Some hope at last, I think but a breakthrough at least....

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Hello all, I know this is a UK-based site (I am from the States) but have been avidly reading on these posts and getting excited that there may be some hope at last!  It's so good to be able to share what we have all tried, and what worked/did not work (although what works for one person might not work for others). 

That being said, I have had bleph for over three years now and it's been awful!  (We all know that right?).  It's to the point where under and around my eyes, the skin is "tight" most days like it is pulling (which is a weird thing but understandable, my eyes just do not produce tears/moisture normally.  I will shed tears if I "cry" or watch a sad movie or something but the day to day moisture that is supposed to occur with blinking does not).

Anyhow after MUCH research and endless hours of searching for answers (and after a diagnosis of a doctor of this condition, actually three saying the same thing), I have found some relief and wanted to share it.

I tried the heat/cold thing alternately, it didn't really do much of anything to be honest.  I suspect my own dry eyes are the result of something bacterial related but could be wrong.  The last doc I saw prescribed a yukky eryrthromycin ointment, it was messy and didn't do a damn thing to help with this.  It just my eyes all gooey and gross.  But there are different strains of bacteria, so on I went with searching and trying other things.  Teabags, cucumbers, I went as far as to use a teabag then "steam" my open eyes over the hot water.  Warm compresses, cold/ice wrapped in a clean towel, even coconut oil on my lashes, tea tree oil, name it and I have likely tried it with no success.

Sorry I am so wordy, lol., but I am happy to have discovered the Wet Ones which I use each morning (not always in the pm) and now have started to use an over the counter moisturizing eye drop (my mom gave me a sample her eye doctor gave her, as she doesn't need it and knows I have this condition).  It's only been three days and what an amazing improvement in how my eyes feel!  They no longer water (which is super embarrassing while out in public or at work), they no longer sting, the surrounding part whihc used to be red and irritated is super white, and I have found I am much happier because I am not worrying all day long/constantly about how bad they look, with the tearing, gritty feeling, stinging and all of that awful stuff!  The drops are called Systane Balance and I use them every morning after showering. They are very soothing and the relief lasts all day (in fact i need to step it up a notch and use them evenings also, I just bought a full sized bottle at the local Rx today). I am hoping this is not another false hope thing, but I can honestly say that I do use the Wet ONes (pink/red container) only along the last line morning and night) and these after the morning shower.  I immediately noticed some instant relief with just the Wet Ones but still experienced watering, and sometimes even "pain" in my eyes (like when you get smoke in your eyes the only way I can describe it).  But coupled with the Wet Ones, this seems to be working!  It's early so I cannot yet judge how well but if things keep improving so rapidly with more use, I will be a very very happy woman!  I just wanted to share with all of you in hopes it could help someone as many of these posts have helped me.  My eyes have honestly not looked this "normal" in such a long time!  And the lids are also no longer swollen and "wonky" looking!  YAY!  Will keep updating as I keep using this treatment.  

2 likes, 15 replies

15 Replies

  • Posted

    I been trying to use the wet ones, but can't seem to get it outside the eye and just stopped using them. I find it difficult lol. How do you clean them? Also I have tried those eye drops and find them extremely thick for eyes or my eyes don't really need them? So I stopped also and just doing the warm compresses, but also gets my eyelids inflamed. I'm really upset about all this blepharitis and the flare ups I have.
    • Posted

      HI there, I rip them into four pieces and use one for each eye, by focusing in on the lashline (sometimes it goes outside of that but it seems ok).  If you mean how do I clean my eyes?  I just wash my face (I use a gentle soap like Dove which is non-drying).  After that I wrap a Wet ONe strip around my finger tightly and focus on "scrubbing" the lashline I also discovered the warm compresses don't work for me and make me more irritated than "soothed."  They also make my already fine lined skin there look more wrinkled and crinkly, as the heat is drying but doesn't seem to help at all with releasing tears, etc.  It just irritates my eye, my eyelids and makes the skin very very dry...I just try to remember to focus the Wet Ones only where needed, which is the lashline (above and below) seems to stimulate something I can definitely feel a difference when I do this.  It is also not a perfect science but also removes any leftover eye makeup at the same time.  I hope this helps.  
    • Posted

      also for the drops, I hold my head way back, and make sure I keep my treated eye closed for as long as possible...there will be some residue (as there is with any eyedrop) but it is I have found much less with this one....don't blink rapidly etc. after putting them in, just keep the treated eye closed as long as you can so it can work its magic/thing....I do one eye at a time with drops, and let it sink in before I put the drops in the other one.


