Sore throat for more than a month now. Is it covid-19 or peri menopause symptom? Causing me anxiety
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Hello all,
For the past month or so I've had a mild sore throat, doesn't hurt and I'm very aware of it,. Just really annoying as it begun more than a month ago and hasn't shown signs of leaving. Wonder if it is something insidious - corona, throat cancer, or maybe its a peri-menopause symptom. The fact that it is coinciding with the COVID-19 pandemic freaks me out. I have had some coughing acompanying it, but I'm not sure if it related the sore throat or something completely separate. Either way, I'm scared.
I will be calling my GP tomorrow to book an appointment to see him about this (if that is possible give the pandemic).
Any ladies suffering with the same? Given the duration, do you think it could be a peri symptom?
Thank you
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hopeforever libbylavada
libbylavada i am going through a sore throat right now and ear ache. I am not afraid thinking it is corona virus because this sore throat madness i had many times in the past. It is a part of peri and meno. My throat hurts so bad that i can't swallow. Its been going on since last night. I have been taking halls and drinking hot tea. It will soon leave suddenly, like it always does. Don't worry, try to relax. If you feel comfortable going to a drs office in this pandemic please be careful. I don't trust going to any medical building at this point. A medical building close to me had to be closed down because of 3 patients with corona. Your going there at your own risk. Please stay safe. We are all in this together. God bless
sara97862 libbylavada
Hi Libbylavada,
I have had sore throat often in peri... always when my allergies are acting up, or when reflux is acting up. or when my sinuses are acting up because of changing seasons. just so happens I am battling all 3 right now.
Warm drinks help... regular or herbal teas (with honey if you like it, but fine if you don't), warm coffee, broths, warm cocoa. Cool drinks help too... iced tea, sports drinks, lemonade. The Halls Breezers and Halls Defense drops are good... not as strong as cough drops but still soothing. Even regular peppermint or Life Savers or Butterscotch candies help.
Hang in there,
2chr2015 libbylavada
i have lpr since starting peri. i can control it with diet. google it and maybe try cutting out certain foods and see if it helps. it caused major anxiety for me as well when it first started
Keljo48 libbylavada
I just went through this. I also had a cough. But I suffer from slight allergies and silent reflux. I am 2.5 year post menopause. I had a terrible peri and post is not much better for me. So I have really bad health anxieties. I had a video conference on zoom with my NP. She said I don't exhibit enough symptoms to warrant testing for Covid19. I didn't have achy body, I didn't have a fever. etc. She said it could be allergies. (I live in Florida). My blood O2 was 98 to 100%. My temp was it's usual average 75.5. My bp was good, as was my pulse. (yes I have the ability to check all this at home).
I don't have any new aches and pains, just the usual ones that makes me worried it's a tumor or something most days. I feel better today. I think my cough and sore throat is diet related, or hormones or allergies. I gave up all caffeine months ago. I try and stay away from tomato based foods. Spicy foods. Chocolate. Mostly anyway. Tomatoes are a big no-no with me if I don't want to wake up with a cough/throat clearing.
My NP said they have plenty of tests at our local facility but they won't test me because I am not a 'candidate' for covid19. Well, we don't go out except to curbside pick up and we wear a mask when we do that now. My husband is working from home and it's just him and I .
I do think the sore throat issue for me can be hormone related (or silent reflux, or allegies). As I also know when the first of the month roles around the hormonal body crap hits the fan with me. It is a crap shoot what is going to be my issue of the next week and a half to two weeks.
I feel like.."Step right up Kelly, what is going to be this month? Skipping heart beats? Weird ovarian area pain? Constipation? Diarrhea? Gas? Bloating, Arthritis joint pain? Anxiety? Headaches?" Compound that with health anxiety and short temper...UGH and the usual digestion issues, weight issues. I think my NP may think I am a hypochondriac, but I am honest and say hormones are hell. She is about 7 years or so older than me and she gets it to some degree.
You might want to look up silent reflux (different than acid reflux). Coughing and sore throat is part of it. Especially off and on longer term sore throat. and sporadic coughing. Might not be, but just a thought. My sore throat would be worse at night and be better during the day.
I drink alkaline water and it helps to some degree and I sleep with the bed elevated but diet change is the key. I used to sleep on a wedge pillow until we got an adjustable base with our new mattress.
Just my two cents worth, might really be hormones. You can just call your Doctors office and tell them your worry and they should ask you Covid19 questions to see if you need testing or not. I would say if you have had a sore throat for a month or so that it is highly doubtful that it's CoVid19 in my non expert opinion. It could be hormone related.
My analogy is: Hormones are like a toxic relationship. We take them for granted until they start messing around on us. Still, we mourn their loss when they leave us and yet hate them when they come back once in awhile and start jerking us around again, making us feel like we don't even know who we are any more.
Hang in there!
Eliaimee1970 libbylavada
hello :
im 50 and i also have a mild soar throat not bad and itchy on top of the roof of the mouth i also feel congested on the head and right ear. my anxiety is at 10 anf i have been checking my tempeture since this pandemic started since im a essential worker . and i live in tve east coast of US the pollen is at his highest and I also suffer from acid reflux on top all that.
HopefulTrina libbylavada
Hi .. For months I had a itchy, scratchy throat. It really wasn't sore though. My PCP thought it was allergies or sinus drainage.
This Covid 19 pandemic has teally put fear and doubt in our minds wiith any symptom. Hoping your symptoms will be something simple too..
kelly55079 libbylavada
My spouse had a sore throat about a week. His throat hurt really bad and had trouble swallowing. Called an online Dr a few days ago and not sure he provided anything. Yesterday, he skyped his Doctor and also had a scheduled Corona test. I think he thought the Dr would prescribe something but they didn't. His corona test was negative. Today he felt much better and went to work.