So tired of these symptoms...

Posted , 8 users are following.

Hi ladies...I'm so glad I found this site, a place to express how I feel where there are people who truly understand and don't roll their eyes as if to say that they think all of this is in my head.  

I guess I just want to vent...I'm so tired of these symptoms.  The GI issues and sometimes feeling like I have too much acid in my stomach and other times feeling like there isn't enough.  The muscle seems like every day I feel like I've pulled a different muscle.  The up and downs with my energy levels and the anxiety, mostly health anxiety.  It seems like I'm constantly worried something is seriously wrong with me.  Every ache and pain brings a new worry.  I've had a full cardiac work up which was all normal except for high cholesterol and long history of high blood pressure.  GI work up all good except for some chronic gastritis, no doubt stress induced, taking meds for it but sometimes wonder if they are decreasing stomach acid too much.  I feel like my body belongs to someone else and I'm tired of worrying about every little symptom.  I hope this is over soon...I'm 55 and tired of this!  Ok...I'm finished venting, lol.   Thanks for listening!

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hiya Hun-with you all the way here! I am so tired and exhausted of worrying about every ache and pain that it resulted in a tearful meltdown on Friday. It's so hard trying to function at work sometimes when you feel so very odd, everything is aching/sweating or palpitating!

    My back shoulders side and lower back are constantly aching and I feel so low about it. Along with mild heart palpitations and sporadic periods, loss of breast "fullness" and generally feeling like an old lady I sometimes struggle to get through the day 😂

    I used to be so sociable, fun and outgoing and now I find it hard to summon the energy or enthusiasm for many things. This makes me so sad-where has the real me gone?

    I am sending you lots of good luck hugs to help you through and let's get through this one day at a time eh?

    Hope you have a brighter day today too. Keep positive xxxx😀😀

    • Posted

      Thank you Louise.  Just knowing that there are other women who understand is a tremendous help!  Some days are worse than others and I    keep telling myself that each day I'm one day closer to getting through this. 🙂
    • Posted

      Definitely Hun. Hope you have a better week going forward and let's all get through this together eh? Big hugs to you xxxxx
    • Posted

      It seems to me that the worst of all of it is the sense of having lost one's self, of feeling like we aren't ourselves anymore.  I remember writing somewhere here one day that I feel like someone has stolen me from myself.
  • Posted

    Awwwww. I am u... i also have insomnia. Like awake all night insomnia. And severe sweating all night. I apparently have other hormonal issues and abnormal blood tests but apparently nothing i can do to correct them. Atm also have stomach issues after 18 months got tested for helibactor pylori after begging and yes i positive. Dr cant treat cos i not strong enough to take the meds to cure it. So i guess i stuck . It mayb making me sick. Yet cant have the cure cos it will mn ake me sick. Along with other symptoms life sux.
  • Posted

    We hear you tmpearce and vent till your hearts content, we really do understand and are suffering from many of the same symptoms

    Look forward to the future, this will all be over soon

    Hugs xx

  • Posted

    I can relate to the gastitis I had it for a few months, yes the ppis worked ok for a while but i couldnt stay long on omeprezole as it gassed up my stomach too much! The gastitis gradually subsided after what seemed for ages, it is awful this health anxiety isnt it x

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