So worried, can anyone understand ?
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Pretty sure I've been in peri for few years, hormone tests don't reflect this as I have a mirena coil which they believe blurs the results. Last night I had what I believe to be a anxiety attack as had similar last year.....went to bed after visiting the loo at 2am, had a sharp pain in left shoulder, arm went tingly, pulse was racing, shivering with my teeth chattering madly......When I had this last year I honestly thought I was having a heart attack or stroke, my husband then called an ambulance and after tests they advised severe anxiety attack. Last nights was similar but I made myself realise I wasn't diving....I woke my husband who basically sat with me for over an hour making me breathe through it. I've had stomach pains last 3 days which makes me think it's related to my peri.....I've now got the dead arm aching, strange rushing feeling in my head mainly left side and I feel just plain strange. I'm actually sobbing writing this as it scares me so much when it happens...I feel like I want to just curl up and sleep but the fear of it happening again stops me as it always seems to happen during the night or when I'm laying sleeping....the jolt upright feeling is I losing the plot or does anyone know what I'm going on about ?!!
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anita31460 jane08837
You poor thing. Anxiety is the worst thing ever. No matter how much you rationalise it, it's so scary when it happens. The only comfort I can offer is that it's SO common in Peri. You are not going mad, you're not dying, it's just an horrendous symptom of this awful time of life. As cliche as it sounds, relaxation exercises do help. Mindfulness is very good at teaching you to ride the wave of anxiety. Education is also good... get some good books on panic attacks and anxiety. The more you understand what's happening to your body, the less scary it seems when it happens. If it gets unbearable anti depressants can help to take the edge off.
I wish you well... be comforted by the fact that we have all experienced similar feelings, and you can and will get through this.
Take care Jane
Anita x
jane08837 anita31460
jo92050 jane08837
No I don't think you are losing the plot. Through the last 9 months of peri into menopause and still now that I am post by nearly 4 months, just about everything I had and still can have hits me on the left side and what you explain is what I have felt many times over the last 2 years but I have always found something to be anxious about and the attack was the result of what I was anxious about. Maybe let your dr know what has happened and see what he/she suggests. Mine just said hormonal anxiety when I tried to explain it to her. It is very scary when it happens. Try not to let the fear take over cause that will bring on more anxiety.
Jo xx
MrsMerm jane08837
maybe you need to have the coil removed and use alternative contraception to start with, surely it would help to know that these symptoms are due to the meno/peri-menopause.
and take it from there
this is such an awful time in a woman's life
And thank that wonderful husband of yours for being there for you
one of the things I find the hardest about it all is "I feel so alone"
I have had to call in sick tonight from work because my body aches all over and I'm so low, I love my job but my body is letting me down
Tell your husband you love him and appreciate his help, and stay calm, this will all eventually pass
Mrs M
jane08837 MrsMerm
MrsMerm jane08837
sounds like you should listen to your GP over that coil
Well I really must "get going", the hoouse is like a bombs hit it here
Enjoy the rest of your day
susan21149 jane08837
You should talk to your doctor about this to see if he can prescribe you some antianxiety medications to keep your anxiety down
I will keep you in my prayers
emily06016 jane08837
But it's all very scary particularly with hyperplasia (mines simple so 1-2% chance of developing cancer) still scary tho.
Apparently I should have had coil when symptoms first occurred I didn't.
You are not alone, believe me. I've heard high praise about coil so I'm hoping it does the job .
Tc (try not to worry)
MrsMerm emily06016
what are the benefits of having a coil
I will try anything
Mrs M
nixnix jane08837
MrsMerm jane08837
and I feel like a hypochondriac !!!
not coping with work at all at the moment, I just get so tired and achy all over, from head to toe
it takes me days to recover and analgaesia
I am quite tearful at the moment too
oh well may go to zzzzz
Nite hun xxx