Sore throat
Posted , 8 users are following.
Has anybody been having sore throats and nose constantly..feels like a get a cold but not really.. very annoying..😡
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Has anybody been having sore throats and nose constantly..feels like a get a cold but not really.. very annoying..😡
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jo4848 katie96233
For quite a few months I used to get this just before and during my period but it's stopped now.
ImagineOneDay katie96233
I used to last year. So annoying. I don't any more. But I use inhaler ever since.
littleme1969 katie96233
ImagineOneDay katie96233
2chr2015 ImagineOneDay
ImagineOneDay 2chr2015
Hi, I don't remember my glands swelling much it was just sore throat and feeling run down must of the time. And I repeatedly got it once a month usually around periods. I had it for about a year or so and I thought I was going crazy. I didn't make any connection with peri. But I am certain of the connection now. I don't have it any more. So please don't worry. It will pass. It is like all these symptoms we have due to peri. One goes away and other one comes. How nice!? Please don't worry. It will pass.
2chr2015 ImagineOneDay
Thank you Imagine. My glands (lymphnodes) aren't swollen. They just feel a little achy. So of course i worry about the worst. My poor husband. ((Hugs))
columba84250 katie96233
Hi Katie I just wrote about this the other day here. Yes soar throat off and on. I've taken antibiotics twice sense November 2016, I don't think it's an infection I've never felt this pain ever. But ever sense I entered menopause this symptom showed up. I feel like tightness and soar throat. I go like for two weeks without pain then it starts adding 😩 Lately it feels like it happens more often. It's not strep throat cause I was tested for that. Right now all I have to work with is i am thinking post nasal drip allergies or acid reflux. So I am doing saline nasal spray and avoiding all bad good even stopped eating meat and just eating veggies. It's stressful cause I have spent all last year at docs for one symptom or another Ct scans MRI X-rays you name it I had done last. So this year I am trying to pay off all my medical bills trying to avoid going to doctors. I hope you start feeling better and if you find something that helps or the reason why your throat hurts please let me know. I will let you know if I find something that helps. By the way my anxiety comes at 100% at times and I think I have theist cancer 😢.
2chr2015 columba84250
columba84250 2chr2015
2chr2015 columba84250
sheena4572 katie96233
I seem to have a sore throat that doesn't bother me on a morning but gets worse as the day goes on, kind of burning at the back of my mouth, I get really dry and also feel like I need to clear my throat but have no cough. Very irritating. The ladies on here said possibly burning mouth syndrome. I just sip water all day long. Hope you're feeling okay.
I've just read that back, no advice given sorry haha.
Big squishy hugs sent your way. Sheena xx
2chr2015 sheena4572
columba84250 sheena4572
Yes those are the exact symptoms I get I’ve been struggling with this for a year already 😩 how is yours feeling and how long has your hurt.