So thankful to have found this forum!!!!!!

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This all started for me about 4 months ago. My symptoms are hot flashes, tremors, dizziness, but the absolute worst is waking up in thr middle of the night with heart racing. I have felt like I am dying and get petrified. I am 40 years old. I have anxiety already so these symptoms set off my anxiety which seems to be worse lately. I just wanted to say thank you for being there. Reading your posts makes me feel less alone and a little less scared. 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I am the same as you.  Always had anxiety   But was under control. But peri sent to the all time high. This place is so comforting. I too wake in fear and heart palpable.  Scared to death. Laying there just trying to relax.  I so take xanax which usually helps me if really needed.  Hope we all make it through this as soon as possible with the least amount of discomfort.    Which is nearly impossible.  Hang in there. 
    • Posted

      thank you Lisa. It's hard to not feel like I have control of my body. The waking in fear is bad because sometimes I am afraid to go to sleep. It's funny .... I always thought of peri as maybe you just feel hot from time to time but not all this other stuff. It's so much worse than I ever could have imagined 

  • Posted

    Hi Ivey-- Sorry to hear about what you're experiencing. I've been there myself.  Am still "there" in a lot of ways but muddling though. Aren't we all, right?

    One thing that helped me with the middle of the night terrors was keeping a little bit of toast with peanut butter next to the bed. When I'd wake up at 3am with a racing heart and on the verge of a panic, I'd eat and feel better.  I was getting really bad hypoglycemia/low blood sugar that would create panic attack symptoms-- racing heart, sweating, fear, etc.

    The food itself helped greatly, but I also felt comforted knowing I could sit in my bed and settle myself with a healthy snack.

    • Posted

      Hi michelleinCA

      OMG I just read what you have put down and it was like I'd written it myself lol.. I know what you mean with waking in the nite and eating some thing to help calm you down... that's me to, I throught it was just me doing that, eating in the nite, I just throught it mite be my meds what I take causing me to eat??? But now when I think about it, it's since having the menopause it's happened, and your total right, like you, once Iv had some snack it helps with the agitating that I get at nite, and able to get back to sleep, not all nite as I tend to wake up 4/5 times in the nite, that's after it as taken me till 1 In the morin to fall asleep.. dam menopause 😡..

      But yes it does seem to help just havin a snack at nite, I'm glad I'm not a lone in doing that lol ..

      Big hugs to every one on here, who are going through the dreaded menopause, and still fighting it.. good luck to all of you ??X  

  • Posted

    Hi, I too have been and still am there. Having found this forum has changed a lot of fear for me. I don't have as many issues at night any more except for heat. I take magnesium at night and that makes a huge difference at keeping those cortisol levels down. Well more rested, deeper sleep and not waking up in fear or panick. In the morning I take adrenal supplements that have ashwaghanda and Rhodiola in it. So helpful at keeping me balanced through the day. I can handle the heat but it's the menopause crazy that I couldn't deal with.  Thank goodness for the support here and the sharing of what works for others.

  • Posted

    Don't be scared. It happens to us all. I often feel like I'm going to have a heart attack, I once sat in front of my gp and said I'm going to have a heart attack and he said I should go to A & E.🤷???  

    Sympathetic ??? Not !!

    Hang on in there xx

    • Posted

      I love it....your GP is thoughtless! However that did make me laugh!!

      If we dont.laugh we will cry!!

  • Posted

    I’m there with you now! I’m 41 and started having palpitations, hot flashes, headaches ...I felt like my head was going to explode! My blood pressure was sky high cuz I was so nervous about all these symptoms. Even went to the ER 3x this year! 

    I’ve had all the heart tests ( EKG, stress and echocardiogram) and CT X-rays. All normal. I’ve had 3 different doctors say I’m fine. I finally went to my GYN and she confirmed I’m in peri! I did an ultrasound and I also have fibroids

    Needless to say I’m stress every time a new symptom arises. I have to breathe thru them all. I have 2 young children that need a strong mom so I breathe thru it all for them.

     For hot flashes I take cold showers, even a 3 in the morning! And I’m obsessed about taking my blood pressure. Sometimes I dread going to sleep too but I’m taking things day by day.

    Hugs to all

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