So upset and full of anxiey Perimenopause and all over pain

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Hi ladies, I need some help. I know the topic of joint pain has been discussed and I am really struggling.  we are getting new floors put in and I have been bending and cleaning and moving furniture.  My lower and mid back are killing me, the pain radiates around to my abdominals which causes a lot of anxiety.  My whole body hurts, hands, shoulders, legs,'s terrible. Especially during ovulation or when I am PMS.  I don't know what to do anymore..any advice please.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jennifer

    I've just read your post and I really do feel for you. I too am in so much pain especially around my back and ribs. It's awful and at times so scary . I just take warm baths and pain killers. I'm on HRT but the pains seems to be worse than ever .

    Sorry I can't give any advice but your not on your own .

    Take care

    • Posted

      Thank you Samantha, just knowing that I am not going crazy is such a comfort. Eventually this will all be a memory...hopefully sooner than laterwink
  • Posted

    Hi Jennifer, I am the queen of joint pain hurts so bad id rather have a root canal or a baby, that's how bad my flare ups are, I have tested positive for rheumatoid arthritis So I know pain, and the only thing I can tell you is when I get the pain in my lower back, is to wrap it tight with something like a belt or I use one of them shoulder arm braces and fold it and wrap that around my waist, sounds weird but helps so much I even sleep in it wrapped tight until my flare up leaves it usually last 72 hours, and the crazy thing is I never ever had any of this until peri meno started... Also keep moving the more you sleep sit and rest it the tighter and more painful it becomes... Hope your all better soon?

  • Posted

    Hi there, I'm so sorry to hear you are suffering with this. It might not have anything to do with your symptoms but have you had your Vit D levels checked? Mine were very low and I've been on a supplement for a month now and can feel difference in reduction in pain. I also had sore back and lower back, radiating down one leg. Turns out I had a kidney infection, which is now being treated with antibiotics. How long have you been on HRT? Is the adjustment to it causing the anxiety? Wishing you well, please hang in there.

  • Posted

    You are not alone - sadly it's probably the most common symptom and I suffer big time - I am so used to it now. Don't let it get you down - gentle exercise is brilliant like walking the dog which is what I do - keeps your spirits up and turmeric - luckily I like it and have turmeric tea and I have the paste to chuck in food - good anti inflammatory  - sorry you are going through this. You are not alone - keep posting here as we're listening and keep positive x

  • Posted

    Hi Jennifer 

    Sorry you're feeling so bad. Bone pain was and still is one of my main symptoms. I was originally told I had low vitamin d I took a supplement for about 6 months which did help and when I stopped the pain increased so I've started them again and it's improving. My pain is in the back, low rib area and joints, I have now been diagnosed with fibromyalga and plantar fisciita both really sore. I'm sorry I can't really give more help but I'm just in the trial and error stage as it's took me two years and a change of GP to finally be diagnosed peri menopause. Squishy hugs xxx 

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