Some days are just harder than others.
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Where do I begin? It seems like every time I turn around I have a different or new set of symptoms. One day I will be fine, then the next, I feel like I can't even make it through the day. My heart palpitates, which scares me half to death. I will just be sitting around and get light headed for no reason. I feel like I can't eat anything because of the bloating and weight gain right around my middle. I will be happy one minute, then all out of the blue my mood will change and I will get irritated or cry over nothing. I have major panic and anxiety every time a new symptom sets in. I wake up in the middle of the night burning up, and pull my gown up around my neck and sit in front of the fan until I start to cool down enough to try and go back to sleep. I don't sleep well either. It seems like I am awake more of the night than asleep. I don't want to go anywhere because I feel so bad much of the time. Usually though, after I make myself get dressed and go anyway, I feel better. It's just making myself get the will to go. I'm 53 and feel like I am about 80 at times. I haven't had a full period in months. Month before last, I spotted for about 24 days; Last month I didn't have a period, and this month I just spotted for about 2 days and that was it. I actually felt better when I had a period. There isn't really anyone to talk to about all of this, because I don't want to bring my family down with a bunch of complaining. I actually went to see a psychiatrist because of the panic and anxiety and she said I had care giver's stress. The real stress came when I had to pay her $350.00 a session, and I knew that wasn't what was wrong with me. Needless to say, she put me on some medication for my nerves that made me feel worse, so I quit taking it. It seems like the only relief I get at times is coming here and reading all of your posts and knowing that I am not alone in all of this. Who knew Peri could alter a woman's life to the point she feels like she isn't even living. I will just wait around for that light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you all for being such an encouragement to me and helping me through this rough patch.
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susane84679 sherri87081
Hi Sherri,
I feel you on the lightheadedness for no reason. Apparently that's completely normal for this time in our lives. It sucks but all we can do is the best we can. I just turned 51 in March, have not had a period or spotting since December so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. My newest and by far the most disturbing symptom for me is feeling completely empty inside. It's hard to explain but I literally feel like an empty shell. Add that to the aches and pains of everyday and it's all a bit overwhelming at times. I don't get the night sweats often but when they rear their ugly heads it feels like I'm on fire from the inside out. All we can do is hang on and go day by day. This Forum has been a life saver for me, just knowing that I'm not alone and I am not crazy is a major relief. Sending hugs..
sherri87081 susane84679
I sure hope we all can manage to make it through this Susane. I just want to feel normal again.
kelly55079 sherri87081
I totally agree!!! Some days are really great where I think I have past 'this stage'... But then like now-- I'm sitting here kinda light-headed and dull headache-- could be sinus cause everything is blooming. I find myself doing less and less-- meaning I just don't feel like getting in my car to go anywhere. I used to go do a quick errand or two-- NOW I make lists and wait for a day I feel good. I do sleep at night but mostly wake up tired.. I never drank coffee but maybe I should now. That time of month has been rough.. It's usually about 2 weeks beginning to end. Cravings like nothing, anger and rage, exhaustion, boobs are full and achy, sore feet and knees, under left breast feels odd, at times headaches before period, spotting then heavy flow with clots. The bad aniexty comes and goes and when it's bad I'm totally useless and feels that wears me out even more.I just made an appt with a therapist to talk about all this-- Between taking care of me and my family (teen boys and spouse is another child) I feel like I'm going crazy. I really look forward at night-no expectations at bedtime. My mom didn't have any of this-- not sure of my aunts. They all ate from the garden and livestock they raised-- no processed foods or VERY little-- prehaps this has something to do with it.
sherri87081 kelly55079
I feel your pain Kelly. I quit driving for awhile because my anxiety gets so bad. My husband is usually very understanding about the whole peri thing, but yesterday he told me I am going to have to snap out of it. I told him I wished I could, but that is easier said than done.
tawana68 sherri87081
hang in there honey , we all can relate to your symptoms and how this peri stuff has affected our lives in some way or another but , always remember your not alone and were all in this together . i agree about this website though cause on my worst days i come on here and read other womans posts and then i remember we all have some fears or anxiety of all this crap our bodys have done to us .
just today i was trying on a bra and none of them fit because of the weight gain i have and also bloating.
irregular periods sometimes clotting
night sweats
over emotional
blood pressure issues
etc etc etc..........
i think i have had them all during this stage of my life and im 50.
i keep saying to myself , this is just a phaze and i try to find things that soothe the heart palps and anxiety .
i enjoy county drives and hearing running water and a good movie so i find that helps .
try to find somthing for you that soothes ya even just a walk or a chat or a letter on here .
youll find what it is and then try to make sure you do it more often . were all different on what works but on this site we have a great support system of woman all trying to get though each day and you will too 😃
stay strong!
a peri friend from canada .
Amalie13 tawana68
I feel your pain. Just turned 52 and i am still getting almost regular periods. I have been suffering with the ebbs and flows of anxiety and depression for almost 4 years, which by far are my worst issues. In addition to fatigue, aches and pains, etc. I hate feeling this way. Thank god for this group of lovely ladies.
nanc00951 Amalie13
I have just turned 56! and my worst symptom is anxiety And I have had them all. The other symptom I get now is nausea and headaches
I thought I was period free but spotted a fee months back, so had to start counting over
sherri87081 tawana68
Thank you Tawana. This site is a life saver, and you ladies sure help me when I am feeling low. I don't know what I would do without you all. Hugs to you too.
sherri87081 Amalie13
Amalie, the anxiety and panic attacks are the worst for me too. I feel like I can manage the other symptoms pretty well, but those are horrible. I just want to feel like a woman again.
sherri87081 nanc00951
Nanc00951, I sure hope you start feeling better too. I have noticed I get headaches more frequently now. I am looking forward to the day when I wake up and feel like a woman again. Hugs to you.
Str8tfans sherri87081
omg i feel this right now with every fiber of my being!!
i also feel that these minor dizzy spells and tight head feelings get way worse in the spring which makes me suspect allergies. WHICH MANY of us have already talked about how we never had issues with allergies until peri, and we all know how everything we feel is hypersensitive during peri anyways so we freak out.
The health anxiety is the worst. i know exactly how you feel.
I dont have insurance so i havent been "officially" diagnosed with peri, but i found this board when my health anxiety was at my worst almost two years ago. If it was something other than peri surely it wouldve killed me by now lol.
I havent posted in quite awhile, honestly have been feeling a bit better though it does come and go. TODAY it decided to rear its ugly head with tightness in my forehead, minor palpitations, minor dizziness and just an all around feeling of "off".
Sometimes its almost like my eyeballs want to close but im not tired lol.
Btw does anyone else absolutely DESPISE this new keyboard on this forum is it just me??
sherri87081 Str8tfans
My allergies are horrible this year. It seems like they get worse the older I get. Sometimes I feel like I am a hypochondriac. But, if all of these symptoms were some kind of horrible disease, I would have died by now. Hopefully, we all start feeling like our old selves again, and soon. Hugs to you. I don't have any problems with the keyboard, but I use my home PC to get on here.