Something odd

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So I don't usually pay attention to such things, but this is weird.

I had a fruit\veg smoothie in the morning (yesterday). The raspberry wasn't too fresh imo. 

Then I had El Pollo Loco salad for lunch. And then started passing gas in the afternoon. I usually don't. Felt a little discomfort, but nothing painful. Just kind of feeling full. I exercised for almost two hours last night, no issues. Then in the morning today, feeling full and a bit constipated and still having the urge to go. Had to go a few times. Seems to have relieved my symptoms. But I still feel a bit of discomfort in the stomach (mostly upper and a bit to the right) and really, really nasty taste in my mouth. Also, belching like non stop. A bit of yellow film on my tongue. Does this sound like food poisoning or may be a bug? I have no pain really. Just discomfort. I had acute pancreatitis last year and they couldn't find the cause. I don't drink alcohol, but  I drank a bit of Tequila last Saturday. Kind of scaring me as it's not typical for me to have such symptoms. I say it's either bad food or may be gastritis. Thoughts?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    What was in the salad? Have you had it before with no ill effects?
    • Posted

      Many times and never had an issue.I still think something I ate was bad. I'll give it 24 hours and then start freaking out =)

  • Posted

    Stick with cooled boiled water and bland food for a couple of days, sounds to me as though something was OFF.
  • Posted

    Wait a week and then see your doctor if nothing has changed.  However, do not worry!  Was chicken in your salad? Chicken can be a a very common cause of food poisoning.
  • Posted

    Hello I have gastritis and one of the symptoms is dyspepsia (a bacteria growing in the intestines) it causes a very full feeling and quite a bit of discomfort however I found taking FD gard (over the counter in a purple box) works really well it alleviates the full feeling and the discomfort in the stomach. Maybe give that a shot see if it helps. However I stopped taking the FD gard and started on a zantac75 regimen twice a day every day and it has made a world of difference being gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining so maybe talk to ur doctor about that. Good luck! Any questions just send me a reply.

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