So stuck in my world of anxiety

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ive been on sertraline for 4 weeks now ,i was on it already as i was ill 4 years ago but i was slowly weaning myself off it (with doctors help) i went down to 100 mg and was trying to go to 50mg but i had a relapse and it all came back so i ended up in a crisis home for 2 weeks and now im back on 200mg but still feeling like hoping that it will improve soon so i can move forward

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    You've been on sertraline for four weeks and had a relapse, so your doctor increased your dosage to 200mg. It's essential to continue working closely with your healthcare provider, be patient as medication adjustments can take time, consider therapy alongside medication, and prioritize self-care and lifestyle factors. Keep open communication with your doctor, and seek immediate help if you feel overwhelmed or in crisis. Recovery from a relapse can be challenging, but with the right support and treatment, you can move forward.

  • Posted

    ive been on sertraline for a few years but was reducing my dose over time with the doctor ,unfortunately i relapsed so he put me on 150mg for 3 weeks then 200 mg which ive been on for 4 weeks but my anxiety is through the roof

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