So Tired With This Process. I Need Some Positive Words.
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I have been going through the emotional challenges of perimenopause for close to 16 months now. I get to a point where I think that I am better, and I even tell people that I think it is finally over, only to have it come back and crash down all around me, once again.
I have such weird thinking and feel so hopeless sometimes. My symptoms are all over the place now. I have been spending this weekend with my boyfriend, and I find myself getting filled with anger just listening to him eat his breakfast; it's so weird. I love him deeply; he is an absolute gem, but I start thinking that I just want to be by myself. Then, the next minute, I am filled with love for him and feel peaceful and totally content. I know that it is hormones, and I keep reminding myself of this, but it is just so awful to have thoughts and feelings and impulses that I know are not me.
Sometimes, I just don't know how to keep going through all of these emotions which switch from anxiety, to dark depression, to irritation, to rage, to frustration, to hopelessness, to peace, to happiness, to appreciation for my life (in no particular order). This is, by far, the most bizarre thing that I have ever had to endure.
I just keep telling myself to keep going and that, one day, it will be over.
Any positive thoughts for me?
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Pamwhid bev27429
oh how i hear ya, im going exactly what u are going thru. i just keep reminding myself its hormones and im not going to let this break me and its so hard to have positive thoughts. but i keep fighting. My boyfriend is a saint.
mauiblue bev27429
Hi Bev
I was wondering how things were going for you come of late, and i guess its still a struggle.
Well it will get better i just wish i had an exact time frame for you.
I continue struggling myself, with a good day too far and between.
This is for sure the most bizarre thing ever to have happened to me.
I dont even think about the fact that its menopause, i just know that its day to day, and its depression ive never had before, and anxiety as you know, and its something i can not should not get used to. I almost wished at this point that i had this all my life ....atleast i would be used to it. when youve had 'normal' for 51 yrs and then you lose it, its pretty devastating.
You can always look forward to feeling good rather regularly and that for me would be bliss. Be thankful for all of the normal that you have!!
i go weeks and weeks with a pretty dark demise.
Onward soldiers! Hugs going out to you.
kelly55079 bev27429
Yes... Keep telling yourself to keep going.. This is what I do. There are days where I'm a mess or my anxiety is sky high but I just keep busy and somehow I manage to get thru the day. I have weird thoughts too-- I want to divorce, I want to run away then the next few days I tell myself life is good and enjoy my family!! So I think that's the bottom line is to keep going! If we don't, we'll seize up. And spending time alone is good too-- I think it's healthy for everyone.
kelly55079 bev27429
Yes... Keep telling yourself to keep going.. This is what I do. There are days where I'm a mess or my anxiety is sky high but I just keep busy and somehow I manage to get thru the day. I have weird thoughts too-- I want to divorce, I want to run away then the next few days I tell myself life is good and enjoy my family!! So I think that's the bottom line is to keep going! If we don't, we'll seize up. And spending time alone is good too-- I think it's healthy for everyone.
kelly55079 bev27429
Yes... Keep telling yourself to keep going.. This is what I do. There are days where I'm a mess or my anxiety is sky high but I just keep busy and somehow I manage to get thru the day. I have weird thoughts too-- I want to divorce, I want to run away then the next few days I tell myself life is good and enjoy my family!! So I think that's the bottom line is to keep going! If we don't, we'll seize up. And spending time alone is good too-- I think it's healthy for everyone.
amy341731 bev27429
Bev, I am positive that you are not alone that’s for sure! My symptoms have been going on almost 2 years and I also have ups and downs, and the downs can be very low. I hate having to tell my husband, who is usually very patient and wonderful, that it’s not him, it’s just me that is being awful...Because also it’s NOT me, I am usually very upbeat, happy can do anything, and now sometimes I’m just a ball of tears, depression, negativity, aches and pains honestly. But I Do you try to cherish the good times and know that it will pass. I also really appreciate begin to treat you and communicate with her you do you try to cherish the good times and know that it will pass. I also really appreciate all of you wonderful ladies. It has helped knowing I I am not alone in that going crazy… Will to crazy anyway… LOL I have just tried to take is good care of myself as possible, by relaxing, getting a massage, drinking some nice tea and just treating myself to a little something every now and then without having to explain why..take care and reach out if needed!