something sticking in ?

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I am 10 weeks post tkr and despite initial problems with the staples my wound has healed pretty good, however over the last week or 2 I have a feeling of something sticking in just below the skin at the bottom of the scar, There is a very small lump almost like a bead at the edge of the scar where I have this feeling, It isnt "inside" the knee but feels to be just below the skin, anyone had this ? any ideas?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    It could be the left overs of your internal stitches. I had a lot of issues with these over the first 6 weeks. On two occasions one made a break for freedom and pushed through my scar making a hole. I went back to the clinic and they cut it back and now the skin has healed over. I can still feel them under the surface though (at 16 weeks) so presume that's scar tissue. I massage over the area and have managed to really get them down.
    • Posted

      Thanks,I have to say thats exactly what I thought, I presume when it came through it was visible, what am I looking out for ?
    • Posted

      Mine was literally a blue stitch sticking right through. At first I tried to pull it thinking it was a bit of my normal stitches that was left behind....thankfully I realised before I did any damage. I felt like Worzel Gummage losing all my insides 😂
    • Posted

      I have nothing to see, but if I run my finger over it I feel something sharp, yours sounds horrendous !
  • Posted

    I felt that at the base of the scar, I massaged the small lump in circles  then zig zagged up the scar and back again doing circles, this has made the lump quite small so hardly notice it now.
  • Posted

    Had same dotty little round lump a top could see stich sticking

    out .wasat my physio next day so mentioned it to her she said its internal stitch that dessolve , i jst massaged round it at about 8 weeks it came off didn't hurt. Physio just said to watch for


    • Posted

      ok, thanks for that, I will keep an eye on it and hope it dissolves quickly ! best wishes

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