So scared as am only 25 Years old. Please help me guys or reply would be wonderful

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Hi everyone sorry for the long story. I am 25 years old and was diagnosed with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation 2 Years ago. What happened was I woke up from sleeping with what I can only describe as what felt like a heart attack/pressure/unbearable discomfort. ( Not just like an  irregular heartbeat that some people mention when in afib. Literally unbearable. Rang an ambulance and wad taken to a resuscitation unit where they were going to cardiovert me where I spontaneously cardioverted on my own after an hour and a half of being in this unbearable discomfort. Since then I have been on 5mg Bisoprolol once daily and 100mg Flecainide twice daily for my AF AND PVC's have been pretty much kept at bay for that amount of time apart from 3 AF episodes which have only lasted a matter of a minute or so. (again unbearable pressure/tightness) Had an episode yesterday lasting a good 5 minutes and am so worried that the medication is going to stop working and that I'm going to die really young when I've got so much too look forward too as people normally only get this when they get older 😢 I get a similar sinking/adrenaline feeling like when I'm in AF when bending over or lying down so don't know if this is related to my heart aswell. Have been put on sertraline due to anxiety as have had since christmas a constant chest tightness/sinking feelings/dropping in an elevator feelings that I can only say feels like my previous heart symtpms and now the AF episode that lasted 5 mins so am convinced something bad going to happen cus of how horrendous it feels even though I've had good bloods back and a chest x ray am still convinced that this isn't anxiety. I am literally in hell. I did have a cardiac MRI around the time of my diagnosis of AF with a structurally normal heart but i do smoke and drink so feel that I might of screwed up to much since then and ruined my chances of living much longer with the AF coming back and me having all of these ' anxiety related symptoms' (Not Convinced) Any replies would be appreciated lovely people

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7 Replies

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    Well first, I've been through similar symptoms over the last year or three, of course I'm rather older, but like you I go to the doctors, they do this test and that test, and then just shrug. And I'm still here, so maybe they're kind of right. So, worry just a little bit less!

    And any doctor tells you it's anxiety - is right and wrong. Of COURSE it's anxiety! If they felt what you feel, they'd be anxious too! And yet the body does respond even to that kind of anxiety and sometimes it's best to treat it anyway. Anxiety can make arrhythmias worse, like it or not, even if the arrhythmias cause the anxiety! Doesn't seem fair, I know.

    Now, you say you smoke and drink. You know what everyone has to say about that, should stop smoking NOW, and make sure the drinking is kept modest, too. I mean, TRY it, for some weeks, months, even a year, as it takes a while to "get over" it.

    Other than that, also look into dietary triggers and treatments. Clean living, can help.

    How is your weight? Blood pressure? Blood glucose? Any other health issues?

    But if the doctors say it's not immediately critical, they may be right. It's unpleasant, but may not be terribly dangerous. Lot of people just live with it for many decades. Maybe you can do better and get some improvement, now or if and when medicine finds some better treatments.

  • Posted

    FIRST, relax. I know, I hate when people say that. Like I would not relax if I could. But after you follow all the advice and direction from your doctor consider two things. 1. The common knowledge is you will likely die WITH A-fib, not of it. (yeh, it doesn't really ever go away) but 2. As a smart young thing, you will likely live longer and better, as you will now, I am confident, since you are smart enough to be here asking. Your new healthy life style changes will make you better looking, better feeling, and live longer. HONEST. Go forth and be wise and well. Life will be better. pat

  • Posted

    Hello DJ... please take a deep breath and calm down. AFib is scary, exhausting, annoying, but not fatal. it can leave you weak and faint for hours after. Take to heart the good news that your heart is normal. I would like to suggest that you have a look at this web site. you may be having panic attacks, and even if you are not, there is good advice here to help you take control.

    Good luck!

  • Posted

    I've had afib and a heart flutter since 2015 I'm only on 1.25mg beta blocker I've had 2 ablation operations I'm doing ok now it is scary I've been admitted three times first time I didn't think I would get through it keep thinking that it will not beat you and don't let it rule your life mate

  • Posted

    Hi DJ. Disclosure: I'm an old man (by your standards) at 69. However, I first got paroxysmal AF in May 2017, and have been living with it since. I've read an awful lot about it, and learned to not be too anxious.

    The first thing you should know is that the ordinary cardiologist is not the person who should be treating you. Have you seen an ElectroPhysiologist? (EP). They are a heart specialist who has further specialised in the electrics of the heart. If you have seen one, well and good. If not, then ask your GP for a referral as soon as you can.

    The second thing I can say is that AF of itself will not kill you. What might, is the company that it keeps. AF tends to also be associated with high blood pressure, overweight, excessive alcohol or poor diet. What Pat said is good advice. Live clean and you will live long. Exercise can help a lot, but not excessive exercise. AF is also associated with elite athletes, believe it or not!

    I have overcome my fear of AF by learning as much as I can about it, and by trying to understand what is happening to me. What is certain for everyone, is that the worry and stress of it makes it worse by far. Others suggest 'mindfulness', meditation, CBT and counselling etc. I've not needed any of that.

    If you want to dig deeper into this condition, I suggest you try joining the forum at the AFA, on HealthUnlocked:-

    Good luck, and best wishes. Ian

  • Posted

    I am much older than you but had afib for about 5 years and yes its very scary and causes high anxiety. There were many trips to the ER and several cardioversions to convert my heart back into a normal rythym. With all the tests I had it wad determined that there was nothing wrong structurally with my heart, just an electrical problem. Finally I had an ablation and it was corrected. I am now a year out with a totally normal beating heart. Research cardiac ablation if you dont know what it is. You need to find a good cardiologist and research having this procedure if you are a candidate for it. I Dont know where you live but most big cities have good cardiac institutions. Most importantly you need to quit smoking and limit alcohol and caffeine intake. Also get plenty of sleep. I hope this info helps.

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    Thank you all so much for your replies. It really does mean a lot! x

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