So tired
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hello ladies , im post meno 6 years and wondering if anyone else feels like me .... still dont sleep properly and everything is such an effort all the time , so tired all i want to do is sleep and curl up . anybody else ?
3 likes, 13 replies
lisa95354 Foxy62
hey foxy, I can completely relate. For example are used to go like Duracell batteries Christmas decorating and I put three things up and I feel like I’ve hit the wall. It’s been this way now for quite some time. Everything seems like an effort I don’t have the interest I feel like bland plain chicken broth with no salt even. I also have fibromyalgia and I’ve had it for years and I really don’t doctor a lot with it because my doctors frustrated me too much. But I have to say between that and mental I feel very disheartened. I also read this article from this woman who has fibromyalgia and she’s only 37 and she was saying things that I never realized and it made me feel much better but it also solidified how difficult life is with Phibro but with metal on top it is really whooped my rear. i’ve already told my husband that or I have been telling him for years that we need to downsize into a one level ranch with an attached garage and he just doesn’t get it. I don’t know why he has diabetes and I boys catered to his illness but then again I’m a woman, and we all know the difference between men and women !! I have a friend oh my goodness she has so much energy and she’s 60 and I said what is your deal, you had a complete hysterectomy where do you get all this energy and she said HRT it’s a wonder. I’d like to know what HRT it is because I tried BHRT and it was a hot mess. and I really have to watch when I overdo it because of my fibromyalgia, it really really can get bad. I usually don’t say anything but I’ve been having a bit of a time recently. it’s almost as if we have to eat perfectly, not eat gluten, alcohol, sugar exercise religiously and that’s all great but when you already don’t feel good you’re not exactly feeling that, right?! anyway, I digress, sorry you’re feeling this way as well, and I wish I had a magic potion but I don’t. sending good vibes your way 😃
Foxy62 lisa95354
Poor you and totally relate to everything you say ... christmas now to me is totally overrated and boring , i cant be bothered .... ive done all my xmas shopping online and thrown it all in the spare bedroom and shut the door ... cant be bothered to even look at it ... sounds awful but cant be bothered with hubby either and if he left me i wouldnt care , thats how i feel as all i am to him is a servant - cook his meals and clear up after him .... sick of everything because im so tired ... he wants sex and i cant because it hurts and i hate being groped and messed around with - ugh .... couldnt care less if i never had sex again amd cant remember the last time because its insignificant , means nothing . Can i ask your symptoms of fibro please ... as i feel the same . I dont want company because i cant be bothered to make conversation its too much effort .... also cant have HRT as i had a hysterectomy due to a 20x20 cm borderline tumor ... its all a nightmare and feel drained and exhausted . Bless you for replying , at least were not alone .
connie21463 lisa95354
I think about HRT sometimes, but been too afraid of any side effects. But it sure would help to try it, if I could get my energy back.
lisa95354 Foxy62
I also should’ve said, I’m three years post menopause 😉
lisa17089 Foxy62
yep everyday x
jaynie08827 Foxy62
im post also and u really hit it constantly out of breath. or i feel just drained. well it would help if i acually got any sleep .ill take a bit of a nap get woke up by that falling feeling followed by the hot surge..then im up all night ill nod but same goes again...its really draining...i have all the symptoms then some to the point where i thought i eas dying of something...yes tired is about what sums it up. tired of all this menapause stuff and the drs who look at me like im crazy. hang in there hugs to u
Foxy62 jaynie08827
exactly the same as me , always out of breath , feel shattered and worn out and i havent even done anything , tired when i go to bed and tired when i get up . Feels
like ive run a marathon all the time .... its all
such an effort and would be so much easier to stay in bed all day dozing .... whats it all about and whats the point . Miserable isnt it .
kelly55079 Foxy62
I'm tired too.. I think with me I'm not getting good sleep where your fully rested.. I wake up early to get these kids off to school so sleep in interrupted. I'm also not excited about anything-- if I am, it doesn't last long. I do at times go back to sleep BUT then I wake-up feeling annoyed that I"m behind in my day.. UGH I just can't win these days..IDK maybe it's being married with kids-- by life is passing me by and I don't have any energy anyways..
Foxy62 kelly55079
Me too , i have no enthusiasm either , used to love christmas and all the planning but now just cant be bothered with it all , my ideal would be to stay in bed all day and stuff it all , not speak to anyone and let it all pass by but i have to force myself just to get dressed . Its all so boring and depressing , so sorry you geel so similar .
lisa95354 Foxy62
Morning Again Foxy, I vervally dictate what I write on here and so much is always spelled wrong! It shouldn’t say 'mental', it should have said Meno;) There’s some other wrong words to, but I think you can figure it out 😃
connie21463 Foxy62
post menopause for two years here, and I have the same symptoms. I don't have any motivation to do anything, just want to stay in the house all day, curled up in front of the tv, or looking at my phone. It's depressing, and I don't know if it's because I'm already depressed or because of menopause. I'm going to read all of the replies and hope someone here has some answers on what to do about it.
nancys21 connie21463
Wow Connie! You said exactly what I would've. This is terrible, and SO not the person I used to be.
Foxy62 connie21463
oh god im the same , phone in one hand remote in the other flicking through the channels trying to find depressing crime documentries to watch ... its hard as im still working part time , only find the energy to leave the sofa to go to the fridge for more food , damm depressing isnt it xx