So Thankful For This Forum! We Need To Support Each Other!
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I want to say thank you to everyone in this forum. My mom went through a fairly easy menopause and she isn't easy for me to talk to anyways because of her personality. Because of my family dynamics I don't have close female relationships I can talk to about this type of thing. I really look forward to coming here and being able to ask anything. I hope that I can encourage others beginning to go through this journey. Sometimes Dr's don't help and sometimes they make it worse by assuming we are just hormonal messes. Kinda unfair how it's thrown at us and sometimes help is so hard to find. So, thank you for being here. I need the support! I hope I can help someone because it is a very, very hard journey for sure for some of us.
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Sochima822 HopeAgain
emma50975 HopeAgain
natallia04776 HopeAgain
Hi Hope Again,
I would like to join to your words. I moved to England and has got my lovely supportive mother in law. We both a bit the health anxiety people so it helps.
We need to say what we feel and I haven't really got anyone also people who have not got it won't understand.
Friend of mine uses the taxi because she sweats on the bus and can't stand people on the bus 😅
Mind you she is top qualified nurse 😂
And many thanks ladies for your support and help!
2chr2015 HopeAgain
I am with you on the no female family members to talk to about this. We used to joke about my ex grandmother in law would watch talk shows every afternoon (back in the 90s when they were super popular) and she would diagnose herself with every disease they talked about. Lol. I guess she prob felt similar to us. Of course, I really feel like it wasn't as bad bc there was no internet. Now you can't even turn on the tv without seeing something depressing. That's why I make my husband watch old tv shows with me. He doesn't mind 😊 I have a friend who is seeing a specialist (she is having to pay out of pocket$$). But she said she is feeling better with the bioidenticals. I am wondering will she be able to take those until complete menopause and be fine. Or will all the symptoms hit her hard whenever she stops like I have read on here happens to others😳