So thankful for this forum!
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What a blessing finding this forum. I was diagnosed end of Feb with reactivated mono and it's been a nightmare since. I'm 41 with a family and it's been horrible for everyone to say the least. I developed anxiety and panic attacks along with this. I feel like a prisoner in my own body. I finally started to feel a bit better this week so decided to run errands I haven't been able to do in months. HUGE mistake, I have been back in bed for 4 straight days now not able to move, out of breath, weak arms and legs again. Is this normal?? I'm scared I'm starting right back where I started. How could I have felt so good and now back here? It's been almost 4 months now. Trying to stay positive but I feel like I'm losing my mind with this.
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susan90515 meredith03356
Hey Meredith. I know exactly how you feel. I'm am 70 and have had bouts with mono since 2005. Last year I was down & out for 8 months. This time I've had symptoms for over a month. This past Sunday was Mother's Day. I woke up at 5 a.m. and couldn't stop crying out of frustration from having another day of feeling horrible. I turned to the web to try and find out if some new miracle cure had been discovered. Nope, not yet. But I did find out something I was not aware of. Did you know that mononucleosis can be brought on by stress? I have been diagnosed with the Epstein Barr virus and as I look back, when I've been stressed out, that's when I get sick. I had stomach surgery in March and for over a month, I couldn't swallow my regular vitamins. Then, I discovered chewable and liquid vitamins, but unfortunately, it was too late. The mononucleosis had already kicked in and here I am. I'm so glad I found this group. Here's hoping we all get better and get our lives back soon!
meredith03356 susan90515
Goodness I am so sorry Susan!! I was crying all day on Mother's Day right along with you because I couldn't get out of bed. I hate that we are all going through this, but it sure is nice to know we're not alone.
Yes on the stress!! That is exactly how my Dr said this started for me. I was in grad school, trying to sell our house, a new puppy and a family to take care of. I was so far off the rails I didn't even realize it.
This forum is amazing and I can't be thankful enough for it. We will beat this awful awful virus!
Take care Susan
craig07920 susan90515
Oh Susan,
I really empathise with how you have been feeling, having went through mono in the past and been going through a tough time for back pain and prostatitis myself recently. It's so frightening and depressing when you can't see light at the end of the tunnel and can't see any hope. But I really really want to reassure you that there is hope still, I'm just so sorry you've had these terrible bouts for so many years. I really hope, pray and believe that God will heal you still Susan, He knows what's going on and it's hard to comprehend when something has been going on for so long I know, but I just hope this terrible episode settles down for you and you can feel more lifted and able to live with freedom again. Definitely there is a link between stress and the virus I think, it happened to me just after a stressful time, and it's so hard because it causes stress in itself and becomes a horrible cycle.
But still believing that you ARE going to get better Susan, even if it doesn't feel like it right now and it's hard to see or believe it yourself, sometimes it can help when someone else believes it for you, so let me tell you that I BELIEVE IT FOR YOU 100% that you are going to get better and back to good health again.
Thinking about you and hoping for a better day today.
susan90515 craig07920
Wow, you folks are so supportive and I cant tell you what it means to me. Thank you for responding. I've been thinking lately that all of my local friends and relatives are going to get tired of listening to me complaining about how bad I'm feeling and maybe even stop calling or inviting me out. Then I woke up at 5 a.m. with a wicked sore throat -- yet another mono symptom. So now I'm getting the warm salt water ready. It just never ends. How common is it to have the heart palpations? I'd never heard of that before...
meredith03356 susan90515
Susan I feel the same about my family and friends getting tired of hearing about this from me, and I try really hard not to keep bringing it up but it is all consuming for us. I get it. And the reassurance truly always makes me feel better. I think the ones on the outside of this can see better than we can that it will get better! I also feel so guilty continuing to tell my friends that I'm still not feeling good. When I feel this bad I don't want to see anyone or even have them stop by. I finally just told them I'm on a day by day basis because I never know how I'll feel.
