Sore and bump on roof of mouth
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hi i was just wondering, i have multiple symptoms that ive posted in past posts, but im trying to focus on one thing right now which is a canker and raised bump on the roof of my mouth . about 10 years ago i revieved oral sex from a sex worker and about 3 weeks later i formed a canker sore on the roof of my mouth and a bump formed next to it , it was very imflamed when the original sore formed but subsided and now many years later its still there and its very inflamed , ive been tested for stds and i have herpes . can it be herpes or something else ? usually the sore and my urethra feel inflammed at the same time, any advice would be greatly appreciated !
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Wee_Dugie johnfigs19xx
Have you ever had the bump checked by your dentist?
I wonder if you have recent discussed the herpes you have with a sexual health specialist, or even your own doctor?
Has your herpes actually ever been treated?
After 10 years or so you need to draw this to a conclusion and get it fully resolved with the help of the right medical professionals .....
johnfigs19xx Wee_Dugie
ya man ive had it checked by a dentist and ive been to almost every specialist and i cant get it figured out so frustrating
Wee_Dugie johnfigs19xx
In what country do you live?
johnfigs19xx Wee_Dugie
united states
Wee_Dugie johnfigs19xx
And what did the dentist say the bump on the roof of your mouth was?
So do you have a health care plan or have you had to pay to see each specialist?
In simple terms, there must be a specialist who can give you a satisfactory explanation of what you have going on, and specify what the root cause of this is and whether it is treatable or not.
What you need to find is the appropriate specialist to detail to you what you have going on.
Here in the UK the best specialists are based in teaching hospitals and are allied to universities - often these have specialist treatment centres where the most knowledgable practitioners are also based - I don't know whether the same thing is the case in the states for teaching medical specialists - but that is probably where you need to find the answers you seek ....
diego54591 Wee_Dugie
can you look at my recent post please wee dugie
johnfigs19xx Wee_Dugie
The dentist said there was nothing wrong with the Bump and I have health insurance each visit is always covered the thing is I’ve seen almost every specialist there is and all my blood work and check up always comes out perfect I’ve tried everything from integrated medicine to find the doctors online on top of the 10 or 15 different doctors That I’ve seen in person so I’m not sure what my next step is
johnfigs19xx Wee_Dugie
it just doesn’t make any sense is there some mysterious STD going around if I’ve been tested for literally everything what kind it be ?
Wee_Dugie johnfigs19xx
So when you see a specialist they must give you a report that they can then claim their payment from your healthcare provider.
Such a report must give detail of the findings the specialist diagnosed and specify what treatment, such as medication and any procedures they have conducted, so that the specialist can claim their fees. Is this the case? Do you have reports from the specialists?
So, what you need to conclude for yourself is that these specialists are highly educated people in the specialism they have, you need to choose at least one of them that you can create an ongoing working relationship to get to the bottom of what you have going on, AND to resolve the issues you have to your satisfaction
Is this something you can do ..... ?
johnfigs19xx Wee_Dugie
yes i have all my medical records and yes that something i can do but what specialist i have so many symptoms. plus most specialist and doctors have exhausted all options and tested me for multiple things but if im completely healthy why does my mouth and penis burn and i feel like im going crazy mentally memory loss etc.
Wee_Dugie johnfigs19xx
From all of the specialists you have seen there would be at least one, if not more, that, if you had fully explained the situation you are in they would have helped you to get to the place you need to be, both in your mind, and in terms of the medical professional that could help you most.
This is a simple and central tenet of humanity, people when asked by someone who is in need will often go the extra mile to help that person. What you need to do is communicate your needs to one of the more helpful specialist that you have already seen.
If you are completely at a loss as to what to do I think the only option for you is to get the help of a Talking Therapies Therapist - you need to clear your head of all the other stuff that is going on and look at what are the ACTUAL ways and OPTIONS available to you are and to get at the root of what is causing the health issues you have had for these 10 years or so ....
johnfigs19xx Wee_Dugie
the thing is the doctors here are different and they dont really care they test you for a few basic things and tell you they have exhausted all options . and i have seen a few therapist and they said i just have anxiety which i agree on but this what im going through is extreme also theres alot of people on this app going through the same stuff
Wee_Dugie johnfigs19xx
Without the help of an appropriate medical professional you will remain in the situation you are now.
Get the contact numbers of the specialists you have already seen and start phoning them and explain your dilemma - be brief on going into your detail as the situation you have now, and trying to overcome it can be lost.
Ask then, given YOUR situation what would they do if they were a patient themselves, rather than a medical professional.
In addition to this - I have faced many situations in life and what can bring about change in a totally unexpected way is add something that you have not previously done before. Activities that have some connection to a therapeutic approach, or are mind and body development as central to the activity.
So this could be something like Yoga, as an example.
Where you seem to be now is locked into the mindset that you have these issues - you have tried lots of avenues to change that, and this seems in the main, or only by, seeing medical specialists - and nothing will change what you are experiencing.
Whether or not this is how you see the way you are thinking or not, ONLY you can bring about the change in circumstances that will lead to change for you.
Another approach you could try is to contact your health care provider and explain that you have seen all of these specialists that they are paying for and that none of them have found a solution to what you have. Is there anything they can suggest - it would seem from a financial perspective that it is in their interests to help find a solution for you.
The point is, trying different lines of approach, doing things in practical terms is the only route to change - you seem stuck in the cycle of thoughts that nothing will change your circumstances.
ONLY YOU can bring about the change you desire ....
johnfigs19xx Wee_Dugie
thank you yes very good pointers only thing is ive been seeing doctors calling doctors and looking up doctors for a long time its gotten to the point where my motor skills and thoughts are hard to even put together but your right i have to try a diffrrnt approach i just have to figure out what that approach isbut what you said makes sense i will try thank you