Something Stuck in Throat Sensation - Menopause Symptom?
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Merry Christmas (I wish if I didn't have a new symptom popping up daily that now has me 150% convinced I have esophogial cancer). I need to stop this Dr. Google stuff but this forums is SO helpful and comforting.
Do any of you ladies have this awful sensation that there is something stuck in your throat? I had awful dry mouth and a soar throat on the right side. Found a zillion little tonsil stones. Just finished a 10 day stint of antibiotics and I think those little buggers are gone. Now.....
It's pretty much off and one but I have this weird feeling that something is stuck in my throat. It's not difficult nor painful to swallow or breathe just causing anxiety trying to figure out what this is.
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juanita93228 leisa56147
The lump in the throat is anxiety. Lots of women on this forum have it. Stop googling, it only ends with something awful or death. I was doing the same thing and finally had to stop.
I was hoarse for six months. I finally went to the ENT. He found nothing. A few months later the hoarseness just went away on it's on. It's the worse rollercoaster ride ever! Prayer has helped me. Hang in there.🤗🤗🤗🤗
lisa17089 leisa56147
Google is just the worse I currently think I have a neurological illness due to Google and I'm scared to death I twitch all the time and have really bad muscle and joint pains, I have also had the feeling of a lump in my throat and thought I had throat or like you esophageal cancer, all through Googling. It's the worst thing ever. Hope you feel better soon but I can definitely relate to what you are saying. Big hugs and merry Christmas xxx
Shana_P leisa56147
Don't worry. I have the same thing. Its anxiety and also I had neck injuries which can cause it as well and allergies. I am sure your okay.
tebrown96 leisa56147
I get that feeling & the ENT diagnosed me with GERD/silent reflux. I don't get heartburn, just the feeling of something stuck in my throat. It acts up a few times a year, if I let my diet get out of whack/have too much caffeine/get stressed. Usually a couple weeks of Zantac 150 nightly before bed clears it up, but if it's particularly bad, I also take an omeprazole every morning, too, for a couple weeks.
sue28162 leisa56147
i have it ! its on my right side today it changes sides and sometimes just over all ..
i feel like a have a big glob of mucus i constantly coughing especially in the morning clearing my throat and trying not to swallow I cannot continue to google because I’m pretty certain I will die have some serious disease LOL I’ve come to the conclusion that it is mostly anxiety i and silent reflux .. i have been drinking a lot and lots of alcohol the past couple weeks with Christmas parties Ect so now it’s just made it 1000 times worse not to mention all the weight I’ve put on from going through. peri ..
but yest I do the same thing with Google and it’s probably the worst thing we can do I hope you feel better
mamamia03 sue28162
Thank God for your post. The past couple of weeks I feel like there's a lump in my throat, and coughing up mucas! i suffer with anxiety to, especially health anxiety. I wish i could control it but since peri started 2 years ago its gone completely off the scale! Like you i googled, Bad idea! Have myself convinced of all sorts, even though i had full bloods done only a month ago and all is fine. I WANT MY LIFE BACK !
sue28162 mamamia03
i so want my normal
life back and my insane thoughts to just go away
sue28162 leisa56147
i have it ! its on my right side today it changes sides and sometimes just over all ..
i feel like a have a big glob of mucus i constantly coughing especially in the morning clearing my throat and trying not to swallow I cannot continue to google because I’m pretty certain I will die have some serious disease LOL I’ve come to the conclusion that it is mostly anxiety i and silent reflux .. i have been drinking a lot and lots of alcohol the past couple weeks with Christmas parties Ect so now it’s just made it 1000 times worse not to mention all the weight I’ve put on from going through. peri ..
but yest I do the same thing with Google and it’s probably the worst thing we can do I hope you feel better
sue28162 leisa56147
does any one have bad sore throats
lucy48229 sue28162
Hi Sue,,
I did. I had very painful throat for almost 3 months, and figured that was because of acid reflux. Also had I stuck throat and coughed.
angela33631 leisa56147
Dr calls this globulus hysterica. I had this and was convicted it was cancer.
Dr could not convince me so sent me for a scope at ent. Camera up the nostril and down throat to have a detailed look. Yep nothing there. I never felt the lump again. Consultant told me it was anxiety. And if you convince the brain of something then the symptoms will become real.
I have moved onto so many other things wrong with me. It's just this horrid imbalance of hormones that does it.
I wake in the morning to adrenalin rushes and feel something bad is going to happen.
This forum saved me from going nuts and learned by the wisdom of the women here to STOP googling
Hope this helps
sue28162 angela33631
Oh my god...I thought I was the only one that has the dread feeling. I am pretty much convinved I am dying daily.It becomes so bad at times it almost loops the thoughts then I google then I am dying all over again. My best friend has a good laugh with it all so at least it gives someone something to laugh abut 😃
sara97862 leisa56147
Hi Leisa,
Yes, I have this same problem. It's worst in the mornings ( when my adrenalin is rushing). It makes me cough, sometimes so much I gag.
Like the ladies here have said, quite sure it is a combo of silent reflux and anxiety.
Hang in there!!!