Soy and digestive issues?
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Has anyone had trouble with soy milk or other soy foods causing digestive distress? I added soy milk to my diet a few weeks ago and then started having Crohn's problems. I scaled back what I was eating to Crohn's friendly foods, but kept the soy milk, and now I think it's making me sick.
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michelle46271 Guest
bobbysgirl Guest
As the majority of soy products are GM you are probably best to avoid them anyway.
jerry72101 Guest
That's strange I have been thinking the same about soya milk I have been taking milk in ceral for the past 3 month or so and stomach been a bit weird and I don't have any problem like yours. I have been reading up about soya and I think there is mixed messages about soya is it full of oestrogen ??
Guest jerry72101
bobbysgirl jerry72101
But my big concern with it is the GM thing. Much of the world's soya is what is known as 'Roundup ready'. It is resistant to a systemic herbicide. This herbicide has been found in breast milk!
Guest bobbysgirl
bobbysgirl Guest
Guest bobbysgirl
bobbysgirl Guest
Guest bobbysgirl
lisa326 Guest
Guest lisa326
frum48680 Guest
Yes. I don't have problems with soy, but my Mom can't tolerate it at all.
Try almond or coconut milk?
Guest frum48680
Yes, I do well with almond, and sometimes I also have almond coconut that is really good. I'd hoped there might be some health benefits with soy, but it doesn't seem so. Good to have other options, though.
jerry72101 Guest
As my last story is saying I have been taking vanilla soya milk for the last three month and just recently few weeks I have had cramps like periods staring but not had for three years. I stopped taking it for a few day started back yesterday and cramps came back. Would love to know if this is right or my imagination or just a complete coincidence.
What u guys think X
Guest jerry72101
Just by what you're observing, it sounds like there could be a connection.