Sore mouth???

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I've noticed that I've had a sore throat for a few weeks, and recently I have a sore tongue and mouth, anyone else???

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    YES!! I'VE had a sore throat for 4 months now. went and saw my Dr who said it was nothing more than stress. I'm not stressed that I know of, so googled and went on web MD (DON'T GO TO EITHER)....i have no other symptoms of perimenopause or menopause and I'm not a smoker. check out globus trying home remedies, lemon ginger tea, honey, no alcohol in hopes that it helps. don't freaknout ok, it is apparently quite common in menopause, and perimenopause. I'm 51. hope this helps.

  • Posted

    Hello sorry to hear youre dealing with this me too . Sore throat on and off for months and horrible dry sore mouth - mornings are horribe my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth its so dry , another of the dreaded 66 symptoms im afraid .

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    yes last year i had a sore red tongue, lasted about 3 months then the burning started, thats gone now but ive started with red throat doesnt hurt and i get the dry mouth! i have anxiety and reflux x

  • Posted

    Hi Jo,

    Sorry you're going through a hard time but you're not alone. I don't know if it is the same thing, i can only go by my own experiences but i had a sore throat on and off for many yrs that drs kept saying it could be a virus or stress after a while it stopped coming and going and just stayed getting worse, then my tongue started burning. Again the drs fobbed me off. In the end when everything fell apart and it was discovered i was going through severe peri symptoms and i have burning mouth syndrome. i have severe left sided skin burning also but i am now on HRT have been for over a yr and that stopped a lot of the symptoms but not the burning. I was given Carbamazepine which is an anti- epileptic drug and that has mostly take it away though if im late with a dose i can feel it coming back and have break through burning pain during peaks of my odd cycle. Hope this helps. Good luck

  • Posted

    HI Joy,, have also had a sore red tongue for 6months everyday and it is very painful ,, Im sorry you have the sunburn thing sounds awful,, but did some research and zinc was supposed to help so started doing zinc it helped for about a month so I thought it went away so stopped taking it and it came right back so I need to start zinc again and see if it works..everything bothers the tongue mexican food which Ilove,, wine, anything spicy for sure and sometimes it just flat out hurts.... IM sorry girlie Hugs to youxxxx your not alone,,

  • Posted

    A recent symptomfor me is a dry mouth ormally on left side, sometimes a sore itchy feel to it which i think is the dryness irritating it, i did buy some dry mouth spray which seems to help, this symptom comes and go and only started four years post meno

    • Posted

      Exactly the same with me, mornings are horrible with my tongue literally being stuck to the roof of my mouth its so dry and same with it being five years plus total hysterectomy with no hrt ....: the things we go through are just awful .

    • Posted

      Yes I didnt have total hysterectomy but ovaries removed without hrt, it seems that we are never totally free of any symptoms!

    • Posted

      yes having ovaries removed with no hrt is really tough going , theres things we can do to help supplement but its knowing what ! thats why its a huge help to interact with other ladies in a similar situation .... its very difficult but not the end of our lives ...: i hope !! x

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