soft poop
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i have a soft /unshaped/unformed stool for about 6 months and burping also but immediately after drinking or eating. but for three days i have little gurgling in my stomach ,also i feel tired only at night and also breathing problem at ni8 and also have little burning in whole abdomen for just a seconds for 3 days,i am tense about my unshaped stool for 6 months what should i do plz suggest me ,,,
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tabitha05933 chemical
Go to a gastroenterologist. Sounds about the same that I get. That's what I'm doing going to a gastroenterologist
chemical tabitha05933
sanya11314 chemical
But depends on where you live, what the 'procedure' the 'hirachie' is like. Here in Australia, one has to go to a GP first in order to get a referral, even if I offer the specialist or institute private 100% payment, nope, no one does anything without any referral here.
Very frustrating, time consuming. Because if your GP does not want to issue a referral especially to a specialist you want to go but he/she doesn't know, you are kind of stuck and stuffed.
tabitha05933 sanya11314
In the US we also get referal. But my insurance I just looked up a doctor gastroenterologist and I decided to just see one. My general doctor only was telling me my blood pressure was good and how myou blood work was fine. I did an ultra sound but it doesn't see the stomach. The only thingredients they seen was an obscured pancreas with gas around it. I didn't know what that was suppose to mean. But they couldn't see the stomach with the the ultrasound.
chemical sanya11314
hello sis ,here in my country pak ,same procedure that first go to near clinic of Gp if he can"t find anything about health problem then he may go to specialist if patient wish .but what should i do ,specialist or GP ? beacuse i don:t know whether i have acute or chronic disease or no i have no any disturbing symptoms such as painfull stomach or any other only a little bit gurging for just a seconds for 2 days. plz help wha should i do ,i have also fear that i will be die because i am in fear that if i have colon cancer ,i will be die...plz help
Emis_Moderator chemical
I have deleted the non English language posts as per the T&Cs - "Please note that all contributions must be in English (so that we can effectively moderate the Discussion Forums)."
unlucky63610 chemical
Hi chemical sad to hear about your symptoms.. well ist let me know from which city you are? of all i like Pakistan system you can an immediate action on any kind of disease the bad thing only there is the abroad there is such a big problems regarding with the treatment...i am in Japan. I have the same problem like you i have soft stool some time hard some time normal mostly soft and un shaped...before in Pakistan mostly i go to different kind of doctor physican and medical specialist,gp docs all of them will say to me that . Have an ibs my last gp doctor give me colofac which solve some of the problem now . Pass 1 or 2 time stool in a day before 4 to 5 times but still soft Pakistan docs tell me that don,t worry about the soft stool its fine watery direha is little bit complicated..don,t know done ultra sounds,stool test,cbc test,typhoid,jauidence,hepatities b and c liver function,echo for heart ecgs now in Japan one month ago i Have endoscopy nothing showed bad in that....few days back i eat water melon when i go to toilet i have red stuff in my stool so thats it . Take holiday from work and go to the doc where . Discuss about colonscopy but the clinic near to my home is small he say i will reffer u to the big hospital..but the problem is that i don't know japanese soi. Have a friend his problem is pencil thin stool he has colonscopy on 24 and,i Go to his doctor my colonscopy is on august 7.......chemical don,t think to much just go to big hospital in karachi there is agha khan hospital,in islamabad there is shifa and Quaid e azam hospital,in peshawar Rmi aNd north west thats what . Know the best hospitals go for colonscopy bcoz ultra sound is wastage of time.....don't waste time on the small clinic docs go to professional Gp that will figure out your iam afraid to die but . Am facing a problem i need solution of that what everit is mayb. I can face it but i can not live with this fear every day i think alot and every. Day . I Will die hundred time google will make my mind worse......i request you to go to good gp and ask for colonscopy that will sol e your problem and make you mind clear sorry for the long speech
chemical unlucky63610
chemical unlucky63610
chemical unlucky63610
unlucky63610 chemical
unlucky63610 chemical
Ok i will but if u go to doctor insist for colonscopy they will say to u may be . Have an ibs they will blame ibs may b u have but tell to ur doc that u wanna do an colonscopy i have a problem mostly a year and a half so
or more some time fine some time not i visit to different docs in Pakistan but nothing they do for me blood test stool s
Test ultra sounds so sad but still now i have on and off problem....i amthinkjng may be i have cancer i Am 30years old and havd good body but mostly . I think about my health and burps problem..well 2weeks remaining in my colonscopy i can't wait . Want to know whats the problem i am tired of this non sense people enjoy when they go to toilet they feel good and me every time confused and scared when i have a blood in stool what a life is that tired to be very honest yesterdayi. Eat green beans then today i Have that in stool when ever i eat water melon i feel undigestion for next a week or ten days...chemical plz don't waste your time request your docfor colonscopy in pak they will do for u so fast here in abroad u will wait for months.....good luck and hopeu. Will feel fine soon
unlucky63610 chemical
chemical unlucky63610
chemical unlucky63610
bro dont be panic or dont take tension ,, as u told that you have undigested food in your stool like watermelin ,so dear i also have seen watermelon pieces in my stool and seeds ,it looks like blood in stool but it cant so dear its not a problem ...
chemical unlucky63610
haider43332 chemical
cindy92481 haider43332
I've been having problems also for three months diarrhea stomach pains they've checked everything but the colon and scared of the colonoscopy hadn't had that done yet ... A lot of stress in my life the past five months praying its IBS and nothing worse....hope your test comes back good
chemical haider43332
haider43332 cindy92481
haider43332 chemical
chemical haider43332
Dont be panic .trust on Allah he will do better,and go to the Allah's friend tomb and do dua to Allah for ur health ,if Allah want then absoulutely give u health ... and dont believe on google ,
chemical haider43332
haider43332 chemical
chemical haider43332
chemical haider43332
haider43332 chemical
chemical haider43332