Sore throat
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Hello ladies. For the past 3 days i have a sore throat. I am not feeling sick at all just a sore throat. My glands sore also my jaw. Has anyone had this. Is this a part of peri and meno ? Thank you.
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tracy01120 hopeforever
Hi there. Yea it is definately part of Peri/menopause. im 51 and from April last year to November I too had sore throat, lump in throat feeling. I was freaking out going to dr appointments, consulting with friends, then I came across an article about globus hysteria. it's very common and has been around for decades. i have also read on this forum others who experience the same thing. I had such high anxiety thinking something bad was going on. Then one day i chalked that symptom and several others all up to being peri related. No more anxiety, lump in throat/sore throat gone. still have dizziness and rapid heart beat. ear pain on and off. Just dont overthink things ok, it only makes it worse. relax, drink tea, and know you are not alone. Everything's going to be alright. xo
hopeforever tracy01120
Thank you Tracy for your kind words. These 4 days had been so worrisome me thinking it is something other than peri. This morning it is not so bad hoping that it soon leaves. This peri and meno is something else. Everyday a new symptom . I am to the point where i just don't even care any more. The days where i feel great i value because i know right around the corner is another story. Good to hear that your anxiety, lump in throat, sore throat is gone. Can i ask you how long you have been in peri/meno ?
tracy01120 hopeforever
It all started for me last April with the lump in throat feeling. Then I'd get other strange symptoms like rapid erratic heart beats, heart fluttering, vivid crazy dreams sometimes several per night, ear pain, tiredness, loss of interest in things, no energy, dizziness, feeling like your drunk but your not...etc. So it's been about 10 months now. I had uterine Ablation years ago and it caused my periods to stop completely so I was unaware I was menopausal until getting on this forum and ready up on the many many symptoms of Menopause. itll be ok, we will get thru this! hugs to you. stay strong
Chickadeesgrl hopeforever
I came on the boards to seek advice and you are experiencing the same as me. I have had these symptoms for the past 8 weeks. My ears feel full and are ringing and the pain and throbbing radiates from my ears to my throat. i become dizzy some days. Then my throat becomes sore like it is going to close up. But there is no swelling. I have been to the doctor 3 times! She looks in my ears and says there is fluid and to continue on my antihistamine and decongestant. My throat looks fine. I do have post nasal drip. She has referred me to an ENT. I feel awful and have warm pads around my ears and throat. Then all of a sudden, all the pain and throbbing is gone! A few hours later it starts again. I am 12 months without a period and honestly feel like crap. I went for monthly massage and she massaged my neck, head and ears and she said my jaw and throat are really tight and tense. When I massage my throat (a great video I found on youtube), the pain will go away.