Sore Ribs

Posted , 2 users are following.

For the past 7 months now i have had pains in my right side just underneath my ribcage. It's a sharp twinge when I make certain movements or just a weird uncomfortable feeling when I am lying or sitting, it almost feels like movement and makes it difficult to get comfy. The pain goes right through to my back. At first I assumed that I'd pulled my wing muscle or it could be bruised or fractured ribs.To be fair i should just go to the doctor but I'm not good with doctor visits.So any ideas of what this could be or how to help would be much appreciated! smile Thanks.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Could be gallstones Skye, please don't be worried about going to the doctor, this is such a usual complaint.
  • Posted

    I didn't think of gallstones.
  • Posted

    Sorry didn't finish that last comment! lol. As i was saying, i didn't think of that. Just looked it up for more info and there's a few boxes ticked there! rolleyes Guess I'm gonna have to suck it up and phone my doctor. sad long overdue to be fair! let a few things take a backseat at the mo. Feel like i'm falling to pieces! lol

    Thank you for the advice.

  • Posted

    Skye-Ahh, I'm sorry for your pain. Help us help you. Please provide more info: age, gender, what tests you have had, allergies (food, drug, environmental), at onset of pain—what changed in your life, typical diet (…and if you change diet, what happens…), pain level on a scale of 1 to 10, can you NOT work, or NOT go to school, or NOT do mom duties, etc., where you live, what else? The internet is full of "undiagnosed abdominal pain" and hopefully you will NOT fall into that category! Get rest!!!
  • Posted

    Well truthfully Craig i haven't seen a doctor yet! Im bad for putting these things off! It's a bit of a phobia of mine!

    As for details, I'm female, 20yrs. From Scotland. No allergies, diet is mostly healthy, although admittedly some days i can be bad for skipping meals. I am a smoker, truthfully i smoke cannabis. Not huge amounts just a couple j's at the end of a night. No fags through the day.

    I have fairly recently had a rapid weight loss, (before the rib pain). I lost 3.5st in 2 months. And now im slowly gaining the weight back. And i can still work ok. The only thing its been affecting is i havent been able to do a workout for months, and trying to get comfy when im lying down is a mission. The pain mostly can be ignored it's just uncomfortable mostly. But if i move suddenly or just certain ways it will feel like a sharp stab that can knock the wind out of me.

  • Posted

    Hi Skye

    Rapid weight loss is a factor in causing gallstones.. Best to see your doctor .

  • Posted

    Yeah after your comment i had a look at gallstone symptoms, etc. and i noticed that. And a few other symptoms that i have but have just ignored. Had been hoping it would just be a simple muscle thing that would heal in its own time! But guess i'm going to the docs next week! rolleyes oh dear lol not a fun week! got the dentist too! lol i'm going in for the full m.o.t. next week! hehe
  • Posted

    And thank both of you's for the support and advice! this site is good for doctor-phobs! lol i'd have just left it if i hadn't realised it could be a bit more serious than i thought. Cheers guys!

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