Something new to add to all this scary crap

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for the past few days i have this low grade buzzing sound inside my head not my ears wtf i literally cant take no more scary crap ive been on the phone all morning trying to be inpatient somewhere cause im losing my mind. can anyone relate to this buzzing sound inside the head not ears? i can plug my ears up and cant hear it unplug my ears its there. i can see why women was locked up for menopause back in the day, who wouldn't think we are nuts. well i honestly think im gonna lose my mind im not gonna come out the other end sane no way. im gonna be like Goldie Hawn in overboard when they stick her in the barrel of sorry ladies i know ive been posting alot lately its just tormenting me to death nothing stops and just gets worse.

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16 Replies

  • Edited

    Yep I've had that buzzing noise in my head for few weeks! All part of the process!! Ur not alone! I also hav the ringing in my ear! Am on hrt so fingers crossed it all clears!

    • Posted

      its annoying but was scaring me as it wasn't in my ears thanks for replying and understanding what i was meaning, hate your dealing with this as well but im relieved to know its part of this process.

    • Edited

      I saw amen pause specialist today who said never under estimiate the power of hormones! Anything is possible!! X

  • Posted

    ive had ringing in my ears but not my head or not exactly like yours but maybe similiar the dizziness is what i deal with a lot and feeling light headed its driving me nuts

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      I no it's stopped me working for 4mths!starting on some medication as ant carry on with this!!

  • Posted

    Dear your not alone ....From last few months me too experiencing this buzzing sound in my right side of if someone is knowing inside...sometimes at specific point....and mostly in mid of cycle or few days after periods ....very scary feeling

    Dizziness , head pressure and headache every day story .

    i have read alot about this in net ..its because of hormonal imbalance .

    I observe this in night mostly...


  • Posted

    hello pamela iv also had a buzzing noise in my head for a couple of years now which i blamed on the green houses heaters that come on when i go to bed but iv heard it elsewhere so must be in my head, no one else can here it in my house so im assuming its one of our million peri/ meno symptoms. i know its very irritating and challenges your sanity at times. YES i agree back in the day we would of all been classed as nutters x

    • Posted

      i honestly dont think im gonna come through this sane since May ive been really mentally and physically tormented by all this horrible things. it being intense and many at once is whats pushing me over the edge. my mother never suffered like this she had a parcel hysterectomy my oldest sister doesnt have half of this and keeps living and enjoying her life qhen mine like many other womens has been robbed from us. if im not getting close to the end by now i really dont know how much more i can endure. seems when my cycles started getting lighter from the heavy ones symptoms has really ramped up big time. i pray for all of us daily and cry most of the day, with someone that has dry eyes im amazed how i can even produce tears to cry ugh

    • Posted

      Pamela i really feel for you as i was like you in peri everything happened at once and i thought i would die but things did get better for a while then i went into menopause and although some new symptoms have appeared i think im more used to them and they dont scare me as much some days but it depends on my anxiety that day. The shakes have come back to me these last few week. iv just come back from the hairdressers which should be a nice experience but before i go i get anxious then want to get out as soon as possible. Everyones have a good chat and im stuck with my head in a magazine pretending to read.

      my anxiety seems to have got worse lately thats if it is anxiety because no test comes up with anything. Do you get all the physical feelings like tight head, dizzy and feeling of doom.

      My sister is 4 years older than me and her periods just stopped so i think she thinks im a hypochondriac or attention seeker but im quiet the opposite , i hide how im really feeling from everyone as no one wants to know anyway and would they really believe this has gone on for 8 yrs.

      im trying my best to be more positive and say to myself tomorrows a new day ill be ok.

      Pamela we will get through this, be strong and we will have to wait until our hormones settle x

  • Posted

    Are any off you ladies taking hrt for the buzzy head or dizziness? I'm praying it will sort it all out 🙏

  • Posted

    Hi Pamela how's ur buzzy head?? Mines driving me insane!!

    • Posted

      im actually having bad anxiety right now over all this head pressure from what i dont know it's scaring the he** out of me i cant do this stuff no more and the buzzing what is all this

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