It's good to know that I'm not alone. I get the bloated gas feeling under my left breast/rib. It is such an uncomfortable feeling. It seems to settle down at night but bothers me through the day. Such a bothersome thing this menopause is.

  • Edited

    hi sharcerv

    hope all is well with you and you are feeling better

    i am feeling not well and to with bloating and gas still eating but consipation too do you get hot flashes too with the bloating and gas and has your skin colour changed around your tummy my tummy is so bloating but dont hurt if i press i am in menopause no period for two years just feeling horrible i notice if i eat white bread and oats feel terrible

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      No I don't have any color change to my belly. It just gets big and bloated like I'm five months pregnant. I've been having this again today. I think I am ovulating. I notice that this happens a lot around that time. Ugh, so uncomfortable! 🙄

  • Posted

    Thank you hun for the reply feeling a little better

    ive cut out eating cereal for breakfast and eating yougurt and bannans drinking peppermint tea lots of water also i think stress dont help

    during these difficult times dont help so just try and de stress take care xx

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