SO SO Uncomfortable
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Here is my short story:I went in July for my yearly exam. Eveything was good except for my estrogen leavel was very high at 388 and I am 54 so it should be in the double digits or less. Dr. did another test it came back at 285. So I had transviginal ultersound that showed a cyst on the right ovary a utrine polyp and fiborids and my utrine linning was at 12 mm.
So my dr. sent to a gynoecologist. He did another ulter sound everthing was the same so he did a endometrial biopsy no cancer and he did one more ultersound the other one done about a month agos.
I have not had a period in three months, I know tha I am in perimenopause from the blood work.
I feel like I am starting my period with cramps and it even feels like I am flowing but nothing or it like water. I am bloating all the time. I get what feels like a pulled muscel on my upper thigh and gorain arera.
I go back to my regular doc. to go over what the gynecolgist. When I talked to the gyno. He advised me of three opitions-Waite and see if the cyst and poloys go away but I still have the fiborids to deal with.2-Hystercopy to get rid of the cyst and polyp 3- Hysterectomy.
Any ideas of why no periods? I do not if it is part of the peimenopaue or the cyst or polyps.
Have a good day
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lana07071 sandy1208
oh gosh. I also get pain in that area and cannot tell where exactly or what exactly it is. Sometimes it radiates to my lower bac and sometimes I do not have it at all. I think perhaps it is related to my IBS and/or diverticulosis playing up a bit. It is mostly in my lower left but sometimes just all lower pelvic. Do you have either of these problems?
I assume your periods not showing up are peri menopause. My daughter has a large cyst on her ovary, which needs an op, and she still gets her periods...As to the cysts and polyp, I personally would get a second opinion before deciding, even though that is a huge hassle.
Glad though that basically, your results are nothing seriously sinister...
Keep well.
colleen90305 sandy1208
lynda20916 sandy1208
Hi, Sandy,
Sorry to learn you're going through this. What type of cyst is it? Did they tell you? My doctor told me last year that if I was in menopause I shouldn't have enough estrogen in me to be able to create a cyst, and I had a small one on my left ovary. She was very concerned and offered to refer me to a gyn. That was last year in September.
But, neither my gastroenterologist (who ordered the ct scan that found my cyst) or the radiologist seemed worried. They suggested that I wait and see.
Fast forward to April, 2016, when I started to spot. My uterine lining was at 8MM in July when I went to see a gyn. I got diagnosed with endometrial cancer and got a complete hysterectomy in mid July.
Also, I think that the doctor might be able to remove the fibroids and polyp with an hysteroscopy, but he wouldn't be able to remove the cyst on your ovary--unless it's within the ovary. If it's outside the ovary, he'd have to puncture your ovary to do it.
About the feeling of bloating that you have. Did they give you a blood test for ovarian cancer markers?
My suggestion is that you not wait and see if things go away. I'm uncomfortable with that attitude. They should find out what's going wrong and counsel you about what can be done--and the best thing to do, not give you alternatives and want you to make the decision. You're not a doctor, after all. I'd try to get to another gyn.
Best of luck to you, and let me know how you get on! xx
sandy1208 lynda20916
My estrogen was very high back in July at 385 and my doctor did another blood test it was done to 285 I had another blood test done on 8/30 and was back down to 46. I did have a endomentrail biopys and it showed no cancer. They think that the cyst might be the cause of the high estrogen. The cyst is a funcationl and it was at 3.1 cm but it did shrink.
I just kinda of worried about the watery discharge and no periods.
I go back on monday and see my regular doctor. I thinking about the hysterctomy. My insurance has a very high decutable and I have already up to about $1500.00 in outpacket expensses. I live in Portland Or. I am affrid that if he dose a hystercopy to remove the polpy and cyst he find more and I would end haveing a hysterectomy. I am 54 and in perimenopause but for who knows how long.
Hope you ard doing well.
lynda20916 sandy1208
Hi, Sandy,
Thanks for your good wishes. I understand. I would find the watery discharge and no periods worrying, too. Why is it happening? Would be my first question.
Your endometrial lining seems to be bulking up. And though endometrial cancer tends to grow slowly, I would be concerned because of the fact that the lining is so thick. With so much tissue growing, something not so good could develop.
And, it's entirely possible that after a hysteroscopy, you would end up having to have a hysterectomy anyway. The tissue they take during the hysteroscopy would need to be biopsied. There are several ways to view the possibility of a hysterectomy. I really had no choice, because I had cancer.
I went into menopause very early at 40, because of a thyroid condition. I only stayed on HRT for about 10 years, because I was tired of taking all the pills and having monthly periods. But, I was over weight, and fat produces estrogen, too. Hence the endometrial cancer at 67.
Some women will tell you that after they had a hysterectomy their lives tanked because of changes that the surgery caused, others will tell you that everything will probably be okay. There's a down side to having it, but on the other hand, you won't have to be going to doctors all the time worrying about whether you have cancer!
Let me know what your MD says on Monday, okay? xx
gailannie sandy1208
Just a thought, but did your gyno ever mention possible doing some progesterone? It is the counter balance hormone to estrogen. While estrogen stimulates the uterine lining, progesterone make is sluff off. Doing a round of progesterone might cause a period and help you sluff off that thickened lining.
My thought is that your cysts might also the result of the spikes of estrogen.
Sorry things are so rough at this time. I know it's hard not to worry. But even fibroids will shrink on their own after menopause.