  • Posted

    Hi Tina , although the cold compresses feel great and so soothing , the heated bags make the natural oils in the glands more " runny and viscous " and will help in keeping the gland openings from blocking as quickly . The cold , however , will " stem " the flow . So always cold before heated bag maybe ?

    I've had the pink wet ones for some time but have been too "chicken " to try them ! I'll start tonight !

    I only now have the dry eyes/ blocked glands , the weepy , gummy eyes have gone long ago as with the awful face rash i had from the the eyes watering over night .

    I'd been using the Blephasol liquid cleaner on a cotton bud firstly to dissolve the overnight lacrilube ointment but secondly to go along the gland line .

    It hasn't the same antibacterial qualities of the wet ones but does dissolve blockages of the glands .

  • Posted

    tina, I am happy for you, as I have the same condition.The wet ones seem to be helping my eyes, I use them four times a day, and try to never miss. Lynda79 has been a big hlep, and we all I'm sure  appreciate her spending her time hleping others even though she doesn't have it any more.  smile  Even so it will be nice when and if  if I never need to rush home while in the middle of something, and clean my eyes.  It's certainly worth it though.  smile  Dena
    • Posted

      Hi Dena , regarding the Wet Ones , on the ingredients list , what % Benzethonium Chloride do your wipes have in them ? The ones I've just purchased have 0.3% and the packaging is more pink than red AND it says " Fresh Scent" Limited Edition on the tub . Haven't tried them yet , was a bit worried about the fresh scent as in being " perfumed " and these not being the ones Lynda was recommending .



    • Posted

      David, mine also are 0.3%, and mine also says fresh scent, but I've had no problems with them.  In the morning I use a wet warm wash cloth to soak my eyes, and then rinse them in very warm water. Then, I wash my eyes with Johnson baby shampoo, and very warm water.   I take one of the wet ones, and cut them into tiny squares about as big as a quarter, the I wipe the rim of each eyelid where the eyelashes are I use one for the botom, one for the top and then one to rub across both together with my eye not fully closed.  Then I use a last one to do the ouside of my eyelid and eyebrow.  Then I put in drops for each eye.  I'm careful not to touch either eye without washing my hands. I keep these tiny squares in a clean plastic jar for when I need them, which I said before which is four times a day. Also, after all this I rub Aveeno lototion all around my eyes.    Alot to do?  I't well worth
    • Posted

      Thanks Dena , I'd better " man up " and give them a go !

      I went back on the cod liver oil last night as that had hjelped before . Sounds pretty nasty but 10ml in a tumbler of cold milk and it's ok ( until you belch ! )

    • Posted

      The Cod liver oil ? said to be an aid to healthy eyes as well as other health issues . Oily fish not included in my diet for some time now so I thought that i ought to help the body sort out it's problems in a " natural way " . seemed to work when i last tried it . Always the same with me , once I'm on a role I think the problem has passed !
    • Posted

      David, I can't imagine fish being bad for you, I takae 5 fish oil caplets a day.  I have heared that Flax seed is good and I ahve started to take extra, but in the meal form.  I put it in my oatmeal.  It's good for many things. Of course Cod liver oil comes from fish, I'm sure it's good for you.  smile
    • Posted

      I'm planning to take it every other day ,  taking it in the high strength liquid form ,  for a month then stopping for a month and see how it goes .
    • Posted

      Dear Dena,

      I used the wipes 4 times a day just for a little over a week then went down to 3 then to 2 times for the last several months.

      Please don't overdo as could be drying as some have said on this site.

      Thinking of you,


  • Posted

    lynda79, thank you so much for all of your great help and the discovery of the Wet Ones! They do help a bunch!  That being said even with not using them the past few days (I get lazy, lol, because my job takes up so much of my time), I have found they definitely help a lot.  I need to keep using them, and morning and night, until this is under control.  But I have to digress a bit, and say that after only using a few times, and getting my very long hair cut VERY short, I am not self conscious about my eyes looking bad.  They actually stand out more with this and this new short haircut.  Naturally I have the "age" thing to deal with which is a whole different lot than bleph, lol, but I am pleased overall with how my eyes are looking now.  And they feel better too.


    • Posted

      Dear Tina,

      You do need to keep at it as hit and miss will not kill it. Two times a day for months can do it. That is what a few have done who work and have had success.

      This is not a life use thing. Just a few months to kill it. Mine has not come back and it is going on 2 years now.

      Wish you success,


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