Two different Dr.'s have told me the heart palpitations are caused by the stress and anxiety of it all for me.
Hope you have a better day. Please reach out anytime
Guest meredith03356
I feel exactly the same way when it comes to seeing people. I feel like everyone thinks this is all in my head and I am putting them off. I still have 5 of my kids at home and there are days I don't even want to talk to them (they are all adults but one, so I don't feel I am neglecting them). I feel by then end of this I won't really have anyone that wants to spend time with me. My spouse is really understanding but I ended up crying to him the other morning and apologizing for being sick because he has a hard enough time dealing with life without all this on top of it. I have tried my best not to be a burden but there are days I can't barely make it out of bed as is. I have actually managed to keep on top of the far as straightening it up and the laundry but it wipes me out just spending even 20 minutes in the morning on it. And forget cooking.
I am so tired of my bed. I am just grateful we bought a new mattress and an adjustable base recently LOL Have to find the silver linings
As for the heart palps.....mine seem to be worse after I eat. No clue what that is all about.
Guest susan90515
Hope you get well quickly!!!
Hope we all find relief soon!
meredith03356 Guest
Yes the heart palpitations are worse after I eat or when I lay down on left side. Dr said all totally normal.
Wendi I'm laughing because I've been laying in this bed for 3 months wishing I had an adjustable base
My husband has wanted to add one to ours forever and I told him I didn't think we needed it lol. Eating my words about now. Enjoy it!
I feel like my friends think it's in my head as well. I actually took a few screenshots from this blog and sent to them to help educate. But they have all been more than understanding, and I'm sure yours are too. We would do the same for them. I know I will DEFINITELY be more understanding and empathetic for anything and everything after this! And it is hard on the husbands I know. Mine works all the time and travels internationally and is wiped himself when he gets home and then has to pick up everything here for's just hard all around. But it WILL GET BETTER!!! :-) I have to keep telling myself that.
susan90515 meredith03356
Hi Meredith, I'm so sorry to hear that you, too, are suffering with this awful illness. I've had it for several weeks and today is my worst so far. I just found this group and I'm so thankful for it. I've already learned some valuable information. Like last week when I was having heart palpations, it really had me scared until I read that it's normal. So hang in there and know that we're all in this together...
susan90515 Guest
Good morning, Wendi. Thank you for replying to my message. Everyone has been so friendly and helpful. I know what you mean about trying to keep up with housework, laundry, etc. I hate to cook but I'm getting tired of take-out. I was recovering from stomach surgery when this round of mono hit me. I had been off my vitamin regimen for several weeks because I can't swallow pills. Then I was upset about a family situation for several days and that's all it took. Well, take care of yourself and hang in there, as we all are trying to do...
craig07920 susan90515
Hey Susan, Wendi and Meredith,
Oh I really do empathise with the posts about feeling like you are burdening friends and family by telling them you're still not feeling good, I've been the worst at that the last year especially with back pain, have moaned and complained so much and feel so guilty about that, just find it so hard to bottle it to myself and just to have someone to talk to and tell how I'm really feeling helps, grateful that I've had a very patient and kind family who have supported me even though I've not been very good at all to live with.
Definitely I believe you guys are all going to get over this and feel better again, there is hope most definitely - it's hard when something goes on so long to hold onto the hope sometimes, we just need to keep trying and trust God that He has a good reason and purpose for this in the longer term, hopefully shaping and preparing us for a good chapter in our lives. I really pray that is the case.
