Sore scalp, strange but is it anything anyone else has experienced

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Hello there,

                    My scalp is so sore but only on one side of my head, has anyone had this sensation?

I'm wandering if it's caused by hormone imbalance?

                        Mrs M rolleyes

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8 Replies

  • Edited

    Yes, I use to get it all the time. But, I read from a medical stand point that it comes from hair going against the natural direction or that it is also related to your teeth. And sure enough when I got my teeth cleaned that sensation went away. Things in this stage of life are much more sensitive than before.
  • Posted

    Oh Pat,

                  whatever next, atleast I don't feel like I did last week redface

    On nights again tmw and night after so I really should be ZZZZing

    thanks for your kind info

                           Good nite XXXcheesygrin

  • Posted

    That's weird, I've just googled that! Didn't get any sensible answers though.

    I feel like someone is pulling my hair out. It is worse around the crown of my head. It feels almost bruised. I asked my hairdresser to have a good look, she said everything looked fine, no marks no rash.

    since my teeth 

  • Posted

    there it goes again....

    Since my teeth are fine, I really don't know what the problem is?

    Glad I am not the only one.

    • Posted

      Oh I do remember that, too! Way back in the beginning. It hurt really bad and would have my friends check my scalp. It's part of this menophase. Felt like someone was pulling my hair and would sort of give me a headache. No fun, but taking motrin helped.
  • Edited

    Hi MrsMerm,

    Yes early peri (just thought it was me). I kept asking my husband and daughter to look. Changed shampoo, stopped wearing my hair up.

    It would come and go probably I had it on and off 4 years.

    I haven't had it for ages so it's one of the things that went on its own.

    My hair thinned quite a bit too.

    After my periods stopped it stopped thinning (thank goodness because at times I was worried I'd end up bald). Hair condition also improved post meno.

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    I also have that problem sometimes. Besides my scalp being very itchy, it feels like it hurts like I am trying to push it against its natural direction. Therefore I also stopped wearing a ponytail. Very annoying...
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    Well that's a relief (sorry to be so positive about a sore scalp), mine's be sore for a while now & it comes and goes - sort of along with the hot flushes. I kept thinking to change my shampoo - it's sort of like a burning sensation.

    I'm only 2 months since my last period and this has been happening since about Christmas. I was wondering the same - is it caused by a hormone imbalance. I'm off for an MRI and will be seeing Doctor at the end of the week to discuss. If I find out any helpful info I'll let you know.

    Take Care, hope it eases up soon.

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