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Hi... My health anxiety is so bad at the moment... I feel like I'm going blind... I cant think of anything else! The optician checked my eyes last week... I thought she'd tell me that I'm going blind, but she just said that I need new glasses, but I still think I'm going blind... I can't stop checking my eyes in the mirror... My eyes are the only thing I think about all day long... I literally feel like I can't see, like my brain isn't "processing" the things I see... My vision is dark and blurry all the time... I'm so scared of retinal detachment and brain tumour! I'm so scared I've harmed my eyes! I'm so scared I'll go completely blind! My family members are telling me that it won't happen, but I'm convinced it'll happen... Losing my vision is my biggest fear because once you lose your vision, you can't get it back, you can't get new eyes... I don't sleep or eat because of this... I strain my eyes all the time, and I'm sure it'll lead to blindness... I try not to think about it, but I can't stop thinking about it because it feels like my vision just gets worse and worse... What should I do? What if I never get my vision back? I just wanted to get this off my chest...

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    anne, take a deep breath and slow down. No amount of straining your eyes will cause blindness. It’s not how it works.

    What has happened is that fear has taken you over but it’s not based on fact it’s only based on emotion.

    it’s actually very difficult to go blind., and it’s quite rare.

    your eyes are most likely strained as you said, give them a rest. Stay off of social media and Internet and everything that can cause eye strain.

    I have actually had retinal tears which are easily fixed. My vision is perfect.

    you are making yourself miserable for nothing. you saw the Doctor Who said you need new glasses. That’s all! People who wear glasses occasionally need a different prescription. That happens all the time! I can’t tell you how many times I got a stronger eyeglass prescription. It’s no big deal. you would feel so much better if you would stop over thinking this. Take care

  • Posted

    You already went to a doctor and the doctor said everything is fine. If you still feel that something is not right then you can go for a full eye check up, if you have the money available for it. It will help you ease your anxiety.

    Even then it is very unlikely that you will go blind. So don't worry and don't think too much, every thing will be fine.

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