Hoping these heart palpations settle, I think that can be a symptom as I say from reading these forums and my own experience, I think there is a broad range of symptoms that can be unique to each person, the virus seems to be able to cause things in one person that it doesn't in another, etc. I do think stress is a factor, although of course because it is a virus it's not the only factor, but stress and worry can certainly seem to give the virus the conditions to thrive, but remember it won't always be able to do that and your body gets on top of it eventually and at that stage you will start to feel like yourselves again with healthier and happier days ahead - still thinking about you guys and believing in your recovery!
susan90515 craig07920
Thank you, Craig, for your encouragement. I really need it now. I think this is the worst case of mono I've ever had. I was recovering so nicely from the stomach surgery I had in March and was looking forward to a life free from all the effects from years of acid reflux. This past week we've had workmen in the house and yard replacing wiring and that's been pretty stressful. I had no idea that would affect me so. Anyway, thank you...
craig07920 susan90515
Thanks Susan, it really is important and good that everyone on the forum helps and encourages each other, others have done that with me and my issues too and grateful for that. You've had such a tough year by the sounds of it with stomach surgery and the mono, really hoping things settle soon Susan, God's will absolutely is to heal you and I believe He will.
Thinking about you and hoping for a good weekend.
Guest meredith03356
So.....yesterday was OK. My daughter came and did some of the deep cleaning I haven't been able to do so now I have about 2 weeks where I just have to keep up on it and recover. I managed to eat all day. Did a little bit of stuff in the morning and then rested the rest of the day. Was feeling OK except for some anxiety around bed time due to being a little gassy (I know weird, right?) and the thought of not getting any sleep but I fell asleep about 11:30, woke up briefly at 5:30 and back asleep until 7. I thought YAY....that has to be a good sign. Got up, did a little bit around the house but the back pain and shortness of breath were really unpleasant today. I managed to make it to the bank drive thru and to the store. My body reminded me that we are not over this yet. I am down to 137 pounds from 152. I did manage some lunch. I have a sono apt this afternoon of my liver. I keep wanting to cancel because I don't know if I can handle it but I am going to soldier through it because it might be important. So.....back to bed I go until then.
Hope all of you are having a much better day!
craig07920 Guest
Hey Wendi,
That is good you managed to get a better sleep, it makes such a difference if you can have a refreshing sleep that's for sure, hoping this can be the start of that settling into a better pattern for you. It's so frustrating I know when you get up with good intentions and willing to tackle the day with new hope and attitude and then the symptoms hit and the hardness and reality of it all sets in, I've been having that a lot with my back pain lately and it's been getting me down too.
Really just want to reassure you that things do get better with this horrible virus Wendi, it really does. Just so frustrating it affects people so badly and for such an extended period often, want to reassure you too that I think it is normal that your liver tests be a bit off when having mono - my liver showed as being off when I had mono but returned to normal as I started to get better, so just remember this can be an affect and hopefully will settle, of course it's always useful to keep in check with the doctor over it and hopefully they can monitor your bloods and stuff and hopefully give some reassurance.
Hoping your pain and discomfort is more settled today Wendi, and remember that you ARE going to get through this, still believing that 100% and trusting in God for your full recovery.
meredith03356 craig07920
You are such an uplifting force here for everyone. You truly have made a difference in this horrible process for me. And I thank god for that. I hate that you are suffering from back pain. I also have been through that and I know how terrible it is. When your back hurts, everything hurts. But I was laying here the other day actually thinking back to when I hurt my back and couldn't function for many months like I was used to. I thought it would never end, but it eventually did over time and I've been fine since. Just like you will be too. It always takes more time and patience than we like. I hope you can get some comfort very soon. Thank you for being there for all of us during these frustrating times.
craig07920 meredith03356
Thanks so much Meredith for the encouraging and supportive words regarding my back problems, I really appreciate that and need it right now - just to know others have suffered and went through this too and recovered and got back to full health again means a lot to me. I've had bother with it for nearly a year now and have had to be off work and it's been a really hard time.
Oh I know of the horrible frustrations of mono too Meredith, really do want to reassure you that there is recovery from that and even though it takes time for a lot of folk full health and body resilience does come back again - it really does even though you don't always think it will. Sometimes it feels like you get to a point where you're only a little better and you think that's as good as it's ever going to get - let me assure you it's not, I hit that stage for quite a while before full recovery came, but full recovery did come and body resilience did return when I thought at one point it wasn't going to. Thinking about you and hang in there - yes patience is so hard when going through suffering times, trusting God to help us through and that He has a good plan for us from these hard times.