So worried what’s wrong with me
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So I have been a member of this forum for some time now . This latest thing is really getting me down and worrying me . I have had it before on and off , especially at the start of peri three and a half years ago . For weeks now I havent had an appetite and I have to make myself eat and sometimes I get nausea as well . I get so anxious about it all , wondering why I have been feeling like this for so long . Its the lack of appetite that is getting me down and worrying how much weight I am losing . I have not been right since I had flu at the start of the year then a chest infection and three heavy periods . I am 51 . I have just had blood tests and they were all good , no further treatment required .
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mamamia03 jane63977
Hi Jane, I'm in same boat, no appetite, nausea and then the throat thing started, I feel like my throat is closing and I end up gasping for breadth. Turns out I've got acid reflux! My doctor has put me on Zoton, I'm only on it a couple of days and I can see a small difference so hopefully it continues to get better. Maybe look into the acid reflux, you might shock yourself. Feel better soon xxx
Guest jane63977
Hi Jane, I think anxiety/depression can cause appetite loss. Also, were you maybe on antibiotics for your flu? If so, maybe you need some probiotics to help your stomach get back on track? Or maybe just try to anyway to see if it helps?
Otherwise, I don't know, perimeno is such a pain, it's like it keeps giving us new symptoms to have to endure and our tests are always normal. We are perfectly healthy (the words from my old doctor). How can we be perfectly healthy and still feel so dreadful? I hope you start feeling better! You must've had a pretty wicked flubug.
jane63977 Guest
Yes , it was a really violent bug ,as my doctor called it . I didnt have antibiotics as it was all viral and it did start in my stomach . I just feel that it has wrecked my whole system along with the heavy periods. Ever since then I have had anxiety and depression as its all taken its toll on me . I just want to feel well again . I do get spells of reflux which I never suffered from before peri .
heidiparthena jane63977
I had this late 2017! I was convinced I had some late stage cancer. I lost a lot of weight (for me. I’m very slim to start so it wasn’t good!) had ZERO appetite, always felt sick to my stomach, had a knot in my gut. I ended up getting an upper endoscopy and found I had gastritis. I did take omeprazole for a couple months but got off it bc I don’t like meds unless absolutely necessary (like my Zoloft since peri!!!). What I have found is that my digestive system is MUCH more sensitive now that I am peri. I always prided myself on a stomach of steel. Not anymore! Licorice herbal tea helps a lot as does turmeric pills, l-glutamine, and l-cysteine. All natural supplements. I also am guaranteed a relapse if I drink too much alcohol or caffeine. Also, my anxiety makes it so much worse!!! Please ask your doctor for an endo so you know for sure but I pretty much guarantee it’s hormonal changes and you are perfectly healthy. Hugs and love!!! Heidi, 46
sharon03238 jane63977
Hi Jane
I had a viral infection late last year and my appetite is only coming back now, i also suffer with anxiety and slight depression, my tummy just doesnt feel right at all, had all bloods done all fine, my doctor thinks my anxiety is causing all this, i have really bad acid reflux and a feeling of something stuck in my throat, tightness of my neck also, the burning in my chest has eased a bit, ive changed my HRT so i think thats helping with the anxiety, ive tried medication for it but i seem to be having side affects and allergic reactions... im in my 5th yr of menopause 😦 x
tracy43395 jane63977
I have no appetite and nausea most days. It's like having constant morning sickness.
michelle92591 jane63977
This is happening to me Jane. Double lung infection that wont go away. No appetite,no interest in food. I have to force myself to eat. I have an interest in food. I have been to many doctors. Nothing found but the lung issue. I must say i have not asked about the appetite , but i have told the doctors about my weight. No one seemed concerned. Between the hormones and the lungs ive lost some weight. Havent had period in over two months. I just want this to pass. Best wishes to you
Takingtime jane63977
Hi Jane, I know how you feel. I have had similar issues on and off for the last couple of years. I have had right sided abdominal pain, epigastric pain, nausea, and bloating and colicky feeling, chest pain, then lump on the throat feeling. I did have some tests out to rule out heart, blood tests, fecal tests, barium swallow, ultra sounds and xrays which all came back normal . My weight goes down, then I gain weight.....I have been keeping a diary and it seems things are worse around hormone fluctuations, and if my anxiety gets on high alert. I have not had an endoscopy or a colonoscopy which was offered to me, but I was told by a couple doctors it really wasn't necessary as my other tests were good. I am not sure I have braved up to getting them either. When I start feeling the pains though I start to worry that there is something more, and then the symptoms seem worse from is a constant mind game and merri- go -round.
unico31026 jane63977
I also have spells with loss of appetite. I am 43 and been in peri for 8 yrs now.
lina19 jane63977
been through this. i was asked try eat this: soak cooked rice the previous night in water (just a few spoons since its hard to eat in the first place). next morning drink up the water n chew the rice thoroughly before swallowing it. this acts like a probiotic n has plenty of vit B n iron content when soaked overnight. u cd add a tablespoon of buttermilk n a bit of salt if u wish to enhance the taste a little.i have tried it n hence recommending it. its all natural, hence i tried it. it helped me. i also ate light food during this time n cut out caffeine and dairy. drank lots of warm water. it took a while...around a month. but the progress was gradual. if this helps u too, kindly write ur feedback here so that it helps others too. 😃
sharcerv52408 jane63977
Hi Jane,
Unfortunately this is yet another symptoms of menopause. I lost weight for a season too when I started peri. No one believed my weight loss was hormonally induced. They all thought I was sick and I was afraid that I was too. But after having several tests run and numerous visits to the ER/doctor's office, everything came back clear so I just put it down to menopause. Did it make my worry disappear, not at all. I looked like a skeleton. But on the flip side, two years ago my weight returned and now I'm trying to figure out how to get some of it off. 😂
heidiparthena sharcerv52408
Right? I was so worried about being so skinny and now I want to lose 5 pounds. Ridiculous! Peri is not my friend ha ha
pinkcatfairy jane63977
Dear Jane
I had this in peri, I suddenly realised that my appetite had gone and I forced myself to eat. I lost about a stone and half and this worried me further! In the end i was too scared to look in the mirror and freaked out when people noticed that i had lost weight! I did have gastitis which i believe was the cause and it took some time to clear. I went on to put weight and more on and now my weight seems to have levelled off again.