So worried about left side pain and abdominal pain. Had all the tests. Dr suspects SIBO
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Hi everyone,
I am new to this but I am needing some advice and guidance and reassurance if I can get it, as I cant seem to get it from any DRs. I am extremely, extremely worried about my symptoms and my health. I am convinced I have cancer.
My symptoms began about a year ago with a niggling pain under my left rib cage, hard to describe but a definite discomfort there, something stuck there almost. It often spread around my flank and to my left back and above my hip. I went to the GP. I was very worried I had pancreatic cancer, and this worry has continued and the symptoms have grown and grown since then. I have developed the following:
Discomfort under left rib cage
Constant nausea
Burping non stop
Metallic taste in mouth and bad breath
Feeling like being punched in the stomach after eating
Pain has started to spread across my abdomen and into top right abdomen under right breast
Mildly loose stools
Random pain across abdomen
Horrible pulling sensation in left side
Very tired
No appetite (i can go days without eating)
Lost 2 stone in weight
I also have suffered from night sweats for the last 4 years (back and forth a thousand times trying to get answers for this-) told they were anxiety.
Coccyx pain- again for about 4 years- had MRI on this showing nothing.
Scolloped tongue
I have had the following tests:
x2 abdominal ultrasounds
X1 abdominal and pelvic CT scan
x1 abdominal MRI
X1 endoscopy
x1 abdominal MRI and MRCP
x2 negative FIT tests
Faecal calprotectin test= 4
Endless bloods (iron levels are good), although Bulirubin levels were at 16 (my GP said 20 was considered high)
All these tests have come back normal- apart from the MRCP showing 'tiny liver cyst', which the consultant said was very normal and no cause for concern.
I am not with my 6th consultant (yes 6th!). She has said that 100% there is nothing wrong with my pancreas and that we have defiantly ruled out cancer after all these tests. She said MRCP was brilliant for evaluating the pancreas. She wants to me to do SIBO test as she feels this could be the cause of my problems.
The only tests I haven't had is a colonoscopy, 4 consultants said to me with all the negative FIT tests the chances of anything bowel/colon cancer related were less than 1%, they are very accurate and colonoscopies are very invasive and in this instance unnecessary. Plus they are so expensive. But I feel like I may need to get one to try and settle my anxieties about bowel cancer.
All my family and friends tell me its in my head. To forget about it and move on.
I am in therapy with an amazing therapist trying to work through all this and my fear of having cancer. But I still feel there is something wrong.
This is ruining my life. Totally ruining my life. I don't go out, cant eat, cant sleep. Major depression and anxiety all the time. My wonderful relationship is on the rocks over it. I have spent all the money on tests.
I am at a loss, it is just awful. Has anyone ever experienced something similar? When I try to reassure myself I just say its IBS and my anxiety is just making it worse and perpetuating the problem. But most of the time I am freaking out that I have cancer and that something is being missed. But I have had such comprehensive tests. I have never had any gut/bowel problems in my life, so this is truly worrying me.
I want my life back, my wonderful life, which since all this has fallen apart.
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henrique44607 sara61158
hi, anyone there? im 26, male, been having similar symptons to some of you, i'm afraid i have colorectal cancer.
it started with a constipation in May, a week without pooping, and after that been having greasy poop for some months, sometimes i see undigested food in it, i have had all shapes and forms of poops possible, thin, little balls, yellowish, dark, diarrhea.
i lost some weight loss, went from 94 kg to 85 kg, and even though i put it back, i feel like my legs and arms are so thin now, all my clothes are baggy/loose. its like i gained weight only on my belly which I feel that it could be a abdominal distension
have a pain on my left side, sometimes in the front towards belly button, but most of the time its on my back, it irradiates do my buttock and legs, its like a nerve pain. if i stay seated for too long i feel pain in my buttocks.
i have painless movable nodes on my groin, mainly on the right side, but theres on the left too. that scares the s**t of me as I read it is a symptom of cancer. i can feel it also on my neck.
have a foamy/bubbly urine which scares me
feel like my skin, my lips, my hair and my nails are dry, my lips are actually peeling off
have painless spams/twitching on my skin/body that happens out of nowhere, mostly on pelvic region and belly, but it can happen on whole body
been feeling tired constantly, this past 7-10 days I had severe headache every day, to the point I had to went twice to the Emergency Room
been suffering for years with reflux and heartburn
i did some exams
lots of hemograms, and some parameters are out of the reference numbers
my relative lymphocytes are 49,5% and the reference is 24 - 44%.
my red blood cells are 4,2 millions/mm3 and the reference is 4,3 - 5,9
my hemoglobin is 13,0 g/dl and the reference is 13,9 -16,3
these are the ones that worry me the most but also my platelets are 410.000/mm3 and the reference says 150.000 - 450.000, so it is very close to the limit of 450.000, i noticed it have been growing comparing past hemograms.
did ultrasounds, all normal
did a urine exam, the lady said it had mucus in it
did fecal parasitological exams, all negative
did a endoscopy, they found a hiatus hernia, an erosive distal esfophagitis los angeles grade C, a mild pangastritis and mild duodenitis, been prescribed Panthoprazol for 2 months. The biopsy didnt show anything bad. Negative for H Pylori.
did a Fecal Protectin test, it came back positive with the number of 260 mcg/g, the reference being:
lower than 50: negative
50 - 200: low positive
above 200: positive
this one basically confirms theres an inflammation on my intestine
my serum calcium is 10,9 mg/dL, the reference being 8,5 - 10,5, which is higher, that worries me
my magnesium is 1,94 mg/dL, the referencd is 1,9 - 2,5, still in but very close
my sodium is 138,22. the reference is 135 - 145, very close too
my vitamin D is 14,7 which the reference considers insuficiency. lower than 10 is deficiency
my vitamin b12 decreased from 420 pg/mL on the first test to 310 on the second, in a span of one month. the reference considers between 200 to 300 a possible deficiency, lower than 200 being deficiency
henrique44607 sara61158
sorry for the long post but i had to point everything.. i feel like food passes right through me and i dont absorve all the nutrients and minerals from it as it seems they're falling down altogether.
i requested a colonoscopy but its gonna take ages on the public health system, i dont know what to do anymore