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I was diagnosed with LS a couple of months ago. I didn't know what hit me. I thought it was Thrush, treated it, as you do. Went to the Doctor's finally and he Diagnosed LS. I am really glad I found this forum, I need to know I am not on my own. All information greatly received x
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sue162 plainchocolate
I like your name lol. You aren't alone on here and people aren't embarrassed about talking about their symptoms and how I affects them. It's very frightening when they tell you as like me you probably have never heard of L S. Mine started with tickling and I treat mine with cannesten but obviously it wasn't that. I now moisturise and use the dermovate ointment once a week, I still look red and have lesions but feel better. I felt better joining here and reading threads as well.
sheila02965 plainchocolate
I was in the same boat as both of you ladies. I have been using the borax now for 10 days in my sitz bath. Have you tried it? I can't express enough how over joyed I am at feeling good down there. I started backing off on sugar, pop and cheese, then started soaking every night in a borax sitz bath for 20 minutes and at bath time washing with cerve cleanser. I was red and inflamed, there was no touching me but now 10 days later I feel WONDERFUL! I've been dealing with my LS since I was diagnosed in 2007 but had a few symptoms for a few years before that. I hope what I've mentioned helps at least one but praying it helps more. I've also noticed in this short 10 day period unfusing of my labia and my vulva. Its starting to fall.
Good luck ladies and god bless!