so so hot

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Hi all, is it me and this meno the hot weather is great but i have a problem with heat the slightest bit and im soaked, its not hot flushes i sorted them with sage i am just so hot all the time ,are there any ladies the same help im melting .

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    I don't have hot flushes I'm just constantly hot !!! I've gone from being a cold ass to sitting with windows open sleeveless tops and no socks on it's A right pain in the arse especially at work when everyone is cold and I NEED the window open haha

    • Posted

      thats me all over just so hot all the time my mum was 53-54 when all done hope im the same im 53 .
  • Posted

    look on Internet for kool tie. You soak in water and wrap around your neck. I use it daily.
  • Posted

    Yes.  I have never sweated as much in my life!
  • Posted

    Yes, forget hot flashes, i am just always to hott if i move at all. Always soaked with sweat, morning and night, and because i also have health anxiety it usually sets that off when i get overheated.
  • Posted

    Yes it has been very hot! This type of weather elevates my blood pressure too! I am taking bp meds but even with that when it is this hot it raises it a little. I have been feeling dizzy and getting pain in my head. I know the heat has been affecting things.

    On Sunday, I had such terrible anxiety it was a shame! I was sitting in church and had to leave because I felt so bad. I was nauseous, jittery, and just felt off. My heart rate was up. It was awful. I came home and crawled into bed. That feeling just wipes me out. I will be glad when I can find the right solution for me to help cope with these symptoms. It has been a series of trial and error with meds and or herbal supplements.

  • Posted

    I am finding I am getting very hot to the  point where I wake up drenched around my head but nowhere else I have also found the heat makes the palps worse and i had an episode the night before last and my heart rate doubles. to day i have got up feeling dizzy and just not right my right hand side of my face feels hot and tight yet it is cool to touch and I have been so irritable and thats not me at all but I have started going through the peri   
    • Posted

      Hi sue, what a day im a carer and with the weather so hot oh my god im going to melt i work in the community and i go from person to person , all the old folk keep the windows closed its been hell today i have 2 more days of this my head is pownding i dont get hot flushes any more since i started sage i just am hot all the time it is horrible lets hope weather gets a little cooler and the meno goes well we can all hope i must have took 5 rescue remedy pastiles today they do help 

       keep calm take some kalms its going to be cooler on the weekend we hope x

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