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Hi ladies...has any of you experienced tingly or numb sensations? I just noticed it on one thumb...but my hubby days it was after a night of sleep im ng on that side. It's not stopping me from doing things..and I can move it normally ...just feels like it fell asleep in one spot.
I do lean on elbows a daughter made me realize that. so I'm think a pinched nerve...any experience with that? Sometimes I feel it in pinky and wrist after lying or leaning on that side
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haley30534 katyD211
Hi yes I've experienced this with my thumb and pinky, with my thumb it goes numb between my knuckle and thumb nail, it's very odd and comes and goes
katyD211 haley30534
That's exactly where I feel it....strange and annoying sensation. Thanks, Haley. I am hoping it just disappears as randomly as it started.
sharcerv52408 katyD211
Yes I've been experiencing this issue too. Yesterday it was my leg on the right side. Today it's my left arm. You never know from day to day or moment to moment what symptoms we will have.
katyD211 sharcerv52408
Then are replaced with a maddening array of crazy scary symptoms!! geez...
Guest katyD211
Yes, I have...a couple of fingers, wrist or side of arm. The weirdest was when I couldn’t feel my outer left ankle. I would pinch the skin and I couldn’t feel it...that lasted only a little bit...🙄
katyD211 Guest
Wow...and sometimes tingling when I randomly scratch my itchy, dry skin!
Thanks for your response..I'm gonna try to relax about it.
Guest katyD211
katyD211 Guest
Oh thanks for that tip,Lou!! I will be reading their site this evening. Yes, I wish I could afford to go to the UK for help. They seem to have more resources and professionals who take peri and menopause so much more seriously than the ones I've met here so far.