Something in my throat
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Hello all,
Do any of you ever get this feeling like there is something stuck in your throat when you swallow or burp? I keep getting the sensation like there is a piece of food or something that didn't go all the way down. It's so annoying. Anyone else get this too?
1 like, 13 replies
melissa47441 sharcerv52408
yep !! only put the same on her last week !!
keep trying to clear throat feels like there is mucus
stuck there , or feels thick /tight !
had it for 2 months now and wont go , but im quick to finish a bottle of wine and a meal no problemo !
renee61138 sharcerv52408
Yup. Have had this it's quit annoying. It's called a globus sensation. I get this when I'm extremly anxious and I have gerd so if I get a flair up of acid reflux I get it to. Warm wash cloth on neck helps some.
sharcerv52408 renee61138
Yes I have been anxious and I also have acid reflux flare ups sometimes. I have been having heartburn for a few days now. So weird.
2chr2015 sharcerv52408
yep....and exactly what renee said
hopeforever sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 , Yes . When i get this i have to calm myself down or else my anxiety will shoot to the moon. Its just another symptom of peri/ meno. Your not alone. Praying for you
Troldepus71 sharcerv52408
It comes and goes. It tend to come when I am anxious. Sooooo annoying!
CarolDR sharcerv52408
YES! its a part of GERD! I hate it! Mylanta and or gaviscon helps with it, I hate going prescription drugs!
tracy01120 sharcerv52408
I'm 51 and had it for 7 months then it finally went away. Globus Hysteria, anxiety makes it worse. try to relax, and dont worry it's just another annoying symptom to deal with. hugs
Thanks so much ladies. I'm grateful that I have you ladies for support during this time. Your reassuring comments really go a long way.
Kadija1966 sharcerv52408
I had it in February for 5weeks, then one morning I woke up and this sensation had dissappear. Its definitely a perimenopause symptoms.
sharcerv52408 Kadija1966
Yes I had it for most of the week and then, "poof" it disappeared yesterday in the middle of the day so yes it's hormones doing their thing.
amy67442 sharcerv52408
Yes. I've had it. Both globus and last year I had a wonderful bout of what is caused LPR...basically acid reflux in your voice box! I had a chronic cough and the feeling like something was stuck in my throat. I saw an ENT for it and sure enough was told it is very typical for women of a "certain" age or anxious people.
Globus will go away on its own...just try not to stress. Once you have it once and it goes away, you will realize what's happening if it comes back again. If you're really concerned, go see an ENT...he'll snake a little camera down your nose into your throat and you'll have some peace of mind within seconds.
sunaina1983 sharcerv52408
Yes Yes yes
I feel this in starting for peri.
As if something stuck in my throat and i am not able to eat anything.
Its Peri symptom dear..donot worry
Hang is there