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Newspaper coverage this week focused on whether soy could cause breast cancer to spread and the report by New York researchers found that high levels of soy protein genistein (found in soy milk and tofu) could accelerate the progression of breast cancer cells.

The facts

The study at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York examined women already diagnosed and being treated for the disease, but did not look at the effects for women not yet diagnosed or for use in prevention. This was a small-scale study of 140 women who already had recently had breast biopsies and were diagnosed with stage one or two breast cancer and were all scheduled to have a mastectomy or lumpectomy two to three weeks later.

For the study, half took soy protein powder containing genistein while the other half took a placebo for between seven and 30 days before their operation. When the scientists compared tumour tissues from before and after the operation they found changes in the expressions of certain genes that are known to promote cell growth only in those women taking the soy supplement.

Jacqueline Bromberg, co-author of the study, said: ‘Although the genes were being expressed, it is not clear that this will translate into actual tumour growth. But the concern is that there may be the potential.’ She went on to confirm that only 20 per cent of those patients who took the soy had really high levels of the genistein metabolite.

The changes were seen in women who consumed around 51.6 grams of soy – the equivalent of about four cups of soy milk a day.

Do you need to worry?

One of the reasons soy has been so popular over many years is it has benefit as a good source of protein for vegetarians and has been linked to the low incidence of breast cancer in countries where it is a staple food. However, its role has become more controversial in recent years and certainly women with a family history of breast cancer, and particularly those who have been diagnosed, are advised to avoid it.

The researchers concluded those who eat soy regularly could ‘reasonably consume a small amount’ through the course of a day, particularly vegetarians and those who do not eat dairy products. If you have no history or risk of breast cancer, and eat soy products in moderation, there is not a high risk at all, but this study seems to indicate that soy may exert a stimulating effect on breast cancer in a sub set of women already diagnosed

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi all you lovely ladies,

    Above I have posted this which was emailed over to me a short while ago and if I am right I can remember seeing on here the other day about taking Soy Milk.

    I personally do not take this but I know others do or have been advised to take it.

    Massive hugs to you all and hope that you all have a bright and happy day!!



    • Posted

      Hi Joy


      i put some imfo on yesterday about Soya milk

      i bought some and have tipped it away..

      not good for you it seems 

      and poor fellas ... Get moobs by drinking it 

      not for me this soya 

      jay xx


    • Posted

      Soy Found ****Ineffective at Relieving Hot Flashes, Bone Loss

      A new study of women taking either soy isoflavone tablets or a placebo for two years found no difference regarding changes in bone mineral density in the spine, hip or neck, while a significantly larger proportion of participants in the soy group experienced hot flashes.

      So, clearly, soy supplements actually did more harm than good.

      In case you were wondering, the reason why soy was initially targeted as a potential menopause "treatment" is because of two natural drugs it contains -- genistein and daidzein -- which mimic estrogen Menopause occurs when you stop producing estrogen and progesterone, and your periods cease.

      So, it seemed sensible to scientists that replacing those hormones would alleviate menopausal symptoms.

      When this was done artificially using synthetic hormones like Premarin, Prempak C, Premique ( HRT ) made from pregnant Mares Urine, negative side effects, such as an increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease and insulin levels resulted.

      So soy was considered a "natural" alternative. Unfortunately, the vast majority of soy at your local market is not a health food, nor a substance I would advise taking in supplemental form for menopause or any other condition. 

    • Posted

      Continued .. soy - soya milk 

      Most Soy is Not a Safe Solution for Menopause Relief

      Unlike the Asian culture, where people eat small amounts of whole, mostly fermented non-GMO soybean products, western food processors separate the soybean into two golden commodities—protein and oil. And there is nothing natural or safe about these products or the vast majority of unfermented soy on the market.

      Soy contains hormonal mimics in the form of isoflavones, which can not only disrupt delicate hormone systems in your body, but also act as goitrogens, substances that suppress your thyroid function.

      When the thyroid is suppressed, a host of health problems result, namely:

      Anxiety and mood swings


      Difficulty losing weight

      Difficulty conceiving children

      Digestive problems and food allergies

      Soy foods also contain anti-nutritional factors such as saponins, soyatoxin, phytates, protease inhibitors, oxalates, goitrogens and estrogens.

      Some of these factors interfere with the enzymes you need to digest protein. While a small amount of anti-nutrients would not likely cause a problem, the amount of soy that many Americans are now eating is extremely high and poses a health threat for many.

      The two worst soy products though are infant soy formula and soy protein powders.

       there simply is never any reason you or anyone you love should be using these products. 

    • Posted

      Continued ...

      Soy supplements are reputed to stave off hot flashes, night sweats, and other uncomfortable menopausal symptoms.  

      But the latest in a series of disappointing studies finds that soy supplements do not actually have any such effect, they do not reduce the aging-related bone loss that can lead to osteoporosis.

      During menopause, a woman's body produces less estrogen and progesterone.

      Soy protein has been considered a possible treatment ever since researchers observed that women in Asia tend to have lower rates of bone loss and osteoporosis.

      "So if soy isn't beneficial, what options are women left with?

      To prevent bone loss, women should stick with the basics ... That means getting enough calcium and vitamin D & exercising regularly".


      Soy is widely promoted as a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in relieving hot flashes, bone loss and other symptoms of menopause.

      And since soy is a natural food, many health-conscious women mistakenly believe it is a safe choice.

      If you are currently taking soy to relieve your menopausal symptoms, you should know that not only is it ineffective, it could actually be damaging your health.


    • Posted

      Jay you do ,do some homework on these thing ,always interesting what you manage to find .Me can stand Soy milk ,only had a taste from a mate who has allergies ,and can't drink Cows milk .I told her forget Soy for me ,but she still has it ,will tell her .xx
  • Posted

    HI Joy

    scary stuff isnt it ..

    i bought a Soya Milk ... But before i drank any ..

    i do the research..

    i googled ... Soya milk bad for you ( rather then just Soya Milk ) 

                        Soya milk for menopause 

    and below where some of my findings ..

    also .. Men... Avoid avoid ... it may encourage Moobs ( Male breasts)

    so down the sink it went 

    thanks for your info too .. Just shows you ... Do your research .. 

    Hope your well 

    jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay,

      I am feeling good thanks;  Just had my accupunture lady turn up and gave me my pins and she said that i was in a good place with my pulses etc so have now reduced my sessions with her to forthnightly as I felt in a good place since her last visit which was two weeks ago (before my hols) and despite loosing Millie last week to cancer I have gone back to my good way of looking at things and kept myself busy so I didn't over think about things!! 

      That article about Soy Milk was emailed across to me and I am sure I could remember seeing someone on here recommending to others to take it. So thought about posting it so they could make their own minds up.

      Hope that you are feeling good aswell!




    • Posted

      Hi Joy

      yes i saw that too ... Thats why i also posted the above yesterday about the concerns Soya Milk and Soy supplements .. To the person recommending it, so they were also aware ... 

      this is good you did a new heading about it ..

      yes like you say, they make their own minds up on it ..

      read the doom and decide whether  take the risk or not ..

      so pleased your in a good state of mind ... Positive is the key ...

      i am okay too, other non menopause niggles for me, the menopause is fine.

      may have to borrow your pins for sticking in the wrong places in someone .



      take care 

      jay xx


  • Posted

    I to was drinking soy milk after reading it on this or maybe it was another board, only for about a month, but when I was at the doctors 2 weeks ago and go the all clear from my ultra sound, the doctor asked me what supplements I take and I also mentioned soy she said to me, "you can stop drinking that right away"

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